1 look
look [lʊk]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. noun2. plural noun5. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. nouna. ( = glance) do you want a look? tu veux jeter un coup d'œil ?• and now for a quick look at the papers et maintenant, les grands titres de vos journaux► to have/take a look• take a look at this! regarde !• take a good look! regarde bien !• to take a long hard look at o.s. (psychologically) faire son autocritique• I just want to have a look round (in town) je veux simplement faire un tour ; (in a shop) je ne fais que regarderb. ( = expression) regard m• I told her what I thought and if looks could kill, I'd be dead (inf) je lui ai dit ce que je pensais et elle m'a fusillé du regardc. ( = search) to have a look for sth chercher qch• have another look! cherche bien !d. ( = appearance) air m• you can't go by looks(PROV) il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences2. plural nouna. ( = see, glance) regarder• look over there! regarde là-bas !• look! regarde !• look what a mess you've made! regarde le gâchis que tu as fait !• look who's here! (inf) regarde qui est là !• to look the other way ( = avert one's eyes) détourner le regard ; (figurative) fermer les yeux (fig) (PROV) look before you leap il faut réfléchir avant d'agir► to look + adverb/preposition• look here, we must discuss it first (inf) écoutez, il faut d'abord en discuter• look here, that isn't what I said! (inf) dites donc, ce n'est pas (du tout) ce que j'ai dit !• she looked into his eyes elle l'a regardé droit dans les yeux ; (romantically) elle a plongé son regard dans le sien• to look over sb's shoulder regarder par-dessus l'épaule de qn ; (figurative) être constamment sur le dos de qnb. ( = face) [building] donnerc. ( = search) chercherd. ( = seem) avoir l'air• how do I look? comment me trouves-tu ?• how does it look to you? qu'en pensez-vous ?• try to look as if you're glad to see them! essaie d'avoir l'air content de les voir !• it doesn't look as if he's coming on dirait qu'il ne va pas venir► to look + adjective/noun• how are you getting on with your autobiography? -- it's looking good comment avance ton autobiographie ? -- elle avance bien• it makes him look ten years older/younger ça le vieillit/rajeunit de dix ans• how pretty you look! comme vous êtes jolie !• what does he look like? comment est-il ?• it looks like salt ( = seems) on dirait du sel• look where you're going! regarde où tu vas !• look what you've done now! regarde ce que tu as fait !5. compounds• our team didn't have or get a look-in notre équipe n'a jamais eu la moindre chance de gagner[+ invalid, child, animal, plant] s'occuper de ; [+ one's possessions] prendre soin de ; [+ finances] gérer• look after yourself! (inf) prends soin de toi !• she's quite old enough to look after herself elle est assez grande pour se débrouiller (inf) toute seule• will you look after my bag for me? tu peux surveiller mon sac ?• I'm looking ahead at what might happen j'essaie d'imaginer ce qui pourrait se passer► look around intransitive verb regarder autour de soia. ( = observe) [+ person, object] regarder• just look at this mess! regarde un peu ce fouillis !• just look at you! (inf) regarde de quoi tu as l'air !• to look at him you would never think that... à le voir, on n'imaginerait pas que...b. ( = consider) [+ situation, problem] examinerc. ( = check) vérifier ; ( = see to) s'occuper de• will you look at the carburettor? pourriez-vous vérifier le carburateur ?d. ( = have in prospect) (inf) you're looking at a minimum of £65 ça va vous coûter 65 livres au minimum• they are looking at savings of $3 million les économies pourraient atteindre 3 millions de dollars► look away intransitive verb détourner les yeux ( from de ) ; (figurative) fermer les yeux• looking back, I'm surprised I didn't suspect anything avec le recul, je suis étonné de n'avoir rien soupçonné• to look back on sth ( = remember, evaluate) repenser à qch• when they look back on this match... lorsqu'ils repenseront à ce match...• we can look back over 20 years of happy marriage nous avons derrière nous 20 ans de bonheur conjugal► look behind intransitive verb regarder en arrière• don't look down or you'll fall ne regarde pas en bas, sinon tu vas tomber► look down on inseparable transitive verba. ( = despise) mépriserb. ( = overlook) dominer• the castle looks down on the valley le château domine la vallée► look for inseparable transitive verba. ( = seek) [+ object, work] chercher[+ event, meal, trip, holiday] attendre avec impatience• I look forward to the day when... j'attends avec impatience le jour où...• are you looking forward to your birthday? tu te réjouis pour ton anniversaire ?• I'm really looking forward to it je m'en réjouis à l'avance► look in intransitive verb regarder à l'intérieur• the doctor will look in again tomorrow le docteur repassera demain► look into inseparable transitive verb( = examine) examiner• there's obviously been a mistake. I'll look into it il y a dû y avoir une erreur. Je vais m'en occuper► look on• they just looked on while the raiders escaped ils ont regardé les bandits s'enfuir sans intervenira. ( = look outside) regarder dehorsb. ( = take care) faire attention• I told you to look out! je t'avais bien dit de faire attention !• look out! attention !• I've looked out the minutes of the meeting j'ai trouvé le procès-verbal de la réunion► look out for inseparable transitive verba. ( = look for) chercher ; ( = watch out for) [+ sth good] essayer de repérer ; [+ danger] se méfier deb. ( = look after) (inf) [+ person] s'occuper de[+ document, list] parcourir ; [+ goods, produce] inspecter ; [+ town, building] visiter ; [+ person] (quickly) jeter un coup d'œil à ; (slowly) regarder de la tête aux piedsa. ( = glance about) regarder (autour de soi)b. ( = search) chercherc. ( = look back) se retourner• don't look round! ne vous retournez pas !a. ( = scan) [+ mail] regarder ; (thoroughly) [+ papers, book] examiner ; (briefly) [+ papers, book] parcourirb. ( = revise) [+ lesson] réviser ; ( = re-read) [+ notes] relirec. ( = ignore) he just looked right through me (inf) il a fait comme s'il ne me voyait pas► look to inseparable transitive verba. ( = seek help from) se tourner vers• many sufferers look to alternative therapies de nombreux malades se tournent vers les médecines parallèlesb. ( = think of) penser àc. ( = seek to) chercher àa. ( = seek out) (inf) [+ person] passer voir• look me up the next time you are in London passez me voir la prochaine fois que vous serez à Londresb. (in reference book) [+ name, word] chercher[+ reference book] consulter( = admire) admirer* * *[lʊk] 1.1) ( glance) coup m d'œilto have ou take a look at something — jeter un coup d'œil à or sur quelque chose
to have ou take a good look at — fig examiner [quelque chose] soigneusement; lit regarder [quelque chose] de près
to have a look inside/behind something — regarder à l'intérieur de/derrière quelque chose
to have a look round — faire un tour de [house, town]
to have a look through — ( scan) chercher dans [archives, files]; parcourir [essay, report]
to take a long hard look at something — fig étudier sérieusement quelque chose
2) ( search)3) ( expression) regard ma look of sadness/anger — un regard triste/rempli de colère
he got some odd ou funny looks — on l'a regardé d'un drôle d'air
from the look on his face... — à son expression...
4) ( appearance) ( of person) air m; (of building, scenery) aspect mI like the look of him — il a l'air sympa (colloq)
by the look of him... — à le voir...
5) ( style) look (colloq) m2.looks plural noun3.to keep one's looks — rester beau/belle
transitive verb1) (gaze, stare) regarderto look somebody in the eye/in the face — regarder quelqu'un dans les yeux/en face
to look somebody up and down — ( appraisingly) regarder quelqu'un de haut en bas
2) ( appear)4.1) regarder ( into dans; over par-dessus)to look away — détourner le regard or les yeux
to look the other way — lit regarder ailleurs; fig fermer les yeux
I didn't know where to look — fig je ne savais plus où me mettre; ( in shop)
2) ( search) chercher, regarderto look down — parcourir [list]
3) (appear, seem) avoir l'air, paraîtreyou look good enough to eat! — tu es mignon/-onne à croquer! (colloq)
it looks to me as if ou like... (colloq) — j'ai l'impression que...
it looks likely that — il semble probable que (+ subj)
it looks certain that — il semble certain que (+ indic)
to look like somebody/something — ressembler à quelqu'un/quelque chose
you look like being the only man there — il y a de fortes chances pour que tu sois le seul homme présent
4) ( listen) écoute5) ( be oriented)5.to look north — [house, room] être orienté au nord
- looking combining formdistinguished-looking — [person] à l'air distingué
sinister-looking — [place] à l'aspect sinistre
Phrasal Verbs:- look at- look for- look in- look on- look out- look to- look up••if looks could kill... — il/elle etc m'a fusillé du regard
2 look
A n1 ( glance) coup m d'œil ; to have ou take a look at sth ( briefly) jeter un coup d'œil à or sur qch ; ( closely) examiner qch ; to have ou take a good look at examiner [qch] soigneusement [car, contract, patient] ; regarder [qch] de près [suspect, photo] ; I didn't get a good look at the thief je n'ai pas bien vu le voleur ; to have a look inside/behind sth regarder à l'intérieur de/derrière qch ; to have a look round faire un tour de [house, town] ; I had a quick look round ( in town) j'ai fait un petit tour ; ( in shop) j'ai jeté un coup d'œil ; to have a look round the shops faire le tour des magasins ; to have a look through ( peer) regarder dans [telescope] ; regarder par [crack, window] ; ( scan) chercher dans [archives, files] ; parcourir [essay, report] ; she took one look at him and screamed elle l'a regardé et s'est mise à crier ; I took one look at him and knew that he was ill j'ai tout de suite vu qu'il était malade ; let's have a look at that grazed knee voyons ce genou écorché ; to take a long hard look at sth fig étudier sérieusement qch ;2 ( search) to have a look chercher ; to have a look for sth chercher qch ; I've had several looks j'ai regardé or cherché plusieurs fois ; I had a good look in the attic j'ai bien cherché dans le grenier ;3 ( expression) regard m ; a look of fear/anger un regard rempli de terreur/de colère ; a look of sadness un regard triste ; to give sb a kind/pitying look regarder qn avec bonté/pitié ; he gave me a look of sheer hatred il m'a lancé or jeté un regard de pure haine ; did you see the look he gave me? tu as vu le regard qu'il m'a jeté? ; she gave me such a look! elle m'a jeté un de ces regards! ; he got some odd ou funny looks on l'a regardé d'un drôle d'air ; I don't like the look on his face ou in his eye je n'aime pas son air ; you could tell from the look on his face that à sa tête ○ on voyait que ; to give sb a dirty/evil look regarder qn d'un sale œil/d'un air méchant ;4 ( appearance) ( of person) air m ; (of building, car, design, scenery) aspect m ; to have a look of weariness/sadness about one avoir l'air abattu/triste ; the car has a dated look la voiture ne fait pas très moderne ; she has a look of her father about her elle a quelque chose de son père ; to have the look of a military man/seasoned traveller avoir l'allure d'un militaire/d'un voyageur expérimenté ; I like the look of it ça a l'air bien ; I like the look of the new computer/car j'aime bien la ligne du nouvel ordinateur/de la nouvelle voiture ; I like the look of him il a l'air sympa ○, il a une bonne tête ○ ; I don't like the look of him il ne m'inspire pas confiance ; I don't like the look of the weather le ciel n'annonce rien de bon ; I don't like the look of that rash ces rougeurs m'inquiètent ; by the look(s) of him he must be about 40 à le voir on lui donnerait la quarantaine ; by the look(s) of the barometer à en juger par le baromètre ;B looks npl he's got the looks, but can he act? il a le physique, mais sait-il jouer? ; looks aren't everything il n'y a pas que la beauté qui compte ; to keep one's looks rester beau/belle ; he's losing his looks il n'est pas aussi beau qu'autrefois ; you can't go ou judge by looks alone il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences.C vtr1 (gaze, stare) regarder ; look what he's done! regarde ce qu'il a fait! ; look how/where… regarde comment/où… ; to look sb in the eye/in the face regarder qn dans les yeux/en face ; to look sb up and down ( appraisingly) regarder qn de haut en bas ; ( critically) toiser qn des pieds à la tête ; to look one's last on jeter un dernier regard sur [house, view] ; look what arrived this morning regarde ce qui est arrivé ce matin ; look who it is! regarde qui voilà! ; look who's just walked in! regarde qui vient d'arriver! ; now look what you've done! regarde ce que tu as fait! ; look what time it starts! tu as vu à quelle heure ça commence! ;2 ( appear) to look one's age faire son âge ; to look one's best être à son avantage ; she still looks the same elle n'a pas changé ; to look an idiot ou a fool avoir l'air ridicule ; it won't look good if you refuse ça sera mal vu si tu refuses ; he doesn't look himself today il n'a pas l'air dans son assiette aujourd'hui.D vi1 regarder (into dans ; over par-dessus) ; to look and see who's at the door regarder qui est à la porte ; to look and see what's on TV regarder ce qu'il y a à la télé ; to look at sb/sth regarder qn/qch ; to look away détourner le regard or les yeux ; to look in at the window regarder (à l'intérieur) par la fenêtre ; to look out of ou through the window regarder par la fenêtre ; to look the other way lit regarder ailleurs ; fig fermer les yeux ; to look up and down the street regarder partout dans la rue ; I didn't know where to look fig je ne savais plus où me mettre ; ( in shop) I'm just looking je ne fais que regarder ;2 ( search) chercher, regarder ; to look down parcourir [list] ; to look for sth chercher qch ; a group of youths looking for trouble une bande de jeunes qui cherchent la bagarre ; are you looking for a smack in the mouth ○ ? tu veux mon poing sur la figure ○ ? ;3 (appear, seem) avoir l'air, paraître ; he looks happy il a l'air heureux, il paraît heureux ; it's nice to see you looking happy ça fait plaisir de te voir heureux ; you look hot/cold tu as l'air d'avoir chaud/froid ; he doesn't look French il n'a pas l'air français, il ne fait pas français ; he looks young for his age il fait or il paraît jeune pour son âge ; she's 40 but she doesn't look it elle a 40 ans mais elle ne les fait pas ; he looks about 50 il doit avoir la cinquantaine ; that dress makes you look younger cette robe te rajeunit ; how do I look? comment me trouves-tu? ; you look well tu as bonne mine ; you don't look well tu as mauvaise mine ; you look good in that hat ce chapeau te va bien ; you look good enough to eat! tu es mignon à croquer ○ ! ; that cake looks good ce gâteau a l'air bon ; the picture will look good in the study le tableau ira bien dans le bureau ; how does my tie look? comment est ma cravate? ; it doesn't look straight il n'est pas droit, il est de travers ; it doesn't look right ça ne va pas ; how does it look to you? qu'est-ce que tu en penses? ; it looks OK to me ça m'a l'air d'aller ; does the meat look cooked to you? est-ce que tu crois que la viande est cuite? ; things are looking good les choses se présentent bien ; things aren't looking too good ça ne va pas très bien ; it looks to me as if ou though j'ai l'impression que ; this looks to me like the right street j'ai l'impression que c'est la bonne rue ; it looks as if ou though it will rain/snow on dirait qu'il va pleuvoir/neiger ; it looks likely that il semble probable que (+ subj) ; it looks certain that il semble certain que (+ indic) ; he looks to be the strongest il semble être le plus fort ; it looks to be a question of time/money ça a l'air d'être une question de temps/d'argent ;4 to look like sb/sth ressembler à qn/qch ; it doesn't look anything like a Picasso! ça ne ressemble absolument pas à un Picasso! ; that photograph doesn't look like you ou looks nothing like you on ne te reconnaît pas du tout sur cette photo ; what does she look like? comment est-elle? ; what does the house look like? comment est la maison? ; it looks like being funny/interesting cela promet d'être amusant/intéressant ; you look like being the only man there il y a de fortes chances pour que tu sois le seul homme présent ; she looks like being the first to finish il y a de fortes chances pour qu'elle soit la première à finir ; it looks like he's dying tout porte à croire qu'il est mourant ; it looks like rain/snow on dirait qu'il va pleuvoir/neiger ; it certainly looks like it ça en a tout l'air ; ‘are you having trouble?’ ‘what does it look like?’ iron ‘tu as des ennuis?’ ‘à ton avis?’ iron ; what does it look like to you? murder? qu'en pensez-vous? c'est un meurtre? ; it looks like cancer to me je pense que c'est un cancer ; you look like you could do with a drink/bath j'ai l'impression qu'un verre d'alcool/un bain ne te ferait pas de mal ;5 ( also look here) écoute ; look, this is ridiculous écoute, c'est ridicule ; look, it wasn't my fault écoute, ce n'était pas ma faute ; look here, I'm in no mood for jokes écoute-moi bien, je ne suis pas d'humeur à plaisanter ;E - looking (dans composés) serious/distinguished-looking [person] à l'air sérieux/distingué ; dubious/sinister-looking [place, object] à l'aspect douteux/sinistre ; he's not bad-looking il n'est pas mal.if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now il/elle/etc m'a fusillé du regard.■ look about = look around.■ look after:▶ look after [sb/sth]1 ( care for) soigner [patient, sick animal] ; garder [child] ; s'occuper de [customer, guest] ; s'occuper de [animal, plant] ; entretenir [car, equipment] ; prendre soin de [belongings, toys] ; he's being looked after by his grand-parents ce sont ses grand-parents qui le gardent ; these books have been well looked after on a pris soin de ces livres ; to look after sb's needs satisfaire les besoins de qn ;2 ( be responsible for) s'occuper de [administration, finances, business, shop] ; surveiller [class, schoolchildren] ; to look after sb's interests veiller aux intérêts de qn ; look after my luggage, I'll be back in a minute! surveille mes bagages, je reviens tout de suite! ;1 ( cope) she's too frail to look after herself elle est trop fragile pour se débrouiller toute seule ; I'm old enough to look after myself je suis assez grand pour me débrouiller tout seul ;2 ( be careful) safe journey, and look after yourself bon voyage, sois prudent!■ look ahead lit regarder devant soi ; fig regarder vers l'avenir ; we must look ahead to the future now nous devons penser à l'avenir maintenant ; she's looking ahead to the next Olympics elle se prépare pour les prochains jeux Olympiques ; and now, looking ahead to tomorrow's programmes Radio, TV et maintenant, un aperçu des émissions de demain.■ look around:1 ( turn around) se retourner ;2 ( glance around) regarder autour de soi ; to look around at one's friends/ colleagues fig passer en revue ses amis/collègues ;3 ( search) chercher ; to look around for sb/sth chercher qn/qch ;▶ look around [sth] visiter [church, town] ; faire le tour de [room] ; they spent the morning looking around London/the shops ils ont passé la matinée à visiter Londres/à faire les magasins.■ look at:▶ look at [sth]1 gen regarder ; ( briefly) jeter un coup d'œil sur ; look at the state of you! regarde un peu de quoi tu as l'air! ; just look at the state of this room! regarde un peu l'état de cette pièce! ; look at this coat/book! regarde-moi ○ ce manteau/ce livre! ; just look at this! regarde-moi ça ○ ! ; you'd never guess, to look at her à la voir on ne devinerait jamais ; he's/it's not much to look at il/ça ne paie pas de mine ;2 ( examine) vérifier [equipment] ; [doctor] examiner [patient, wound] ; [workman] jeter un coup d'œil à [car, plumbing] ; étudier [problem, implications, effects, ways, offer, options] ; you should get that wound looked at tu devrais faire examiner cette blessure (par le médecin) ;3 (see, view) voir [life, events, situation] ; envisager [problem] ; try and look at it my way essaie de voir les choses de mon point de vue ; his way of looking at things sa façon de voir les choses ; look at it this way, if he offers, I won't refuse écoute, s'il me fait une proposition, je ne la refuserai pas ; that's how I look at it c'est comme ça que je vois les choses ; the problem needs to be looked at from all angles il faut envisager ce problème sous tous ses aspects ; you can't be too careful, look at Tom! il faut être très prudent, regarde ce qui est arrivé à Tom! ;4 ( face) to be looking at [firm] être au bord de [bankruptcy, collapse] ; [criminal] risquer [life sentence, fine] ; you're looking at major repairs here dites-vous bien qu'il s'agit ici de réparations importantes ; you're looking at a bill for about 3,000 dollars ça va vous coûter aux alentours de 3 000 dollars.■ look back:1 ( turn around) se retourner ; to look back at sb/sth se retourner pour regarder qn/qch ;2 (reflect, reminisce) let's look back to the year 1964 revenons à l'année 1964 ; if we look back to the 19th century si l'on considère le dix-neuvième siècle ; since then she's never looked back depuis tout s'est très bien passé pour elle ; to look back on se tourner sur [past] ; repenser à [experience] ; faire le bilan de [career, marriage] ; looking back on it, I think I made the right decision rétrospectivement, je pense que j'ai pris la bonne décision.■ look down:▶ look down (with modesty, shame) baisser les yeux ; ( from a height) regarder en bas ; from the hilltop she looked down on the city elle regardait la ville du haut de la colline ;▶ look down on [sb/sth]1 ( despise) mépriser [person, lifestyle] ;■ look for:▶ look for [sb/sth] ( search for) chercher qn/qch ;▶ look for [sth] ( expect) attendre [commitment, co-operation, result, reward] (from de) ; what I'm looking for from you is a guarantee ce que j'attends de vous c'est une garantie ; what do you look for in a new recruit? qu'est-ce que vous attendez d'une nouvelle recrue?■ look forward: to look forward to [sth] attendre [qch] avec impatience ; I was so looking forward to it j'attendais ça avec tant d'impatience, je m'en faisais une telle joie ; she's looking forward to going on holiday elle a hâte de partir en vacances ; I'm not looking forward to the interview/party la perspective de l'entretien/la fête ne me réjouit pas ; I look forward to hearing from you ( writing to a friend) j'espère avoir bientôt de tes nouvelles ; ( in formal correspondence) dans l'attente de votre réponse.■ look in1 ( pay a visit) passer ; I'll look in again tomorrow je repasserai demain ; to look in on passer voir [person, class, rehearsals] ; look in on the baby and check she's still asleep va voir si le bébé dort ;2 ( watch TV) if there are any viewers looking in who want more details, please contact us les téléspectateurs qui désirent obtenir plus de renseignements peuvent nous contacter.■ look into:▶ look into [sth] examiner, étudier [matter, possibility, problem] ; examiner [accounts, background] ; enquêter sur [death, disappearance, theft].■ look on:▶ look on [crowd, spectators] regarder ; we looked on admiringly as she danced nous l'avons regardée danser avec admiration ; I was forced to look on as the house was ransacked j'ai été forcé d'assister au pillage de la maison ;▶ look on [sb/sth] considérer [person, event etc] (as comme ; with avec) ; we look on him as a son nous le considérons comme notre fils ; I look on it as a privilege je considère que c'est un privilège.■ look onto:▶ look onto [sth] [house, room] donner sur [sea, garden, street].■ look out:▶ look out ( take care) faire attention (for à) ; ( be wary) se méfier (for de) ; you must look out for snakes faites attention aux serpents ; look out for motorists turning out of side roads méfiez-vous des automobilistes qui débouchent des petites routes ; look out! attention! ;▶ look out for [sb/sth] guetter [person] ; être à l'affût de [new recruits, talent] ; être à la recherche de [apartment, book] ; guetter l'apparition de [signs, symptoms] ; repérer [cases, examples] ; être à l'affût de [bargain, special offer] ;▶ look out for [oneself] se débrouiller tout seul, s'occuper de soi ;▶ look out over [sth] [window, balcony] donner sur [sea, park].■ look over:▶ look [sb] over passer [qn] en revue [new recruits, troops] ;▶ look [sth] over examiner [car, equipment] ; [vet] examiner [animal] ; get an expert to look the car over before you buy it fais examiner la voiture par un spécialiste avant de l'acheter ;▶ look over [sth]1 ( read) ( in detail) examiner [document, contract] ; ( rapidly) parcourir [essay, lines, notes] ; jeter un coup d'œil sur, parcourir [document, report] ; I'll get Rose to look it over quickly je demanderai à Rose d'y jeter un petit coup d'œil ;2 ( visit) visiter [factory, gardens, house].1 ( look behind one) se retourner ; she looked round to see who it was elle s'est retournée pour voir qui c'était ;2 ( look about) regarder autour de soi ; I'm just looking round ( in shop) je ne fais que regarder ; we're looking round for a new house nous cherchons une nouvelle maison ;▶ look round [sth] visiter [town, building].■ look through:▶ look through [sth]1 ( read) consulter [archive, material, files] ; parcourir [essay, list, script, report, notes] ; ( scan idly) feuilleter [book, magazine] ;2 ( search) fouiller dans [belongings, drawers, briefcase] ; I caught him looking through my diary je l'ai trouvé en train de lire mon journal intime ; try looking through that pile of papers regarde dans cette pile de papiers ;▶ look through [sb] faire semblant de ne pas voir [person].■ look to:▶ look to [sb/sth]1 ( rely on) compter sur qn/qch (for pour ; to do pour faire) ; they look to him for leadership ils comptent sur lui pour les diriger ;2 ( turn to) se tourner vers [future] ; he looked to his friends for support il s'est tourné vers ses amis pour qu'ils le soutiennent ;▶ look to do ( expect) espérer faire ; we're looking to break even/make a profit nous espérons rentrer dans nos frais/faire des bénéfices.■ look up:▶ look up1 ( raise one's eyes) lever les yeux (from de) ;2 ( raise one's head) lever la tête ; to look up at the clouds/tree-tops regarder les nuages/le sommet des arbres ;3 ( improve) [business, prospects] aller mieux ; [conditions, situation] s'améliorer ; [property market] reprendre ; things are looking up for us les choses s'arrangent pour nous ;▶ look up [sth] regarder à l'intérieur de [chimney] ; to look up sb's skirt regarder sous la jupe de qn ;▶ look [sb/sth] up, look up [sb/sth]1 ( check in book) chercher [address, phone number, price, word] (in dans) ; look his number up in the phone book cherche son numéro de téléphone dans l'annuaire ;2 ( visit) passer voir [acquaintance, friend] ; look me up if you're ever in New York passez me voir or faites-moi signe si jamais vous vous trouvez à New York ;▶ look up to [sb] admirer [person]. -
3 look
I 1. [lʊk]1) (glance) occhiata f., sguardo m.to have o take a look at sth. dare un'occhiata a o guardare qcs.; to have o take a good look at esaminare o osservare attentamente; to have a look inside sth. dare un'occhiata dentro qcs.; to have a look round the shops dare un'occhiata ai negozi; to have a look through guardare in [ telescope]; guardare da [ window]; cercare in [ archives]; dare una scorsa a, scorrere [essay, report]; I took one look at him and knew that he was ill mi è bastata una sola occhiata per capire che era malato; to take a long hard look at sth. — fig. esaminare attentamente qcs
2) (search)3) (expression) sguardo m., espressione f.to give sb. a kind look — guardare qcn. con gentilezza
to give sb. a dirty o evil look lanciare un'occhiataccia a qcn.; you could tell from the look on his face that — dalla sua espressione si vedeva che
4) (appearance) (of person) aspetto m., aria f.; (of building, car) aspetto m., linea f.she has a look of her father — ha qualcosa di o ricorda suo padre
I don't like the look of him — non mi piace il suo aspetto, non mi ispira fiducia
by the look(s) of him — all'apparenza, a giudicare dal suo aspetto
5) (style) look m., stile m.2.he's got the looks, but can he act? — è bello, ma sa recitare?
••II 1. [lʊk]if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now — = mi ha fulminato con lo sguardo
1) (gaze, stare) guardareto look sb. in the eye, in the face — guardare qcn. negli occhi, in faccia
to look sb. up and down — guardare o squadrare qcn. dalla testa ai piedi
2) (appear)2.1) guardare ( into in; over sopra)to look at sb., sth. — guardare qcn., qcs.
to look away — distogliere lo sguardo, guardare da un'altra parte
to look out of o through the window guardare dalla finestra; I'm just looking — (in shop) sto solo guardando
2) (search) cercare, guardareto look down — scorrere [ list]
3) (appear, seem) sembrarehe looks happy, hot — sembra felice, sembra che abbia caldo
it looks as if o though it will rain sembra che voglia piovere; it looks likely, certain that — sembra probabile, certo che
4)to look like sb., sth. — assomigliare a qcn., qcs.
that photograph doesn't look like you o looks nothing like you non sembri (assolutamente) tu in quella fotografia; what does the house look like? com'è la casa? it looks like being funny sembra (che sia) divertente; it looks like rain sembra che voglia piovere; it certainly looks like it — ne ha tutta l'aria
look here, I'm in no mood for jokes — guarda, non sono in vena di scherzi
to look south — [house, room] dare a sud
•- look at- look for- look in- look on- look out- look to- look up* * *[luk] 1. verb1) (to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc: He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).) guardare2) (to seem: It looks as if it's going to rain; She looks sad.) sembrare, apparire3) (to face: The house looks west.) guardare a, dare su2. noun1) (the act of looking or seeing: Let me have a look!) occhiata2) (a glance: a look of surprise.) sguardo3) (appearance: The house had a look of neglect.) aspetto, aria•- - looking
- looks
- looker-on
- looking-glass
- lookout
- by the looks of
- by the look of
- look after
- look ahead
- look down one's nose at
- look down on
- look for
- look forward to
- look here!
- look in on
- look into
- look on
- look out
- look out!
- look over
- look through
- look up
- look up to* * *I 1. [lʊk]1) (glance) occhiata f., sguardo m.to have o take a look at sth. dare un'occhiata a o guardare qcs.; to have o take a good look at esaminare o osservare attentamente; to have a look inside sth. dare un'occhiata dentro qcs.; to have a look round the shops dare un'occhiata ai negozi; to have a look through guardare in [ telescope]; guardare da [ window]; cercare in [ archives]; dare una scorsa a, scorrere [essay, report]; I took one look at him and knew that he was ill mi è bastata una sola occhiata per capire che era malato; to take a long hard look at sth. — fig. esaminare attentamente qcs
2) (search)3) (expression) sguardo m., espressione f.to give sb. a kind look — guardare qcn. con gentilezza
to give sb. a dirty o evil look lanciare un'occhiataccia a qcn.; you could tell from the look on his face that — dalla sua espressione si vedeva che
4) (appearance) (of person) aspetto m., aria f.; (of building, car) aspetto m., linea f.she has a look of her father — ha qualcosa di o ricorda suo padre
I don't like the look of him — non mi piace il suo aspetto, non mi ispira fiducia
by the look(s) of him — all'apparenza, a giudicare dal suo aspetto
5) (style) look m., stile m.2.he's got the looks, but can he act? — è bello, ma sa recitare?
••II 1. [lʊk]if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now — = mi ha fulminato con lo sguardo
1) (gaze, stare) guardareto look sb. in the eye, in the face — guardare qcn. negli occhi, in faccia
to look sb. up and down — guardare o squadrare qcn. dalla testa ai piedi
2) (appear)2.1) guardare ( into in; over sopra)to look at sb., sth. — guardare qcn., qcs.
to look away — distogliere lo sguardo, guardare da un'altra parte
to look out of o through the window guardare dalla finestra; I'm just looking — (in shop) sto solo guardando
2) (search) cercare, guardareto look down — scorrere [ list]
3) (appear, seem) sembrarehe looks happy, hot — sembra felice, sembra che abbia caldo
it looks as if o though it will rain sembra che voglia piovere; it looks likely, certain that — sembra probabile, certo che
4)to look like sb., sth. — assomigliare a qcn., qcs.
that photograph doesn't look like you o looks nothing like you non sembri (assolutamente) tu in quella fotografia; what does the house look like? com'è la casa? it looks like being funny sembra (che sia) divertente; it looks like rain sembra che voglia piovere; it certainly looks like it — ne ha tutta l'aria
look here, I'm in no mood for jokes — guarda, non sono in vena di scherzi
to look south — [house, room] dare a sud
•- look at- look for- look in- look on- look out- look to- look up -
4 look
look [lʊk]coup d'œil ⇒ 1 (a) regard ⇒ 1 (c) air ⇒ 1 (d) mode ⇒ 1 (e) regarder ⇒ 2 (a), 3 (a) chercher ⇒ 3 (b) écouter ⇒ 3 (c) avoir l'air ⇒ 3 (d) chercher à ⇒ 3 (f) beauté ⇒ 41 noun∎ to have or to take a look (at sth) jeter un coup d'œil (sur ou à qch), regarder (qch);∎ would you like a look through my binoculars? voulez-vous regarder avec mes jumelles?;∎ one look at him is enough to know he's a crook on voit au premier coup d'œil que c'est un escroc;∎ it's worth a quick look ça vaut le coup d'œil;∎ we need to take a long hard look at our image abroad il est temps que nous examinions de près notre image de marque à l'étranger;∎ did you get a good look at him? vous l'avez vu clairement?;∎ did the mechanic have a proper look at the car? est-ce que le mécanicien a bien regardé la voiture?;∎ and now a look ahead to next week's programmes et maintenant, un aperçu des programmes de la semaine prochaine;∎ do you mind if I take a look around? ça vous gêne si je jette un coup d'œil?;∎ we'll just have a quick look round the garden nous allons jeter un coup d'œil dans le jardin;∎ we had a look round the town nous avons fait un tour dans la ville;∎ I took a quick look through the drawers j'ai jeté un rapide coup d'œil dans les tiroirs∎ to have a look for sth chercher qch;∎ have you had a good look for it? est-ce que tu as bien cherché?;∎ have another look cherche encore∎ a suspicious/nasty/angry look un regard soupçonneux/mauvais/méchant;∎ she gave me a dirty look elle m'a jeté un regard mauvais;∎ you should have seen the looks we got from passers-by! si tu avais vu la façon dont les passants nous regardaient!;∎ we were getting some very odd looks on nous regardait d'un drôle d'air;∎ he didn't say anything, but if looks could kill! il n'a pas dit un mot, mais il y a des regards qui tuent!(d) (appearance, air) air m;∎ he had a strange look in his eyes (expression) il avait un drôle de regard;∎ the old house has a neglected look la vieille maison a l'air négligé;∎ she has the look of a troublemaker elle a une tête à faire des histoires;∎ she has the look of someone who's going places elle a l'air de quelqu'un qui réussira dans la vie;∎ by the look or looks of her, I'd say she failed the exam à la voir ou rien qu'en la voyant, je dirais qu'elle a raté son examen;∎ it has the look of a successful marriage cela a l'air d'un mariage heureux;∎ there's trouble brewing by the look of it or things on dirait que quelque chose se trame;∎ I quite like the look of the next candidate j'aime assez le profil du prochain candidat;∎ I don't like the look of it ça ne me dit rien de bon ou rien qui vaille;∎ I didn't like the look of her at all son allure ne m'a pas du tout plu;∎ I don't like the look of the weather le temps a l'air inquiétant∎ the sporty/punk look le look sportif/punk∎ look who's coming! regarde qui arrive!;∎ look who's talking! tu peux parler, toi!;∎ look what you've done/where you're going! regarde un peu ce que tu as fait/où tu vas!∎ to look one's last on sth jeter un dernier regard à qch;∎ to look sb up and down regarder qn de haut en bas, toiser qn du regard;∎ to look sb (full or straight) in the face regarder qn (bien) en face ou dans les yeux;∎ I can never look her in the face again je ne pourrai plus jamais la regarder en face∎ look, there's Brian! regarde, voilà Brian!;∎ what's happening outside? let me look qu'est-ce qui se passe dehors? laissez-moi voir;∎ have you cut yourself? let me look tu t'es coupé? montre-moi ou laisse-moi voir;∎ go on, nobody's looking vas-y, personne ne regarde;∎ they crept up on me while I wasn't looking ils se sont approchés de moi pendant que j'avais le dos tourné;∎ I'm just looking (in shop) je regarde;∎ look and see if there's anyone there regarde voir s'il y a quelqu'un;∎ if you look very carefully you can see a tiny crack in it si tu regardes bien, tu verras une toute petite fissure;∎ look this way regardez par ici;∎ to look into sb's eyes regarder qn dans les yeux;∎ she looked along the row/down the list elle a parcouru la rangée/la liste du regard;∎ he was looking out of the window/over the wall/up the chimney il regardait par la fenêtre/par-dessus le mur/dans la cheminée;∎ to look on the bright side voir les choses du bon côté;∎ to look over sb's shoulder regarder par-dessus l'épaule de qn; figurative surveiller ce que fait qn;∎ to look the other way détourner les yeux; figurative fermer les yeux;∎ proverb look before you leap = il faut réfléchir deux fois avant d'agir∎ you can't have looked hard enough tu n'as pas dû beaucoup chercher(c) (in imperative → listen, pay attention) écouter;∎ look, I can't pay you back just yet écoute, je ne peux pas te rembourser tout de suite;∎ now look, Paul, I've had enough of this! bon écoute, Paul, ça suffit maintenant!;∎ look here! dites donc!(d) (seem, appear) avoir l'air;∎ to look old avoir l'air ou faire vieux;∎ to look ill avoir l'air malade, avoir mauvaise mine;∎ to look well (person) avoir bonne mine;∎ that looks delicious! ça a l'air délicieux!;∎ you look or are looking better today tu as l'air (d'aller) mieux aujourd'hui;∎ how do I look? comment tu me trouves?;∎ you look absolutely stunning in that dress tu es vraiment ravissante dans cette robe;∎ it makes him look ten years older/younger ça le vieillit/rajeunit de dix ans;∎ he's 70, but he doesn't look it il a 70 ans mais il n'en a pas l'air ou mais il ne les fait pas;∎ I can't hang the picture there, it just doesn't look right je ne peux pas mettre le tableau là, ça ne va pas;∎ it looks all right to me moi, je trouve ça bien;∎ how does the situation look to you? que pensez-vous de la situation?;∎ that's not how it looks to the man in the street ce n'est pas comme ça que l'homme de la rue voit les choses;∎ things will look very different when you leave school les choses te sembleront très différentes quand tu quitteras l'école;∎ it'll look bad if I don't contribute ça fera mauvaise impression si je ne contribue pas;∎ things are looking black for the economy les perspectives économiques sont assez sombres;∎ the crops look promising la récolte s'annonce bien;∎ she's not as stupid as she looks elle est moins bête qu'elle n'en a l'air;∎ I must have looked a fool j'ai dû passer pour un imbécile;∎ to make sb look a fool or an idiot tourner qn en ridicule;∎ he makes the rest of the cast look very ordinary à côté de lui, les autres acteurs ont l'air vraiment quelconques;∎ to look like sb/sth (resemble) ressembler à qn/qch;∎ she looks like her mother elle ressemble à sa mère;∎ what does she look like? (describe her) comment est-elle?; (she looks a mess) non mais, à quoi elle ressemble!;∎ it looks like an oil refinery ça ressemble à une raffinerie de pétrole, on dirait une raffinerie de pétrole;∎ I don't know what it is, but it looks like blood je ne sais pas ce que c'est, mais on dirait ou ça ressemble à du sang;∎ it looks like rain on dirait qu'il va pleuvoir;∎ it looks (to me) like he was lying j'ai l'impression qu'il mentait;∎ is this our room? - it looks like it c'est notre chambre? - ça m'en a tout l'air;∎ the meeting looked like going on all day la réunion avait l'air d'être partie pour durer toute la journée;∎ you look as if you've seen a ghost on dirait que tu as vu un revenant;∎ it looks as if Natalie's going to resign Natalie a l'air de vouloir démissionner;∎ it looks as if he didn't want to go il semble qu'il ne veuille pas y aller;∎ it doesn't look as if they're coming on dirait qu'ils ne vont pas venir;∎ you're looking good tu as l'air en forme;∎ he looks good in jeans les jeans lui vont bien;∎ that hat looks very good on you ce chapeau te va très bien;∎ it'll look good on your CV ça fera bien sur ton curriculum ou CV;∎ things are looking pretty good here les choses ont l'air de se présenter plutôt bien ici(e) (face → house, window)∎ to look (out) onto a park donner sur un parc;∎ to look north/west être exposé au nord/à l'ouest∎ to be looking to do sth chercher à faire qch;∎ she'll be looking to improve on her previous best time elle cherchera à améliorer son meilleur temps;∎ we're looking to expand our export business nous cherchons à développer nos exportations;∎ I'm not looking to cause any trouble je ne veux pas causer de problèmes∎ (beauty) she's got everything - looks, intelligence, youth... elle a tout pour elle, elle est belle, intelligente, jeune...;∎ he's kept his looks il est resté beau;∎ looks don't matter l'apparence ne compte pas;∎ she's got her mother's looks elle a la beauté de sa mère;∎ he's lost his looks il n'est plus aussi beau qu'avant(a) (take care of) s'occuper de;∎ my mother's looking after the kids/the cat this weekend ma mère va s'occuper des enfants/du chat ce week-end;∎ she has a sick mother to look after elle a une mère malade à charge;∎ you should look after your clothes more carefully tu devrais prendre plus grand soin de tes vêtements;∎ he helps me to look after the garden il m'aide à m'occuper du jardin;∎ figurative look after yourself! fais bien attention à toi!;∎ you're well looked after on s'occupe bien de vous;∎ the car has been well looked after la voiture est bien entretenue;∎ don't worry, he can look after himself ne t'inquiète pas, il est capable de se débrouiller tout seul(b) (be responsible for) s'occuper de;∎ they look after our interests in Europe ils s'occupent de nos affaires en Europe(c) (watch over) surveiller;∎ can you look after my bag for a couple of minutes? tu peux surveiller mon sac deux minutes?regarder vers l'avenir;∎ looking ahead three or four years dans trois ou quatre ans;∎ let's look ahead to the next century/to next month's meeting pensons au siècle prochain/à la réunion du mois prochain∎ she looked at herself in the mirror elle se regarda dans la glace;∎ they looked at each other ils ont échangé un regard;∎ oh dear, look at the time! oh là là, regardez l'heure!;∎ just look at you! (you look awful) mais regarde-toi donc!;∎ it's not much to look at ça ne paie pas de mine;∎ she's not much to look at ce n'est pas une beauté;∎ he's not much to look at il n'est pas très beau;∎ you wouldn't think, to look at him, that he's a multi-millionaire à le voir on ne croirait pas avoir affaire à un multi-millionnaire;∎ I haven't looked at another woman in the last forty years en quarante ans, je n'ai pas regardé une autre femme;∎ just look at the mess we're in! regarde les ennuis qu'on a!(b) (consider) considérer;∎ look at the problem from my point of view considérez le problème de mon point de vue;∎ that's not the way I look at it ce n'est pas comme ça que je vois les choses;∎ they won't even look at the idea ils refusent même de prendre cette idée en considération;∎ if you don't have money, he won't even look at you si vous n'avez pas d'argent, il ne vous regardera même pas;∎ familiar my brother can't even look at an egg mon frère ne supporte pas ou déteste les œufs∎ could you look at the tyres? pouvez-vous regarder les pneus?;∎ to have one's teeth looked at se faire examiner les dents;∎ familiar you need your head looking at! ça va pas, la tête?détourner les yeux(a) (in space) regarder derrière soi;∎ she walked away without looking back elle est partie sans se retourner∎ there's no point in looking back ça ne sert à rien de regarder en arrière;∎ the author looks back on the war years l'auteur revient sur les années de guerre;∎ it seems funny now we look back on it ça semble drôle quand on y pense aujourd'hui;∎ we can look back on some happy times nous avons connu de bons moments;∎ figurative after she got her first job she never looked back à partir du moment où elle a trouvé son premier emploi, tout lui a réussiregarder en bas; (in embarrassment) baisser les yeux;∎ we looked down on or at the valley nous regardions la vallée en dessous(despise) mépriser∎ go and look for him allez le chercher;∎ she's still looking for a job elle est toujours à la recherche d'un emploi;∎ are you looking for a fight? tu cherches la bagarre?∎ it's not the result we were looking for ce n'est pas le résultat que nous attendions(to the future) regarder vers l'avenirattendre avec impatience;∎ we're looking forward to the end of term nous attendons la fin du trimestre avec impatience;∎ I'm looking forward to the weekend vivement le week-end!;∎ to look forward to doing sth être impatient de faire qch;∎ I'm looking forward to seeing her again (eager) il me tarde de la revoir; (polite formula) je serai heureux de la revoir;∎ I look forward to meeting you je serai heureux de faire votre connaissance;∎ see you on Saturday - right, I'll look forward to it à samedi alors - oui, c'est entendu;∎ I'm not exactly looking forward to going je n'ai pas vraiment envie d'y aller;∎ they had been looking forward to this moment for months cela faisait des mois qu'ils attendaient cet instant;∎ I look forward to hearing from you soon (in letter) dans l'attente de votre réponse;∎ I'm not looking forward to the operation la perspective de cette opération ne m'enchante guère(b) (pay a visit) passer;∎ to look in on sb rendre visite à ou passer voir qn;∎ I'll look in again tomorrow je repasserai demain;∎ he looked in at the pub on the way home il s'est arrêté au pub en rentrant chez lui(c) (watch TV) regarder la télévisionexaminer, étudier;∎ it's a problem that needs looking into c'est un problème qu'il faut examiner ou sur lequel il faut se pencher➲ look onconsidérer;∎ I look on him as my brother je le considère comme mon frère;∎ to look on sb/sth with favour/disfavour voir qn/qch d'un œil favorable/défavorableregarder;∎ the passers-by just looked on les passants se sont contentés de regarder➲ look out∎ British I'll look that book out for you je te chercherai ce livre;∎ have you looked out those photos to give me? est-ce que tu as trouvé les photos que tu devais me donner?(b) (room, window)∎ the bedroom looks out on or over the garden la chambre donne sur le jardin(c) (be careful) faire attention;∎ look out, it's hot! attention, c'est chaud!;∎ you'll be in trouble if you don't look out tu vas t'attirer des ennuis si tu ne fais pas attentionAmerican (take care of) prendre soin de(a) (be on watch for) guetter;∎ I'll look out for you at the station je te guetterai à la gare;∎ look out for the sign to Dover guettez le panneau pour Douvres;∎ she's always looking out for bargains elle est toujours à la recherche ou à l'affût d'une bonne affaire;∎ you have to look out for snakes il faut faire attention ou se méfier, il y a des serpents∎ to look out for oneself penser à soi;∎ you've got to look out for number one! chacun pour soi!(glance over) jeter un coup d'œil sur; (examine) examiner, étudier(museum, cathedral, factory) visiter; (shop, room) jeter un coup d'œil dans(a) (look at surroundings) regarder (autour de soi);∎ I'm just looking round (in shop) je regarde;∎ I'd rather look round on my own than take the guided tour je préférerais faire le tour moi-même plutôt que de suivre la visite guidée;∎ I looked round for an exit j'ai cherché une sortie(b) (look back) regarder derrière soi, se retourner(a) (window, screen) regarder à travers(b) (book, report) jeter un coup d'œil sur ou à, regarder∎ he looked straight through me il m'a regardé comme si je n'étais pas là∎ it's best to look to an expert il est préférable de consulter un expert ou de demander l'avis d'un expert;∎ don't look to her for help ne compte pas sur elle pour t'aider;∎ they are looking to us to find a solution to this problem ils comptent sur nous pour trouver une solution à ce problème∎ he should look to his reputation il devrait veiller à sa réputation;∎ look to it that discipline is properly maintained veillez à ce que la discipline soit bien maintenue➲ look up(a) (in reference work, directory etc) chercher;∎ look the word up in the dictionary cherche le mot dans le dictionnaire∎ look us up when you're in New York passe nous voir quand tu seras à New York(a) (raise one's eyes) lever les yeux∎ things are looking up for the economy les perspectives économiques semblent meilleuresconsidérerrespecter, avoir du respect pour✾ Play ✾ Film 'Look back in Anger' Osborne, Richardson 'La Paix du dimanche' (pièce), 'Les Corps sauvages' (film)ⓘ Here's looking at you kid Ce sont les mots que prononce Rick Blaine, le personnage incarné par Humphrey Bogart dans le film Casablanca (1942), lorsqu'il dit adieu à la femme qu'il aime, jouée par Ingrid Bergman. Aujourd'hui on utilise souvent cette phrase en référence au film lorsque l'on porte un toast à quelqu'un. -
5 look after
look after [sb., sth.]1) (care for) prendersi cura di, occuparsi di [patient, customer]; badare a, prendersi cura di [ child]; provvedere alla manutenzione di [ car]2) (be responsible for) occuparsi di [finances, shop]; badare a [class, interests]look after my luggage, I'll be back soon! — fai attenzione ai miei bagagli, torno subito! look after oneself
3) (cope) cavarsela da solo4) (be careful)safe journey, and look after yourself — buon viaggio, e sii prudente
* * *(to attend to or take care of: to look after the children.) badare a, prendersi cura di* * *vi + prep* * *look after [sb., sth.]1) (care for) prendersi cura di, occuparsi di [patient, customer]; badare a, prendersi cura di [ child]; provvedere alla manutenzione di [ car]2) (be responsible for) occuparsi di [finances, shop]; badare a [class, interests]look after my luggage, I'll be back soon! — fai attenzione ai miei bagagli, torno subito! look after oneself
3) (cope) cavarsela da solo4) (be careful)safe journey, and look after yourself — buon viaggio, e sii prudente
6 look
luk 1. verb1) (to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc: He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).) se (på/etter)2) (to seem: It looks as if it's going to rain; She looks sad.) se ut som3) (to face: The house looks west.) vende (ut mot)2. noun1) (the act of looking or seeing: Let me have a look!) titt2) (a glance: a look of surprise.) blikk3) (appearance: The house had a look of neglect.) utseende•- - looking
- looks
- looker-on
- looking-glass
- lookout
- by the looks of
- by the look of
- look after
- look ahead
- look down one's nose at
- look down on
- look for
- look forward to
- look here!
- look in on
- look into
- look on
- look out
- look out!
- look over
- look through
- look up
- look up toblikk--------forvente--------mine--------synesIsubst. \/lʊk\/1) blikk, titt, øyekast2) utseende3) uttrykk, mine, oppsyn4) stil, moteby the look of something etter utseendet å dømme, det ser ut soma forward look at et fremadrettet blikk påfreeze somebody with a look gi noen et iskaldt blikk, drepe noen med blikkethave\/take a look at titte på, ta en titt på, kaste et blikk påhave the look of se ut somimprove on one's looks se bedre ut, forbedre utseendeta look of inquiry et spørrende blikkthrow a look at someone\/something eller throw someone\/something a look kaste et blikk på noe(n)with a look of entreaty med et bedende blikkIIverb \/lʊk\/1) se, titte, kikke2) lete, søkevi har lett overalt, men kunne ikke finne det3) se ut, virke, synes, te seg, se ut som, ligne• how do I look?hvordan ser jeg ut?, hvordan tar jeg meg ut?• it looks to me as if...jeg synes det ser ut som om...• what a fright you look!som du ser ut!, du ser fryktelig ut!han er seg selv igjen, han ser frisk ut igjen4) ha utsikt, vende, ligge5) ( overført) peke i retning av, tyde på6) vente seg, forvente, regne med7) ( gammeldags) se til athere's looking at you ( hverdagslig) skål!look about se seg omkringlook about one se seg omkring ( overført) tenke over saken, tenke over det hele, tenke seg omse seg for, se opp, passe seg• look about you!se deg for!, se opp!look a fool se dum ut være til latter, dumme seg utlook after se etter, se til, passe på, ha et øye på, ta hånd omse etter, titte etter, følge med blikket, lete etterlook after oneself klare seg selv, ta hånd om seg selv være forsiktiglook alive! eller look lively! ( hverdagslig) raska på!, la det nå gå litt kvikt!look and see se etter, finn ut, få rede pålook around se seg om, se seg omkring ( overført) undersøke forholdene, sette seg inn i forholdenelook around one se seg for, se opp, passe seglook at se på, titte pådet skulle man ikke tro når man ser henne, hun ser ikke sånn ut( også overført) betrakte, se påsånn ser jeg det, det er mitt syn på sakenhan snur ikke på skillingen, han er ikke gjerrigse i, leseundersøke, vurderelook away se bort, se vekk, se en annen veilook back se tilbake, tenke tilbake ( i negativ form) ikke lykkes, ha motgang, lide nederlag• she started her career ten years ago, and has never looked backhun begynte sin karriere for ti år siden, og har bare hatt medgangbakke ut, gå tilbakelook before you leap! tenk før du handler!look big se viktig utlook daggers ha mord i blikket, gi noen et drepende blikklook down (up(on)) ( spesielt overført) se ned (på)look down one's nose at ( overført) se ned pålook favourably upon something være velvillig innstilt til noelook for lete etter, titte etter, søke vente seg, regne med, håpe pålook for oneself eller judge for oneself dømme selv, se selvlook for trouble utfordre skjebnenlook forward to se frem til, glede seg til, lengte etterlook hard at somebody stirre stivt på noenlook here! se!, se her! hør her!, nå skal du høre!look in on someone se inn til noen hilse på hos noen, stikke innom noenlook into vende ut mot, ha utsikt til se inn i se iundersøke, forske i, granskelook like se ut som, ligne• what does he look like?look on se på, være tilskuerlook on to vende ut mot, ha utsikt tillook out se ut, titte utse seg for, se opp, passe på, ha øynene oppe, være på vaktlook out! se opp!, se deg for!, pass deg!look out for se opp for, se (seg om) etterforberede seg på, vente( britisk) finne (ut), få rede på, se etter, velge utlook out on eller look out over ha utsikt over, vende motlook over se over, se i• can I look over your book?se igjennom, lese igjennom, se over, se på, granske, undersøkelook round (for) se seg om (etter), se seg omkring (etter)look sharp! skynd deg!, fort deg!look small ( overført) se liten ut, se ynkelig utlook someone in the eye\/face møte noens blikk, se direkte på noenlook someone through and through gjennomskue noen fullstendiglook someone up ( hverdagslig) ta kontakt med noenlook someone up and down mønstre noen fra topp til tå, måle noen med blikketlook something up slå opp noe (i en ordbok e.l.)look the other way ( overført) lukke øynene forlook thoroughly into a matter gå en sak nærmere etter i sømmenelook through se gjennom, se ise gjennom, bla gjennom, lese gjennom, undersøke( overført) gjennomskue, se tvers gjennom ( overført) ikke la seg merke med, overse, behandle som luft synes gjennom, (også overført) skinne gjennomlook to vende ut mot, ha utsikt til peke på at det blir ( overført) se på, ta i betraktning se om, sørge for, tenke på, passe på• look to it that...se til at...regne med, vente seg, se frem til, håpe pålook to someone for something vente noe av noen, håpe på å få noe av noenlook towards vende ut mot, ha utsikt til peke mot, peke på at det blir se mot ( slang) skåle for• I look toward you!look twice at se to ganger pålook up se opp( handel) gå opp, stige, ta seg opp, bli bedredet lysner, det tar seg opplook upon (as) ( overført) betrakte (som), anse (for)look where you are going! se deg for!, se hvor du går!look you! eller look'ee! ( dialekt) hører du!, legg merke til det!, (innskutt) forstår du -
7 look
1. Ilook! (посмотрите!; look, the sun is up! глядите, солнце встало /взошло/!; we looked but saw nothing мы (подсмотрели, но ничего не (увидели; it is no good looking какой смысл смотреть?; I did it while he wasn't looking я это сделал, пока он не смотрел; look who's here! посмотри, кто пришел!2. II1) look around оглядываться, осматриваться, все оглядывать; look aside смотреть в сторону, отводить глаза, отворачиваться; he looked aside when I spoke to him когда я с ним разговаривал, он отворачивался; look away отворачиваться, отводить взгляд; look back [behind, round] оборачиваться, оглядываться; don't look round, I don't want him to notice us не оглядывайся, я не хочу, чтобы он нас заметил; look down смотреть вниз; look forward /ahead/ смотреть вперед; look in /inside/ заглядывать внутрь; look out выглядывать, высовываться; look up /upward/ поднять глаза. взглянуть; he looked up and saw me он поднял глаза и увидел меня; look up from one's writing (from his book, etc.) бросить писать и т. д. и поднять голову; look right and left (this way, that way, etc.) (по-) смотреть направо и налево и т. д.; look the other way отвернуться, смотреть в другую сторону. сделать вид, что ты кого-л. не узнал /не заметил/; I happened to be looking another way я в этот момент смотрел в другую сторону2) the house (the window, the terrace, etc.) looks south (west, east, etc.) дом и т. д. выходит на юг /обращен к югу/ и т. д., which way does the house look? куда выходит дом?3. IIIlook smb. look an honest man (every inch a gentleman, every inch a king, a queen, a rascal, a clown, a dandy, etc.) иметь вид честного человека и т. д.; look one's usual again снова принять свой обычный вид, оправиться, поправиться; you don't look yourself ты на себя не похож; he looked a perfect fool у него был совершенно дурацкий вид; look smth. look a perfect sight ужасно выглядеть; look the very picture of health быть воплощением / олицетворением/ здоровья; look the very picture of his father быть вылитым портретом своего отца; the actor looked his part актер выглядел так, как и требовалось по роли; look one's age (one's years, sixteen. etc.) выглядеть на свой годы /не старше сваях лет/ и т. д., he is only thirty but he looks fifty ему только тридцать, а на вид можно дать все пятьдесят; she is forty but she doesn't look it ей уже сорок, но она выглядит моложе /на вид ей столько не дашь/; this investment looked a sure profit казалось, что это капиталовложение сулит верный доход4. IVlook smb. in some mariner look smb. all over осмотреть кого-л. с ног до головы /с головы до пят/; look smb. up and down смерить кого-л. взглядом, окинуть кого-л. взглядом с головы до пят5. Xlook to be in some state look pleased (alarmed, worried, worn out, unconcerned, disheartened, etc.) выглядеть довольным и т. д.6. XI1) be looked at the house, looked at from the outside... дом, если смотреть на него снаружи...2) be looked upon as smb., smth. he is looked upon as an absolute authority (as an impartial judge, as a judicious critic, etc.) его считают /он считается/ непререкаемым авторитетом и т. д., he is looked upon as a likely candidate его рассматривают, как возможную /вероятную/ кандидатуру3) be looked after he is wonderfully looked after there он получает там прекрасный уход; be looked over the brakes need to be looked over тормоза требуют осмотра /проверки/7. XVlook to be in some quality or of some state look young (old, tired, angry, sad, grave, happy, guilty, innocent, etc.) выглядеть молодым /молодо/ и т. д.; look to be of some kind look foolish (pale, wise, brave, good-natured, thin, charming, uninviting, etc.) иметь глупый и т. д. вид, выглядеть глупо и т. д., he looked trustworthy у него был вид человека, которому можно доверять; look blank выглядеть /казаться/ рассеянным или растерянным; this book looks very tempting эту книгу очень хочется почитать; look well (ill) хорошо (плохо) выглядеть; he looks well in uniform ему идет форма; the hat looks well on you шляпа вам к лицу; things look very ugly /black/ дела обстоят плохо /не сулят ничего хорошего/; things are looking a little better дела понемногу поправляются; you look blue with cold вы посинели от холода; the clouds look rainy судя по тучам, будет дождь8. XVI1) look at smb., smth. look at each other (at his fellow-traveller, at the watch, at the ceiling, at the illustrations, etc.) смотреть друг на друга и т. д., look at oneself in the glass (поосмотреться в зеркало; what are you looking at? куда /на что/ вы смотрите?; look at me! взгляните на меня! I enjoy looking at old family portraits я люблю рассматривать старые фамильные портреты; look [up] at the stars (at the roof, at the tree-tops, etc.) взглянуть на звезды и т. д.; let me look at your work (at your results, at this sentence, etc.) дайте мне взглянуть на вашу работу и т. д., just look at this! [вы] только посмотрите!; to come to look at the pipes (at the drains, at the roof, etc.) прийти, чтобы осмотреть /проверить/ трубы и т. д., what sort of a man is he to look at? что он собой представляет внешне, как он выглядит?; the man is not much to look at внешне он ничего собой не представляет; to look at him one would say... судя по его виду можно сказать...; to look at the illustrations it will be observed... судя по иллюстрациям можно отметить...; she will /would/ not look at him (at his offer, at my proposals etc.) она и смотреть на него и т. д. не хочет; look at smb., smth. in some manner look at the boy (at the picture, etc.) closely (critically, questioningly. threateningly, keenly, reproachfully, wistfully, significantly, etc.) смотреть на мальчика и т. д. пристально и т. д.; he looked at me vacantly он посмотрел на меня пустым /ничего не выражающим/ взглядом; look at smb., smth. with (in) smth. look at smb., smth. with pity (with respect, with kindness, with interest, etc.) смотреть на кого-л., что-л. с жалостью и т. д.; look at me in embarrassment (in fear, in admiration, etc.) посмотреть на меня в смущении и т. д.; look about (round, before, behind, etc.) smb., smth. we hardly had time to look about us мы едва успели осмотреться; the boy was looking before him мальчик смотрел перед собой; look round the room (round the shop, etc.) окинуть комнату и т. д. взглядом; look after the train (after the ship, after the girl as she left the room, etc.) смотреть вслед поезду и т. д., провожать поезд и т. д. взглядом /глазами/; the child looked behind me to make sure that I was alone ребенок посмотрел, нет ли кого-л. сзади меня; look behind the door посмотреть за дверью; look down (up) smth. look down the well [внимательно] (подсмотреть в колодец; look down the list просмотреть весь список, проверить список сверху донизу; look down (up) the street внимательно осмотреть улицу, посмотреть вниз (вверх) no улице; look from /out of/ smth. look from /out of/ a window смотреть из окна; look out of the corner of one's eye посмотреть краешком глаза; look in /into/ smth. look in a mirror (посмотреться в зеркало; look in smb.'s face (in smb.'s eyes) (подсмотреть кому-л. в лицо (в глаза); look into smb.'s face (into smb.'s eyes) заглядывать кому-л. в лицо (в глаза); look in that direction смотреть в том /в указанном/ направлении; look into a well (into a shop window, into the darkness of the forest, into the fire, into a mirror, into the garden, into the sky, etc.) всматриваться /вглядываться, смотреть/ в колодец и т. д.; look into a room заглядывать в комнату; look into the future (into the hearts of other people, etc.) заглянуть в будущее и т. д.; he looked [down] into my face он [нагнулся и] посмотрел мне в лицо; look over smth. look over one's spectacles посмотреть поверх очков; look over one's shoulder посмотреть /кинуть взгляд/ через плечо; look over their heads смотреть поверх их голов; look over the wall (over the fence, etc.) заглядывать через стену и т. д.; look to smth. look to the right (to the left) посмотреть направо (налево); look [up] to heaven посмотреть [вверх] на небо; look through smth. look through the window (through a telescope, etc.) смотреть в окно и т. д., look through the keyhole смотреть /подсматривать/ в замочную скважину; his greed looked through his eyes в его глазах горела /светилась/ жадность; his toes look out through the shoe у него пальцы из ботинок вылезают, у него ботинки "каши просят"; look towards smth. look towards the horizon (towards the sea, etc.) смотреть в сторону горизонта /по направлению к горизонту/ и т. д.2) look on (upon, to, towards, etc.) smth. the drawing-room (the window, the house, etc.) looks on the river (on the sea, on the street, upon the garden, on the park, to the east, towards the south, towards the Pacific, across the garden, etc.) гостиная и т. д. выходит /выходит окнами, обращена/ на реку и т. д., look [down] into the street (down on the lake, down on the river, etc.) стоять на возвышенности /возвышенном месте/, откуда открывается вид на улицу и т. д., the castle looks down on the valley замок стоит на вершине, откуда открывается вид на долину3) look after smb., smth. look after children (after the old man, after a dog, after a garden, after smb.'s house, etc.) ухаживать /следить, присматривать/ за детьми и т. д.; who will look after the shop while we are away? на чьем попечении / на кого/ останется магазин на время нашего отсутствия?; I look after the саг myself я сам ухаживаю за машиной; he is able to look after himself a) он в состоянии обслужить [самого] себя; б) он может постоять за себя; look after her when I am gone присмотрите за ней, пока меня не будет; he is young and needs looking after он еще мал, и за ним нужен присмотр /уход/; did you get someone to look after the child? вы нашли кого-нибудь для ухода за ребенком?; look after smb.'s interests блюсти /соблюдать/ чьи-л. интересы; look after smb.'s rights охранять /оберегать, защищать/ чьи-л. права; look after smb.'s wants ухаживать за кем-л., исполнять чьи-л. желания; look after the affair веста какое-л. дело; look to smth. look to smb.'s tools (to the fastenings, to the water-bottles, etc.) отвечать за инструменты и т. д., следить, за инструментами и т.д., look to your manners следи за своими манерами /за тем, как ты себя ведешь/; the country must look to its defences страна должна заботиться об обороне; look to the future (подумать /(побеспокоиться/ о будущем: look to it that this does not happen again (that everything is ready, etc.) смотря, чтобы это не повторилось /чтобы этого больше не было/ и т. д.4) look for smb., smth. look for one's brother (for smb.'s hat, for the lost money, for employment, for a job, for gold, for a shorter route to the East, etc.) искать брата и т. д., what are you looking for? что вы ищете?; что вам надо?; I am looking for а, room мне нужна комната, я ищу комнату; look for trouble напрашиваться на неприятности; look for smth. somewhere look for spectacles in the bureau drawers (in the jar, around the room, etc.) искать очки в ящиках стола и т. д., one has not to look very far for the answer за ответом далеко ходить не, надо; look to smb. for smth. look to smb. for help (for advice, for guidance, for comfort, for a loan of money, etc.) прибегать /обращаться/ к кому-л. за помощью и т. д., искать у кого-л. помощи и т. д.; he looks to me for protection он ищет защиты у меня; it is no good looking to them for support нечего ждать от них поддержки; ' look to smb. to do smth. look to smb. to put things right (to make the arrangement, to protect them from aggression, etc.) рассчитывать, что кто-л. все уладит и т. д.; he looks to me to help him он полагается на то, что я помогу ему5) look at /on, upon/ smth. look at all the facts (at /upon/ the offer, at smb.'s motives, at this matter seriously, on smb.'s proposal from this point of view, etc.) рассматривать все факты и т. д., it is a new way of looking at things это новый подход к вопросу; look upon death without fear относиться к смерти без страха; look only at /on/ the surface of things поверхностно подходить к вопросу; look (up)on smb., smth. as smb., smth. look upon him as my teacher считать его своим учителем, смотреть на него как на своего учителя; I look on that as an insult я рассматриваю это как оскорбление; I look on it as an honour to work with you для меня большая честь работать с вами; look on smth., as being in some state look on smth. as useless (as necessary, as unusual, as unfortunate, etc.) считать что-л. бесполезным и т. д.; you can look upon it as done можешь считать это [уже] сделанным /выполненным, готовым/6) look into smth. look into a problem рассматривать проблему, разбираться в вопросе; will you look into the question of supplies? вы займетесь вопросом снабжения?; the police will look into the theft полиция займется расследованием этой кражи7) look for smth., smb. look for the arrival of the heir (for a great victory, for much profit from the business, for no recompense, for the news, for a line from you, etc.) ожидать приезда наследника и т. д., I'll be looking for you at the reception я надеюсь увидеть вас на приеме; I never looked for such a result as this я и не ожидал такого результата /не рассчитывал на такой результат/; death steals upon us when we least look for it смерть подкрадывается к нам, когда мы ее меньше всего ждем; look to /towards/ smth. look to the future (to greater advances in science and technology, towards the day when world peace will be a reality, to a quiet time in my old age, etc.) надеяться на будущее и т. д., стремиться к будущему и т. д.9. XIX1look like smb., smth. look like a sailor (like a gentleman, like an elderly clerk, like a perfect fool, etc.) быть похожим на матроса и т. д., he looks like an honest (a clever, etc.) man у него вид честного и т. д. человека; this dog doesn't look much like a hunting dog этот пес мало похож на охотничью собаку; I have no idea what it (he) looks like понятия не имею, как это (он) выглядит; it looks like granite (like business, like a dream coming true, etc.) это похоже на гранит и т. д.; it looks like rain (like snow, like storm) похоже, что будет /собирается/ дождь (снег, буря); it looks like a fine day день обещает быть хорошим10. Х1Х3look like doing smth. he looks like winning похоже, что он выигрывает; which country looks like winning? у какой страны больше шансов на успех?; do I look like jesting? разве похоже, что я шучу?11. XXI1look smb., smth. in smth. look smb. full (straight. squarely, frankly, etc.) in the face (in the eyes) смотреть кому-л. прямо и т. д. в лицо (в глаза); look death in the face смотреть смерти в лице; look smb. (in)to (out of, etc.) smth. look smb. into silence взглядом заставить кого-л. (замолчать; look smb. to shame пристыдить кого-л. взглядом; look smb. out of countenance взглядом смутить кого-л. /заставить кого-л. смутиться/; look smth. at smb. look daggers at smb. смотреть на кого-л. убийственным взглядом; look one's annoyance at a person смотреть на кого-л. с раздражением; he looked a query at me он посмотрел на меня вопросительно12. XXV1) look what... (when..., where..., whether..., etc.) look what time the train arrives /when the train arrives (when the train starts, where you are, whether the postman has come yet, etc.) посмотреть, когда прибывает поезд и т. д., look what time it is посмотри, который час; don't look till I tell you не смотри /не поворачивайся, не поворачивай головы/, пока я не скажу2) look as if... (as though...) look as if he wanted to join us (as if you had slept badly, as though he were thinking of mischief, ere.) похоже на то, что он хочет присоединиться к нам и т. д.; he looks as if he had seen a ghost у него такой вид, [как] будто он увидел привидение3) look that... (how..., etc.) look that everything is ready (that he is on time, how you behave, etc.) проследить за тем, чтобы все было готово и т. д.; look that you do not fall смотри, не упади; it looks as if they were afraid (as if he wouldn't go, as if trouble were brewing, etc.) создается такое впечатление /кажется/, что они боялись и т. д.13. XXVII2look to smb. as if... /as though. / it looks to me as if the skirt is too long мне кажется, что юбка слишком длинна; it looks as if it is going to turn wet (as if it were going to be fine, as though we should have a storm, etc.) похоже, пойдут дожди и т. д. -
8 look
1. intransitive verb1) sehen; gucken (ugs.); schauen (bes. südd., sonst geh.)look the other way — (fig.) die Augen verschließen
not know which way to look — nicht wissen, wohin man sehen soll
2) (search) nachsehen3) (face) zugewandt sein (to[wards] Dat.)the room looks on to the road/into the garden — das Zimmer liegt zur Straße/zum Garten hin od. geht zur Straße/zum Garten
4) (appear) aussehenlook as if — [so] aussehen, als ob
look well/ill — gut od. gesund/schlecht od. krank aussehen
5) (seem to be)she looks her age — man sieht ihr ihr Alter an
you look yourself again — es scheint dir wieder gut zu gehen
6)look [here]! — (demanding attention) hören Sie/hör zu!; (protesting) passen Sie/pass ja od. bloß auf!
2. transitive verblook sharp [about something] — (hurry up) sich [mit etwas] beeilen
(ascertain by sight) nachsehen; in exclamation of surprise etc. sich (Dat.) ansehenlook what you've done! — sieh [dir mal an], was du getan od. angerichtet hast!
3. nounlook who's here! — sieh mal, wer da od. gekommen ist! see also academic.ru/18255/dagger">dagger
1) Blick, derget a good look at somebody — jemanden gut od. genau sehen [können]
have or take a look at somebody/something — sich (Dat.) jemanden/etwas ansehen; einen Blick auf jemanden/etwas werfen
have a look at a town — sich (Dat.) eine Stadt ansehen
from or by the look[s] of somebody — von jemandes Aussehen zu schließen
by the look[s] of it or things — [so] wie es aussieht
the house is empty, by the look of it — das Haus steht allem Anschein nach leer
Phrasal Verbs:- look at- look for- look in- look on- look out- look to- look up* * *[luk] 1. verb1) (to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc: He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).) schauen3) (to face: The house looks west.) gehen nach2. noun1) (the act of looking or seeing: Let me have a look!) der Blick2) (a glance: a look of surprise.) der Blick3) (appearance: The house had a look of neglect.) das Aussehen•- look-alike- -looking
- looks
- looker-on
- looking-glass
- lookout
- by the looks of
- by the look of
- look after
- look ahead
- look down one's nose at
- look down on
- look for
- look forward to
- look here! - look in on
- look into
- look on
- look out
- look out! - look over
- look through
- look up
- look up to* * *n no pl▪ the \Look der böse Blick* * *[lʊk]1. n1) (= glance) Blick mshe gave me a dirty look, I got a dirty look from her — sie warf mir einen vernichtenden Blick zu
she gave me a look of disbelief —
he gave me such a look! — er hat mir (vielleicht) einen Blick zugeworfen!
to have or take a look at sth — sich (dat) etw ansehen
have a look at this! — sieh or guck (inf) dir das mal an!
let's have a look — lass mal sehen, zeig mal her
let's have a look at it — lass mal sehen, zeig mal
let's have a look at you — lass dich mal ansehen
do you want a look? — willst du mal sehen?; (at the paper) willst du mal hineinsehen or einen Blick hineinwerfen?
to take a good look at sth — sich (dat) etw genau ansehen
take or have a good look — sehen or gucken (inf) Sie genau hin
shall we have a look (a)round the town? — sollen wir uns (dat) die Stadt ansehen?
2) (= air, appearance) Aussehen ntthere was a look of despair in his eyes — ein verzweifelter Blick war in seinen Augen
he put on a serious look —
I don't like the look of him/this wound — er/die Wunde gefällt mir gar nicht
by the look of him —
judging by the look of the sky — wenn man sich (dat) den Himmel ansieht, so, wie der Himmel aussieht
to give sth a new look — einer Sache (dat) ein neues Aussehen verleihen or Gesicht geben
3) pl Aussehen ntlooks aren't everything —
you can't judge by looks alone — man kann nicht nur nach dem Aussehen or Äußeren urteilen
2. vtshe looks best in red —
he looked death in the face — er sah dem Tod ins Angesicht (geh) or Auge
look what you've done! — sieh or guck (inf) dir mal an, was du da angestellt hast!
look what you've done, now she's offended — jetzt hast dus geschafft, nun ist sie beleidigt
look what you've made me do ( — sieh or schau (dial ) or guck (inf)
can't you look what you're doing? — kannst du nicht aufpassen, was du machst?
look where you're going! —
just look where he's put the car! — sieh or schau (dial) or guck (inf) dir bloß mal an, wo er das Auto abgestellt hat!
look who's here! — guck (inf) or schau (dial) mal or sieh doch, wer da ist!
3. vito look (a)round —
he looked in(to) the chest — er sah or schaute (dial) or guckte (inf) in die Kiste (hinein)
now look here, it wasn't my fault — Moment mal, das war aber nicht meine Schuld
look, I know you're tired, but... — ich weiß ja, dass du müde bist, aber...
look, there's a much better solution — da gibt es doch eine wesentlich bessere Lösung
look before you leap (Prov) — erst wägen, dann wagen (Prov)
2) (= search) suchen, nachsehen3) (= seem) aussehenit looks all right to me —
it looks suspicious to me — es kommt mir verdächtig vor, es sieht verdächtig aus
I think the cake is done, how does it look to you? — ich glaube, der Kuchen ist fertig, was meinst du?
the car looks about 10 years old —
4)it looks like rain, it looks as if it will rain — es sieht nach Regen aus
it looks like cheese to me — (ich finde,) das sieht wie Käse aus
5) (= face) gehen nachthis window looks (toward(s) the) north — dieses Fenster geht nach Norden
* * *look [lʊk]A s1. Blick m (at auf akk):give sb an angry look jemandem einen wütenden Blick zuwerfen, jemanden wütend ansehen;give sth a second look etwas nochmals oder genauer ansehen;have a look at sth (sich) etwas ansehen;let’s have a look round schauen wir uns hier mal etwas um;if looks could kill wenn Blicke töten könnten2. Miene f, (Gesichts)Ausdruck m:the look on his face sein Gesichtsausdruck;take on a severe look eine strenge Miene aufsetzen3. meist pl Aussehen n:(good) looks gutes Aussehen;she kept her looks even in old age sie sah auch noch im Alter gut aus;have a strange look merkwürdig aussehen;have the look of aussehen wie;I do not like the look(s) of it die Sache gefällt mir nichtB v/i1. schauen:don’t look nicht hersehen!;look who is coming! schau (mal), wer da kommt!; oft iron ei, wer kommt denn da!;look who is here! schau (mal), wer da ist!;look here schau mal (her)!, hör mal (zu)!;don’t look like that mach nicht so ein Gesicht!, schau nicht so!;he’ll look! der wird (vielleicht) Augen machen oder schauen!;look what you are doing pass doch auf!;2. (nach)schauen, nachsehen:have you looked in the kitchen?;look and see überzeugen Sie sich (selbst)!3. aussehen, -schauen (beide auch fig):does this hat look well on me? steht mir dieser Hut?;look ugly on sb hässlich bei jemandem aussehen;look good with sich gut machen zu;it looks promising (to me) es sieht (mir) vielversprechend aus;things look bad for him es sieht schlimm für ihn aus;he looks like my brother er sieht wie mein Bruder aus;it looks like snow(ing) es sieht nach Schnee aus;he looks like winning es sieht so aus, als ob er gewinnen sollte oder wird4. liegen oder (hinaus)gehen nach:C v/tlook death in the face dem Tod ins Angesicht sehen2. aussehen wie, einer Sache entsprechend aussehen:look an idiot wie ein Idiot aussehen od (fig) dastehen;he looks it!a) so sieht er (auch) aus!,b) man sieht es ihm (auch) an!;(not) look o.s. (gesundheitlich) gut (schlecht) aussehen;3. durch Blicke ausdrücken:look compassion (one’s surprise) mitleidig (überrascht) blicken oder dreinschauen;4. look that … darauf achten, dass ….; dafür sorgen, dass …; zusehen, dass …* * *1. intransitive verb1) sehen; gucken (ugs.); schauen (bes. südd., sonst geh.)look before you leap — (prov.) erst wägen, dann wagen (Spr.)
look the other way — (fig.) die Augen verschließen
not know which way to look — nicht wissen, wohin man sehen soll
2) (search) nachsehen3) (face) zugewandt sein (to[wards] Dat.)the room looks on to the road/into the garden — das Zimmer liegt zur Straße/zum Garten hin od. geht zur Straße/zum Garten
4) (appear) aussehenlook as if — [so] aussehen, als ob
look well/ill — gut od. gesund/schlecht od. krank aussehen
5) (seem to be)6)look [here]! — (demanding attention) hören Sie/hör zu!; (protesting) passen Sie/pass ja od. bloß auf!
2. transitive verblook sharp [about something] — (hurry up) sich [mit etwas] beeilen
(ascertain by sight) nachsehen; in exclamation of surprise etc. sich (Dat.) ansehenlook what you've done! — sieh [dir mal an], was du getan od. angerichtet hast!
3. nounlook who's here! — sieh mal, wer da od. gekommen ist! see also dagger
1) Blick, derget a good look at somebody — jemanden gut od. genau sehen [können]
have or take a look at somebody/something — sich (Dat.) jemanden/etwas ansehen; einen Blick auf jemanden/etwas werfen
have a look at a town — sich (Dat.) eine Stadt ansehen
from or by the look[s] of somebody — von jemandes Aussehen zu schließen
by the look[s] of it or things — [so] wie es aussieht
the house is empty, by the look of it — das Haus steht allem Anschein nach leer
Phrasal Verbs:- look at- look for- look in- look on- look out- look to- look up* * *n.Blick -e m. (at) v.blicken (auf, nach) v.sehen v.(§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen) v.gucken v.schauen v. -
9 look
1. сущ.
1) а) взгляд to have/take a look at ≈ посмотреть на;
ознакомиться с to steal a look ≈ украдкой посмотреть б) выражение глаз, выражение лица to dart, shoot a look ≈ бросить взгляд to get, have, take a look ≈ встретить отсутствующий взгляд to give smb. a look ≈ посмотреть на кого-л. to steal a look ≈ перехватить взгляд blank, distant, faraway, vacant look ≈ отсутствующий взгляд She had a faraway look in her eyes. ≈ У нее был отсутствующий взгляд anxious, worried look ≈ беспокойный взгляд close, hard look ≈ пристальный взгляд come-hither, inviting look ≈ зовущий взгляд curious, strange look ≈ странный взгляд dirty, nasty, vicious look ≈ масляный взгляд disapproving, stern look ≈ осуждающий взгляд eloquent, meaningful look ≈ выразительный взгляд inquiring, searching look ≈ пытливый взгляд pensive, thoughtful look ≈ задумчивый взгляд baleful look ≈ злобный взгляд furtive look ≈ хитрый взгляд grim look ≈ жуткий взгляд haggard look ≈ изможденный вид hungry look ≈ голодный взгляд knowing look ≈ проницательный взгляд penetrating look ≈ проницательный взгляд piercing look ≈ пронизывающий взгляд pleading look ≈ умоляющий взгляд provocative look ≈ дерзкий, вызывающий взгляд puzzled look ≈ озадаченный взгляд rapt look ≈ восхищенный взгляд scathing look ≈ враждебный взгляд sharp look ≈ острый взгляд sinister look ≈ зловещий взгляд skeptical look ≈ скептический взгляд steady look ≈ твердый взгляд sullen look ≈ сердитый взгляд suspicious look ≈ подозрительный взгляд tender look ≈ нежный взгляд troubled look ≈ обеспокоенный взгляд withering look ≈ испепеляющий взгляд
2) вид, внешность, наружность, облик Syn: appearance, aspect ∙ not to have a look in with smb. ≈ быть хуже, чем кто-л., не сравниться с кем-л. upon the look ≈ в поисках
2. гл.
1) а) смотреть, глядеть;
перен. быть внимательным, следить to look ahead ≈ смотреть вперед (в будущее) look ahead! ≈ берегись!;
осторожно! to look through blue-coloured (rose-coloured) glasses ≈ видеть все в непривлекательном (привлекательном) свете to look things in the face ≈ смотреть опасности в глаза Syn: gaze, glance, glare, peer, stare, see б) перен. выходить на..., быть обращенным на...;
'смотреть' (об окнах, дверях, выходах и т.д.) My room looks south. ≈ Моя комната выходит на юг.
2) как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом выглядеть, казаться to look big ≈ принимать важный вид to look well (ill) ≈ выглядеть хорошо (плохо) to look like ≈ выглядеть как, походить на, быть похожим на it looks like rain(ing) ≈ похоже, что будет дождь to look one's age ≈ выглядеть не старше своих лет to look oneself again ≈ принять обычный вид, оправиться
3) показывать, выражать( взглядом, видом) He looked his thanks. ≈ Весь его вид выражал благодарность. ∙ look about look after look ahead look aside look at look back look down look for look forward look in look into look on look out look over look round look through look to look toward look towards look up look upon look before you leap ≈ не будьте опрометчивы look here! ≈ послушайте! look sharp! ≈ живей!;
смотри(те) в оба! to look at home ≈ обратиться к своей совести, заглянуть себе в душу to look at him ≈ судя по его виду look alive ≈ спешить, торопиться взгляд - kind * добрый взгляд - to have /to take, to give/ a * at smth. посмотреть /взглянуть/ на что-л.;
/бегло/ ознакомиться с чем-л. - to take a good * at smb., smth. внимательно посмотреть на кого-л., что-л.;
хорошенько рассмотреть кого-л., что-л. - to cast /to shoot/ a * бросить взгляд - to flash a * at smb. метнуть взгляд на кого-л. - to steal a * посмотреть украдкой - may I have a * at your passport? позвольте взглянуть на ваш паспорт? вид, наружность - to have a * of smb., smth. чем-то (смутно) напоминать кого-л., что-л.;
быть похожим на кого-л., что-л. - I don't like the * of him мне не нравится его вид /его внешность/ - he had an odd * about him у него был странный вид - the house had a dismal * дом выглядел довольно мрачно - judging by the * of his rash, he has scarlet fever судя по (виду) сыпи, у него скарлатина - affairs took on an ugly * дела приняли дурной оборот - I don't like the new * in evening wear мне не нравится последняя мода вечерних туалетов - it has given the shop a new * от этого магазин совсем преобразился выражение - a * of pleasure came to her face довольное выражение появилось на ее лице - there was an ugly * in his eye вид у него был угрожающий обыкн. pl наружность (человека) - good *s красота, миловидность - to be in good *s хорошо выглядеть - she has *s and youth она молода и красива - she's beginning to lose her *s она начинает дурнеть поиск - to have a * for smth. искать /разыскивать/ что-л. - to be upon the * (for) быть в поисках (чего-л.) > by the *(s) of it с виду;
по виду;
видимо > by the *(s) of it we shan't have much rain this year похоже, что в этом году будет мало дождей > I don't like the *(s) of it мне это кажется подозрительным;
меня это настораживает > to give smb. the * заигрывать с кем-л. > women still gave him the * женщины все еще заглядывались на него /интересовались им/ смотреть, глядеть - to * but see nothing смотреть, но ничего не видеть - to * at smb., smth. смотреть на кого-л., что-л. - to * at the ceiling смотреть в потолок - don't * at me! не смотрите на меня! - to * on smb. with dislike смотреть на кого-л. с отвращением - to * black at smb. смотреть на кого-л. сердито /со злостью/ - to * after the train as it is leaving the station провожать глазами отходящий поезд - to * another way смотреть в другую сторону /в другом направлении/ - *! смотри!, вот! - * this way! смотри сюда /в эту сторону/! - to * throug a glass смотреть сквозь стекло - he *ed about the room он обвел глазами комнату взглянуть, посмотреть - to * into the window заглянуть в окно - to * out of /(амер) out/ smth. выглянуть откуда-нибудь - he *ed out of the window to see if she was coming он посмотрел /выглянул/ в окно, не идет ли она - to * over smth. просмотреть, осмотреть что-л. - to * over one's manuscript просмотреть свою рукопись - to * over the house осмотреть дом - to * through smth. просматривать;
виднеться, проглядывать - to * through smb.'s papers просмотреть /проверить/ чьи-л. документы /бумаги/ - his greed *ed through his eyes по его взгляду можно было сказать, что он жадный человек - to * about one осматриваться - we hardly had time to * about us before we had to continue our journey мы еле-еле успели осмотреться, как уже было пора отправляться в путь - not much to * at некрасивый, непрезентабельный;
смотреть не на что выглядеть, иметь вид, казаться - to * happy выглядеть /казаться/ счастливым, иметь счастливый вид - to * big принимать важный вид - to * small иметь жалкий вид - he made me * small он меня унизил - to * one's age выглядеть не старше /или не моложе/ своих лет - not to * oneself измениться до неузнаваемости, быть непохожим на самого себя - to * oneself again оправиться, прийти в себя, принять свой обычный вид - to * one's part внешне соответствовать образу (об актере) - you don't * yourself вас узнать нельзя;
на вас лица нет - everybody *ed tired у всех был усталый вид - does this hat * well on me? мне идет эта шляпа? - things * promising положение обнадеживающее /благоприятное/, дела принимают хороший оборот - things * black дела плохи, дела принимают плохой оборот - that *s heavy на вид /по виду/ это тяжело - I never saw her * better она никогда не выглядела лучше - she *s her best in blue синий цвет ей больше всего к лицу - he made me * a fool он поставил меня в дурацкое положение - that *s suspicious это подозрительно( like, as of) быть похожим;
производить то или иное впечатление - she *s like her father она похожа на своего отца - he *s like an honest man он производит впечатление порядочного человека - it *s like rain /like raining/ похоже на (то, что будет) дождь - you * as if something has happened у тебя такой вид, будто что-то случилось - it *s as if /as though/ we are going to have trouble похоже на то, что /видимо/, у нас будут неприятности - you * as if you slept badly ты выглядишь, как будто ты не выспался - it would * as if you are afraid можно подумать, что вы боитесь проверить, посмотреть, в чем дело - to * into a matter разбираться в деле, рассматривать проблему - to * into a question изучать вопрос - will you * at this sentence, please? проверьте /взгляните, пожалуйста, на/ это предложение - the plumber has come to * at the pipes водопроводчик пришел, чтобы проверить трубы - I must get my car *ed at надо, чтобы посмотрели /проверили/ мою машину - when one *s more closely если вдуматься( хорошенько) - it is something that needs *ing это требует расследования (to) заботиться о( ком-л., чем-л.) ;
следить за( кем-л., чем-л.) - just * to it that this doesn't happen again проследите за тем, чтобы это не повторилось - the country must * to its defences страна должна обеспечивать свою оборону - * to your manners, boy! веди себя как полагается, мальчик! (towards, on to, into, down) выходить (тж, * out) ;
быть обращенным (куда-л., в какую-л. сторону) - the room *s south комната выходит на юг - the windows * (out) on the garden окна выходят в сад выражать (взглядом, видом) - to * one's consent выражать свое согласие взглядом - he *ed his thanks весь его вид выражал благодарность - she has *ed "yes" ее глаза сказали "да" (с инфинитивом) (американизм) ожидать с уверенностью;
надеяться - he *ed to hear from her он ждал, что она даст о себе знать - we *ed to have immediate success мы надеялись /рассчитывали/ сразу добиться успеха в грам. знач. междометия: послушайте!, эй! (тж. * here!;
привлекает внимание собеседника) - *, old boy - go easy with her! послушай, старина, поосторожнее с ней! - * who's here! кого я вижу! - now * what you've done! смотрите, что вы наделали! - * who's talking! не вам бы говорить - to look on /upon/ smb. as smb. считать кого-л. кем-л. - to * on /upon/ smb. as an authority считать кого-л. авторитетом - to look on /upon/ smth. as smth. рассматривать что-л. в качестве чего-л. или как что-л. - I * on /upon/ it as an ill omen я считаю это дурным предзнаменованием - to look to smb. for smth. обращаться к кому-л. за чем-л., рассчитывать, надеяться на кого-л. - to * to smb. for help рассчитывать на чью-л. помощь - I * to you for protection я ищу у вас защиты - to look after smb., smth. присматривать, ухаживать за кем-л., чем-л.;
заботиться о ком-л., чем-л. - to * after one's health заботиться о своем здоровье - to * after flowers ухаживать за цветами - to give one's valuables to the bank to * after сдать свои ценности в банк на хранение - who will * after the children? кто посмотрит за детьми?, кто позаботится о детях? - he's well able to * after himself он не нуждается в посторонней помощи, он все умеет делать сам;
он отлично умеет защищать свои интересы - to look for smb., smth. искать кого-л., что-л. - he is *ing for his son он разыскивает своего сына - she is *ing for her keys она ищет ключи подыскивать, присматривать - to * for an apartment подыскивать /присматривать/ себе квартиру - he is *ing for a wife он ищет себе жену - to * for trouble напрашиваться на неприятность надеяться, ожидать - rain may be *ed for можно ждать дождя - to look + пассивный инфинитив: ожидать - to * to be helped ждать помощи > * and see смотрите во все глаза > * after your own business не суй свой нос в чужие дела > to * through smb. пронизывать кого-л. взглядом;
не замечать, смотреть как на пустое место > to * throug rose-coloured glasses смотреть (на все) сквозь розовые очки, видеть все в привлекательном свете > to * through blue-coloured glasses смотреть (на все) пессимистически, видеть все в непривлекательном свете > to * at him... если судить по его виду... > to * at it... с внешней стороны..., если посмотреть снаружи... > not to * at smth. больше не прикасаться к чему-л., отказываться вмешиваться во что-л. > he wouldn't * at the proposal он и думать /слышать/ не хотел об этом предложении > * sharp! не зевай!, не мешкай! > * alive /lively/! живей!, пошевеливайся! > to * down one's nose at smb. смотреть сверху вниз /свысока, с едва скрываемым презрением или неудовольствием/ на кого-л. > to * up and down искать везде, перерыть все;
смерить взглядом > to * smb. in the face смотреть смело /прямо/ в лицо кому-л. > to * danger in the face смотреть опасности в глаза > to * like a million dollars( американизм) прекрасно выглядеть > he never *ed behind him всю жизнь ему сопутствовал успех;
он неуклонно шел вверх по служебной лестнице > * before you leap сначала посмотри, потом прыгай affairs took on an ugly ~ дела пошли плохо ~ to указывать на;
the evidence looks to acquittal судя по свидетельским показаниям, его оправдают;
look toward = look to ~ вид, наружность;
good looks красота;
миловидность look взгляд;
to have (или to take) a look at посмотреть на;
ознакомиться с ~ выражать (взглядом, видом) ;
he looked his thanks весь его вид выражал благодарность ~ upon смотреть как на;
считать за;
he was looked upon as an authority на него смотрели как на авторитет, его считали авторитетом to lose one's ~s дурнеть;
I don't like the look of him мне не нравится его вид ~ towards: I ~ towards you пью за ваше здоровье to ~ like выглядеть как, походить на, быть похожим на;
it looks like rain(-ing) похоже, что будет дождь ~ смотреть, глядеть;
перен. быть внимательным, следить;
to look ahead смотреть вперед (в будущее) ;
look ahead! берегись!;
осторожно! ~ смотреть, глядеть;
перен. быть внимательным, следить;
to look ahead смотреть вперед (в будущее) ;
look ahead! берегись!;
осторожно! ~ ahead упреждение ~ at посмотреть (в чем дело), проверить;
one's way of looking at things (чьи-л.) взгляды;
(чья-л.) манера смотреть на вещи ~ at смотреть (на что-л., на кого-л.) to ~ at home обратиться к своей совести, заглянуть себе в душу;
to look at him судя по его виду to ~ at home обратиться к своей совести, заглянуть себе в душу;
to look at him судя по его виду ~ back вспоминать, оглядываться на прошлое ~ back оглядываться ~ before you leap не будьте опрометчивы;
look here! послушайте!;
look sharp! живей!;
смотри(те) в оба! ~ down ком. падать (в цене) ~ down смотреть свысока, презирать (on, upon) ~ for искать ~ for ожидать, надеяться на ~ for a job искать работу ~ before you leap не будьте опрометчивы;
look here! послушайте!;
look sharp! живей!;
смотри(те) в оба! ~ in заглянуть (к кому-л.) ~ in смотреть телепередачу ~ into заглядывать ~ into исследовать ~ on = look upon ~ on наблюдать to ~ one's age выглядеть не старше своих лет to ~ oneself again принять обычный вид, оправиться ~ out быть настороже;
look out! осторожнее!, берегись! ~ out быть настороже;
look out! осторожнее!, берегись! ~ out выглядывать( откуда-л.) ~ out иметь вид, выходить (on, over - на что-л.) ~ out подыскивать;
to look out for a house присматривать (для покупки) дом ~ out подыскивать;
to look out for a house присматривать (для покупки) дом ~ over не заметить ~ over просматривать ~ over простить ~ round взвесить все (прежде чем действовать) ~ round оглядываться кругом ~ before you leap не будьте опрометчивы;
look here! послушайте!;
look sharp! живей!;
смотри(те) в оба! sharp: look ~! живей! look ~! смотри(те) в оба! to ~ things in the face смотреть опасности в глаза ~ through видеть (кого-л.) насквозь ~ through просматривать (что-л.) ~ through смотреть в (окно и т. п.) through: I have read the book ~ я прочел всю книгу;
to get through пройти;
to look through просмотреть to ~ through blue-coloured (rose-coloured) glasses видеть все в непривлекательном (привлекательном) свете ~ to заботиться о, следить за;
look to it that this doesn't happen again смотрите, чтобы это не повторилось ~ to надеяться на ~ to рассчитывать на ~ to стремиться, быть направленным ( к чему-л., на что-л.) ;
иметь склонность( к чему-л.) ~ to указывать на;
the evidence looks to acquittal судя по свидетельским показаниям, его оправдают;
look toward = look to ~ to указывать на;
the evidence looks to acquittal судя по свидетельским показаниям, его оправдают;
look toward = look to ~ to заботиться о, следить за;
look to it that this doesn't happen again смотрите, чтобы это не повторилось ~ to указывать на;
the evidence looks to acquittal судя по свидетельским показаниям, его оправдают;
look toward = look to ~ towards: I ~ towards you пью за ваше здоровье ~ up искать (что-л. в справочнике) ~ up вчт. искать ~ up разг. навещать( кого-л.) ~ up повышаться( в цене) ~ up смотреть вверх, поднимать глаза;
to look up and down смерить взглядом;
to look up (to smb.) смотреть почтительно( на кого-л.) ;
уважать( кого-л.) ;
считаться( с кем-л.) ~ up смотреть вверх, поднимать глаза;
to look up and down смерить взглядом;
to look up (to smb.) смотреть почтительно (на кого-л.) ;
уважать (кого-л.) ;
считаться (с кем-л.) ~ up разг. улучшаться( о делах) ;
things are looking up положение улучшается ~ up смотреть вверх, поднимать глаза;
to look up and down смерить взглядом;
to look up (to smb.) смотреть почтительно (на кого-л.) ;
уважать (кого-л.) ;
считаться (с кем-л.) ~ on = look upon ~ upon смотреть как на;
считать за;
he was looked upon as an authority на него смотрели как на авторитет, его считали авторитетом ~ как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом выглядеть, казаться;
to look well (ill) выглядеть хорошо (плохо) ;
to look big принимать важный вид to lose one's ~s дурнеть;
I don't like the look of him мне не нравится его вид ~ выходить на..., быть обращенным на...;
my room looks south моя комната выходит на юг new ~ новая мода (о фасонах) not to have a ~ in (with smb.) быть хуже, чем (кто-л.), не сравниться (с кем-л.) ~ at посмотреть (в чем дело), проверить;
one's way of looking at things (чьи-л.) взгляды;
(чья-л.) манера смотреть на вещи to cast a ~ бросить взгляд, посмотреть;
to steal a look украдкой посмотреть ~ up разг. улучшаться (о делах) ;
things are looking up положение улучшается upon the ~ в поисках ~ выражение (глаз, лица) ;
a vacant look отсутствующий взгляд -
10 look
1. [lʋk] n1. взглядkind [scornful, angry, vacant] look - добрый [презрительный, сердитый, отсутствующий] взгляд
to have /to take, to give/ a look at smth. - посмотреть /взглянуть/ на что-л.; /бегло/ ознакомиться с чем-л.
to take a good look at smb., smth. - внимательно посмотреть на кого-л., что-л., хорошенько рассмотреть кого-л., что-л.
to cast /to shoot/ a look - бросить взгляд
to flash a look at smb. - метнуть взгляд на кого-л.
may I have a look at your passport? - позвольте взглянуть на ваш паспорт?
2. 1) вид, наружностьto have a look of smb., smth. - чем-то (смутно) напоминать кого-л., что-л., быть похожим на кого-л., что-л.
I don't like the look of him - мне не нравится его вид /его внешность/
judging by the look of his rash, he has scarlet fever - судя по (виду) сыпи, у него скарлатина
I don't like the new look in evening wear - мне не нравится последняя мода вечерних туалетов
2) выражениеa look of pleasure came to her face - довольное выражение появилось на её лице
good looks - красота, миловидность
4. поискto have a look for smth. - искать /разыскивать/ что-л.
by the look(s) of it - с виду; по виду; видимоby the look(s) of it we shan't have much rain this year - похоже, что в этом году будет мало дождей
I don't like the look(s) of it - мне это кажется подозрительным; меня это настораживает
to give smb. the look - заигрывать с кем-л.
2. [lʋk] vwomen still gave him the look - женщины всё ещё заглядывались на него /интересовались им/
I1. смотреть, глядетьto look but see nothing - смотреть, но ничего не видеть
to look at smb., smth. - смотреть на кого-л., что-л.
don't look at me! - не смотрите на меня
to look on smb. with dislike [with distrust] - смотреть на кого-л. с отвращением [с недоверием]
to look black at smb. - смотреть на кого-л. сердито /со злостью/
to look after the train as it is leaving the station - провожать глазами отходящий поезд
to look another way - смотреть в другую сторону /в другом направлении/
look! - смотри!, вот!
look this way! - смотри сюда /в эту сторону/
to look through a glass [through a window pane] - смотреть сквозь стекло [через окно] [см. тж. 2]
2. взглянуть, посмотретьto look into smth. - заглядывать во что-л.
to look out of /амер. out/ smth. - выглянуть откуда-нибудь
he looked out of the window to see if she was coming - он посмотрел /выглянул/ в окно, не идёт ли она
to look over smth. - просмотреть, осмотреть что-л.
to look over the house [apartment] - осмотреть дом [квартиру]
to look through smth. - а) просматривать; to look through smb.'s papers - просмотреть /проверить/ чьи-л. документы /бумаги/; б) виднеться, проглядывать
his greed looked through his eyes - по его взгляду можно было сказать, что он жадный человек; [см. тж. 1]
we hardly had time to look about us before we had to continue out journey - мы еле-еле успели осмотреться, как уж было пора отправляться в путь
not much to look at - некрасивый, непрезентабельный; смотреть не на что
3. 1) выглядеть, иметь вид, казатьсяto look happy [sad, ill] - выглядеть /казаться/ счастливым [печальным, больным], иметь счастливый [печальный, больной] вид
to look one's age - выглядеть не старше или не моложе своих лет
not to look oneself - измениться до неузнаваемости, быть непохожим на самого себя
to look oneself again - оправиться, прийти в себя, принять свой обычный вид
you don't look yourself - а) вас узнать нельзя; б) на вас лица нет
does this hat look well on me? - мне идёт эта шляпа?
things look promising - положение обнадёживающее /благоприятное/, дела принимают хороший оборот
things look black - дела плохи, дела принимают плохой оборот
that looks heavy - на вид /по виду/ это тяжело
2) (like, as if) быть похожим; напоминать; производить то или иное впечатлениеhe looks like an honest man - он производит впечатление порядочного человека
it looks like rain /like raining/ - похоже на (то, что будет) дождь
you look as if something has happened - у тебя такой вид, будто что-то случилось
it looks as if /as though/ we are going to have trouble - похоже на то, что /видимо/, у нас будут неприятности
you look as if you slept badly - ты выглядишь, как будто ты не выспался
it would look as if you are afraid - можно подумать, что вы боитесь
4. 1) проверить, посмотреть, в чём делоto look into a matter - разбираться в деле, рассматривать проблему
will you look at this sentence, please? - проверьте /взгляните, пожалуйста, на/ это предложение
the plumber has come to look at the pipes - водопроводчик пришёл, чтобы проверить трубы
I must get my car looked at - надо, чтобы посмотрели /проверили/ мою машину
2) (to) заботиться о (ком-л., чём-л.); следить за (кем-л., чем-л.)just look to it that this doesn't happen again - последите за тем, чтобы это не повторилось
the country must look to its defences - страна должна обеспечивать свою оборону
look to your manners, boy! - веди себя как полагается, мальчик!
5. (towards, on to, into, down) выходить (тж. look out); быть обращённым (куда-л., в какую-л. сторону)6. выражать (взглядом, видом)she has looked❝yes❞ - её глаза сказали «да»
7. ( с инфинитивом) амер. ожидать с уверенностью; надеятьсяhe looked to hear from her - он ждал, что она даст о себе знать
we looked to have immediate success - мы надеялись /рассчитывали/ сразу добиться успеха
look, old boy - go easy with her! - послушай, старина, поосторожнее с ней!
look who's here! - кого я вижу!
now look what you've done! - смотрите, что вы наделали!
look who's talking! - не вам бы говорить!
II Б1. 1) to look on /upon/ smb. as smb. считать кого-л. кем-л.to look on /upon/ smb. as an authority [as a leader, as one's teacher] - считать кого-л. авторитетом [вождём, своим учителем]
2) to look on /upon/ smth. as smth. рассматривать что-л. в качестве чего-л. или как что-л.I look on /upon/ it as an ill omen - я считаю это дурным предзнаменованием
2. to look to smb. for smth. обращаться к кому-л. за чем-л., рассчитывать, надеяться на кого-л.to look to smb. for help - рассчитывать на чью-л. помощь
3. to look after smb., smth. присматривать, ухаживать за кем-л., чем-л.; заботиться о ком-л., чём-л.to give one's valuables to the bank to look after - сдать свои ценности в банк на хранение
who will look after the children? - кто посмотрит за детьми?, кто позаботится о детях?
he's well able to look after himself - а) он не нуждается в посторонней помощи, он всё умеет делать сам; б) он отлично умеет защищать свои интересы
4. to look for smb., smth.1) искать что-л., кого-л.she is looking for her keys [her bag] - она ищет ключи [сумочку]
2) подыскивать, присматриватьto look for an apartment - подыскивать /присматривать/ себе квартиру
to look for trouble [for a fight] - напрашиваться на неприятность [на драку]
3) надеяться, ожидать5. to look + пассивный инфинитив ожидатьto look to be helped [to be protected] - ждать помощи [защиты]
to look through smb. - а) пронизывать кого-л. взглядом; б) не замечать, смотреть как на пустое место
to look through rose-coloured glasses - смотреть (на всё) сквозь розовые очки, видеть всё в привлекательном свете
to look through blue-coloured glasses - смотреть (на всё) пессимистически, видеть всё в непривлекательном свете
to look at him... - если судить по его виду...
to look at it... - с внешней стороны..., если посмотреть снаружи...
not to look at smth. - больше не прикасаться к чему-л., отказываться вмешиваться во что-л.
he wouldn't look at the proposal - он и думать /слышать/ не хотел об этом предложении
look sharp! - не зевай!, не мешкай!
look alive /lively/! - живей!, пошевеливайся!
to look down one's nose at smb. - смотреть сверху вниз /свысока, с едва скрываемым презрением или неудовольствием/ на кого-л.
to look up and down - а) искать везде, перерыть всё; б) смерить взглядом
to look smb. in the face - смотреть смело /прямо/ в лицо кому-л.
to look like a million dollars - амер. прекрасно выглядеть
he never looked behind him - всю жизнь ему сопутствовал успех; он неуклонно шёл вверх по служебной лестнице
look before you leap см. leap1 II ♢
to look a gift horse in the mouth см. gift I ♢
11 something
['sʌmθɪŋ]prnчто-то, кое-что, что-либо, нечто, что-нибудь- something elseHe doesn't look himself something must happened to him. — Он на себя не похож, видимо, что-то с ним случилось
- there is something with smb -
12 right
1. adjective1) (on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left): When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand.) derecho2) (correct: Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question?) correcto3) (morally correct; good: It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen.) bien4) (suitable; appropriate: He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him?) adecuado, apropiado
2. noun1) (something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc: Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that.) derecho2) (that which is correct or good: Who's in the right in this argument?) cierto, razón3) (the right side, part or direction: Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right.) derecha4) (in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc.) derecha
3. adverb1) (exactly: He was standing right here.) exactamente2) (immediately: I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down.) inmediatamente3) (close: He was standing right beside me.) justo4) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) totalmente, completamente5) (to the right: Turn right.) a la derecha6) (correctly: Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right.) bien, correctamente
4. verb1) (to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position: The boat tipped over, but righted itself again.) enderezar2) (to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done: He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right.) corregir
5. interjection(I understand; I'll do what you say etc: `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.') de acuerdo, bien- righteously
- righteousness
- rightful
- rightfully
- rightly
- rightness
- righto
- right-oh
- rights
- right angle
- right-angled
- right-hand
- right-handed
- right wing
6. adjective((right-wing) (having opinions which are) of this sort.) de derecha- by rights
- by right
- get
- keep on the right side of
- get right
- go right
- not in one's right mind
- not quite right in the head
- not right in the head
- put right
- put/set to rights
- right away
- right-hand man
- right now
- right of way
- serve right
right1 adj1. correctocan you tell me the right time? ¿me puedes decir la hora exacta?is this the High Street? That's right ¿es la Calle Mayor? Así es2. derechoright2 adv1. bien2. a la derechaturn right at the traffic lights en el semáforo, gira a la derecha3. justo / exactamenteright3 n1. derecha2. bien3. derechotr[raɪt]1 (not left) derecho,-a2 (correct) correcto,-a3 (just) justo,-a4 (suitable) apropiado,-a, adecuado,-a■ I don't think he's the right person for the job no creo que sea la persona adecuada para el puesto■ this watch hasn't been right since it was repaired este reloj no ha ido bien desde que lo repararon1 a la derecha, hacia la derecha■ turn right at the traffic lights en el semáforo, gira a la derecha2 (correctly) bien, correctamente3 (exactly) justo4 (well) bueno, bien■ right, I'm going to bed bueno, yo me voy a la cama1 (not left) derecha2 (entitlement) derecho1 corregir2 SMALLMARITIME/SMALL enderezar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall right! ¡bien!, ¡conforme!, ¡vale!it serves you «(him, etc)» right te (le, etc) está bien empleadoright away en seguidato be right tener razónto get it right acertarto put right arreglar, corregirright and wrong el bien y el malright angle ángulo rectoright wing SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL derecharight ['raɪt] vt1) fix, restore: repararto right the economy: reparar la economía2) straighten: enderezarright adv1) : biento live right: vivir bien2) precisely: precisamente, justoright in the middle: justo en medio3) directly, straight: derecho, directamentehe went right home: fue derecho a casa4) immediately: inmediatamenteright after lunch: inmediatamente después del almuerzo5) completely: completamentehe felt right at home: se sintió completamente cómodo6) : a la derechato look left and right: mirar a la izquierda y a la derecharight adj1) upright: bueno, honradoright conduct: conducta honrada2) correct: correctothe right answer: la respuesta correcta3) appropriate: apropiado, adecuado, debidothe right man for the job: el hombre perfecto para el trabajo4) straight: rectoa right line: una línea recta5) : derechothe right hand: la mano derecha6) sound: bienhe's not in his right mind: no está bien de la cabezaright n1) good: bien mto do right: hacer el bien2) : derecha fon the right: a la derecha4) entitlement: derecho mthe right to vote: el derecho a votarwomen's rights: los derechos de la mujer5)the Right : la derecha (en la política)adj.• acertado, -a adj.• ajustado, -a adj.• correcto, -a adj.• debido, -a adj.• derecho, -a adj.• diestro, -a adj.• enderezado, -a adj.• exacto, -a adj.• justo, -a adj.• lícito, -a adj.adv.• a la derecha adv.• bien adv.• justo adv.• mismo adv.interj.• cabal interj.n.• derechazo s.m.• derecho s.m.• justicia s.f.• privilegio s.m.• razón s.f.v.• adrizar v.• enderezar v.• endrezar v.
I raɪt1) ( correct) <answer/interpretation> correctoare we going in the right direction? — ¿vamos bien?
are you sure this is the right house? — ¿estás seguro de que ésta es la casa or de que es aquí?
did you press the right button? — ¿apretaste el botón que debías?
do you have the right change? — ¿tienes el cambio justo?
do you have the right time? — ¿tienes hora (buena)?
2) ( not mistaken)to be right — \<\<person\>\> tener* razón, estar* en lo cierto; \<\<clock\>\> estar* bien
how right she was! — cuánta razón tenía!, si habrá tenido razón!
to be right ABOUT something/somebody — tener* razón en cuanto a algo/alguien
to be right IN something: am I right in thinking this has happened before? si no me equivoco esto ya había pasado antes ¿no?; to get something right: you got two answers right acertaste dos respuestas; did I get your name right? ¿entendí bien tu nombre?; I guess you're Bobby - that's right! tú tienes que ser Bobby - el mismo! or así es!; two o'clock tomorrow, right? - right! — a las dos mañana ¿de acuerdo? - de acuerdo! or (esp Esp fam) vale!
3) (good, suitable) adecuado, apropiadowere the curtains the right length? — ¿estaban bien de largo las cortinas?
if the price is right — si el precio es razonable, si está bien de precio
4) (just, moral) (pred)to be right — ser* justo
to be right to + inf — hacer* bien en + inf
5) (pred)a) ( in order)it's too quiet: something's not right — hay demasiado silencio, algo pasa
b) (fit, healthy) (colloq) bien6) ( complete) (BrE colloq) (before n)he's a right idiot — es un idiota redomado or de marca mayor
7) ( Math)right angle — ángulo m recto
right triangle — (AmE) triángulo m rectángulo
8) (before n) <side/ear/shoe> derecho
1) (correctly, well) bien, correctamenteI had guessed right — había adivinado, no me había equivocado
nothing goes right for them — todo les sale mal, nada les sale bien
to do right by somebody — portarse bien con alguien; serve I 2)
2)a) (all the way, completely)they kept hoping right up until the last moment — no perdieron las esperanzas hasta el último momento
b) ( directly)it's right in front of you — lo tienes allí delante or (fam) delante de las narices
he was right here/there — estaba aquí mismo/allí mismo
c) ( immediately)3) <turn/look> a la derecha
1)a) c u ( entitlement) derecho mright to something/+ INF — derecho a algo/+ inf
in her/his/its own right: she is Queen in her own right es Reina a título propio or por derecho propio; she is also a composer in her own right ella también es compositora; the title is his by right el título le corresponde a él; by what right? — ¿con qué derecho?
b) rights pl derechos mplto be within one's rights — estar* en su (or mi etc) derecho
2) u c ( what is correct)to know right from wrong — saber* distinguir entre el bien y el mal
to be in the right — tener* razón, llevar la razón, estar* en lo cierto
to put o set something to rights — (esp BrE) arreglar algo
3)a) u ( opposite the left) derecha fthe one on the right — el/la de la derecha
to drive on the right — manejar or (Esp) conducir* por la derecha
on o to my/your right — a mi/tu derecha
b) ( right turn)take the next right — tome or (esp Esp) coja la próxima a la derecha
to make o (BrE) take a right — girar or torcer* or doblar a la derecha
4) u ( Pol)
a) ( set upright) enderezar*b) ( redress) \<\<injustice\>\> reparar
interjection (colloq) bueno!, vale! (Esp fam)[raɪt]1. ADJ1) (=morally good, just) justoit is/seems only right that she should get the biggest share — es/me parece justo que ella reciba la mayor parte, está/me parece bien que ella reciba la mayor parte
it doesn't seem right that his contribution should not be acknowledged — parece injusto que no se reconozca su aportación
it's not right! — ¡no hay derecho!
I thought it right to ask permission first — me pareció conveniente preguntarle antes, pensé que debía preguntarle antes
would it be right for me to ask him? — ¿debería preguntárselo?
it is only right and proper that people should know what is going on — lo suyo es que la gente sepa lo que pasa
to do the right thing, do what is right — hacer lo correcto, actuar correctamente
doing the right thing by a pregnant girlfriend meant marrying her — hacer lo que Dios manda con una novia embarazada significaba casarse con ella
2) (=suitable) [tool, clothes] apropiado, adecuado; [time] oportunoto choose the right moment for sth/to do sth — elegir el momento oportuno para algo/para hacer algo
that's the right attitude! — ¡haces bien!
I haven't got the right clothes for a formal dinner — no tengo ropa apropiada or adecuada para una cena de etiqueta
you're not using the right tool for the job — no estás empleando la herramienta apropiada or adecuada para el trabajo
I don't think he's the right sort of person for you — me parece que no es la persona que te conviene
the balance of humour and tragedy is just right — el equilibrio entre humor y tragedia es perfecto"is there too much salt in it?" - "no, it's just right" — -¿tiene demasiada sal? -no, está en su punto justo
Mr Right — el novio soñado, el marido idealhe knows all the right people — tiene enchufes or (LAm) palanca en todas partes
I just happened to be in the right place at the right time — dio la casualidad de que estaba en el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado•
if the price is right — si el precio es razonable•
he's on the right side of 40 — tiene menos de 40 años•
to say the right thing — decir lo que hay que decir, tener las palabras justas•
we'll do it when the time is right — lo haremos en el momento oportuno or a su debido tiempo3) (=correct) correcto, exactoright first time! — ¡exactamente!, ¡exacto!
"she's your sister?" - "that's right!" — -¿es tu hermana? -¡eso es! or ¡así es! or ¡exacto!
that's right! it has to go through that hole — ¡eso es! tiene que pasar por ese agujero
she said she'd done it, isn't that right, mother? — dijo que lo había hecho ¿no es así, madre? or ¿a que sí, madre?
you mean he offered to pay? is that right, Harry? — ¿dices que se ofreció a pagar? ¿es eso cierto, Harry?
and quite right too! — ¡y con razón!
am I right for the station? — ¿por aquí se va a la estación?, ¿voy bien (por aquí) para la estación?
right you are! * — ¡vale!, ¡muy bien!•
I was beginning to wonder whether I had the right day — empezaba a preguntarme si me habría equivocado de díayou didn't get it right, so you lose five points — no acertaste or te equivocaste, así que pierdes cinco puntos
let's get it right this time! — ¡a ver si esta vez nos sale bien!
we must get it right this time — esta vez tenemos que hacerlo bien or nos tiene que salir bien
is this the right house? — ¿es esta la casa?•
are you sure you've got the right number? — (Telec) ¿seguro que es ese el número?I'm confused, and I wanted you to put me right — tengo dudas y quisiera que tú me las aclararas
if you tell the story wrong the child will soon put you right — si te equivocas al contar la historia, el niño enseguida te corrige or te saca de tu error
to put a mistake right — corregir or rectificar un error
is this the right road for Segovia? — ¿es este el camino de Segovia?, ¿por aquí se va a Segovia?are we on the right road? — ¿vamos por buen camino?, ¿vamos bien por esta carretera?
it's not the right shade of green — no es el tono de verde que yo busco•
the right side of the fabric — el (lado) derecho de la tela•
is the skirt the right size? — ¿va bien la falda de talla?it's not the right size/length — no vale de talla/de largo
is that the right time? — ¿es esa la hora?
do you have the right time? — ¿tienes hora buena?, ¿sabes qué hora es exactamente?
- get on the right side of sb4) (=in the right)•
to be right — [person] tener razón, estar en lo ciertoyou're quite right, you're dead right * — tienes toda la razón
how right you are! — ¡qué razón tienes!
to be right about sth/sb, you were right about there being none left — tenías razón cuando decías que no quedaba ningunoyou were right about Peter, he's totally unreliable — tenías razón en lo de Peter or con respecto a Peter: no hay quien se fíe de él
am I right in thinking that we've met before? — si no me equivoco ya nos conocemos ¿no?you were right in calling the doctor, it was appendicitis — hiciste bien en llamar al médico, era apendicitis
5) (=in order)I knew something wasn't right when she didn't call as usual — supe que algo no iba bien cuando no llamaba como de costumbre
it will all come right in the end — todo se arreglará al final•
to put sth/sb right, I hope the garage can put the car right — espero que me sepan arreglar el coche en el talleryou've offended her but it's not too late to put things right — la has ofendido pero aún puedes arreglarlo
it's nothing a night's sleep won't put right — no es nada que no se arregle durmiendo toda la noche de un tirón
that's soon put right — eso se arregla fácilmente, eso tiene fácil arreglo
- be/feel as right as rain6) (=not left) derechoI'd give my right arm to know — daría cualquier cosa or todo el oro del mundo por saberlo
7) (Math) [angle] recto8) (Brit)* (as intensifier) (=complete)she made a right mess of it — lo hizo fatal *, le salió un buen churro (Sp) *
Charlieyou're a right one to talk — iro mira quién habla
2. ADV1) (=directly, exactly)•
right away — en seguida, ahora mismo, ahorita (mismo) (Mex, And)•
it happened right before our eyes — ocurrió delante de nuestros propios ojos•
he was standing right in the middle of the road — estaba justo en el centro or (CAm) en el mero centro de la calleshe's busy right now — ahora mismo or justo ahora está ocupada
he could tell right off that I was a foreigner — reconoció de inmediato que yo era extranjero•
to go right on — seguir todo derechoright on! * — † ¡eso es!, ¡de acuerdo!
she should come right out and say so — debería ser clara y decirlo•
it fell right on top of me — me cayó justo encima2) (=immediately) justo, inmediatamente•
I'll do it right after dinner — lo haré justo or inmediatamente después de cenar•
come right in! — ¡ven aquí dentro!3) (=completely)•
their house is right at the end of the street — su casa está justo al final de la calleshe was a very active old lady, right to the end — fue una anciana muy activa hasta el final
to push sth right in — meter algo hasta el fondo•
there is a fence right round the house — hay una valla que rodea la casa por completo•
he filled it right up — lo llenó del todo4) (=correctly) bien, correctamenteyou did right to/not to invite them — hiciste bien en invitarlos/en no invitarlos
if I remember right — si mal no recuerdo, si no me falla la memoria
it's him, right enough! — ¡seguro que es él!
5) (=fairly)•
to do right by sb — portarse como es debido con algn•
don't worry about the pay, John will see you right — no te preocupes por el sueldo, John se encargará de que te paguen lo que te correspondeserve•
to treat sb right — tratar bien a algn6) (=properly, satisfactorily) bien7) (=not left) a la derecha•
eyes right! — (Mil) ¡vista a la derecha!•
to turn right — torcer a la derechaleft II, 1., 1)right (about) turn! — ¡media vuelta a la derecha!
8) (as linker)right, who's next? — a ver, ¿quién va ahora?
right then, let's begin! — ¡empecemos, pues!
9) (in titles)3. N1) (=what is morally right, just)•
by rights the house should go to me — lo suyo or lo propio es que la casa me correspondiera a mí•
to be in the right — tener razón, estar en lo ciertowrong 3.to set or put the world to rights — arreglar el mundo
2) (=prerogative) derecho mthey have a right to privacy — tienen derecho a la or su intimidad
people have the right to read any kind of material they wish — la gente tiene derecho a leer lo que desee
what gives you the right or what right have you got to criticize me? — ¿qué derecho tienes tú a criticarme?
who gave you the right to come in here? — ¿quién te ha dado permiso para entrar aquí?
as of right — por derecho propio•
by right of — por or en razón deby what right do you make all the decisions? — ¿con qué derecho tomas tú todas las decisiones?
abode, assembly, exercise, reserve 2., 1)•
to own sth in one's own right — poseer algo por derecho propio•
insist on your legal rights — hazte valer tus derechos legales•
they don't have voting rights — no tienen derecho al voto or de voto•
to be (well) within one's rights — estar en su derechoyou'd be well within your rights to refuse to cooperate — estarías en tu derecho a negarte a cooperar
women's rights — derechos de la mujerall rights reserved — es propiedad, reservados todos los derechos
4) (=not left) derecha f•
reading from right to left — leyendo de derecha a izquierda•
to keep to the right — (Aut) circular por la derecha•
our house is the second on the right — nuestra casa es la segunda a or de la derecha•
on or to my right — a mi derecha5) (Pol)to be on or to the right of sth/sb — (Pol) estar a la derecha de algo/algn
he's further to the right than I am — es más de derecha or (Sp) de derechas que yo
6) (=right turn)to take or make a right — girar a la derecha
7) (Boxing) (=punch) derechazo m; (=right hand) derecha f4.VT (=put straight) [+ crooked picture] enderezar; (=correct) [+ mistake] corregir; [+ injustice] reparar; (=put right way up) [+ vehicle, person] enderezar•
he tried to right himself but the leg was broken — intentó ponerse de pie pero tenía la pierna rota•
to right a wrong — deshacer un agravio, reparar un daño5.CPDright angle N — ángulo m recto
to be at right angles (to sth) — estar en or formar ángulo recto (con algo)
right back N — (Sport) (=player) lateral mf derecho(-a); (=position) lateral m derecho
right half N — (Sport) medio m (volante) derecho
rights issue N — emisión f de acciones
right-to-liferight to life N — derecho m a la vida
right triangle (US) N — triángulo m rectángulo
right turn N —
to take or make a right turn — (Aut) girar a la derecha; (Pol) dar un giro a la derecha
right wing N — (Pol) derecha f; right-wing; (Sport) (=position) ala f derecha
* * *
I [raɪt]1) ( correct) <answer/interpretation> correctoare we going in the right direction? — ¿vamos bien?
are you sure this is the right house? — ¿estás seguro de que ésta es la casa or de que es aquí?
did you press the right button? — ¿apretaste el botón que debías?
do you have the right change? — ¿tienes el cambio justo?
do you have the right time? — ¿tienes hora (buena)?
2) ( not mistaken)to be right — \<\<person\>\> tener* razón, estar* en lo cierto; \<\<clock\>\> estar* bien
how right she was! — cuánta razón tenía!, si habrá tenido razón!
to be right ABOUT something/somebody — tener* razón en cuanto a algo/alguien
to be right IN something: am I right in thinking this has happened before? si no me equivoco esto ya había pasado antes ¿no?; to get something right: you got two answers right acertaste dos respuestas; did I get your name right? ¿entendí bien tu nombre?; I guess you're Bobby - that's right! tú tienes que ser Bobby - el mismo! or así es!; two o'clock tomorrow, right? - right! — a las dos mañana ¿de acuerdo? - de acuerdo! or (esp Esp fam) vale!
3) (good, suitable) adecuado, apropiadowere the curtains the right length? — ¿estaban bien de largo las cortinas?
if the price is right — si el precio es razonable, si está bien de precio
4) (just, moral) (pred)to be right — ser* justo
to be right to + inf — hacer* bien en + inf
5) (pred)a) ( in order)it's too quiet: something's not right — hay demasiado silencio, algo pasa
b) (fit, healthy) (colloq) bien6) ( complete) (BrE colloq) (before n)he's a right idiot — es un idiota redomado or de marca mayor
7) ( Math)right angle — ángulo m recto
right triangle — (AmE) triángulo m rectángulo
8) (before n) <side/ear/shoe> derecho
1) (correctly, well) bien, correctamenteI had guessed right — había adivinado, no me había equivocado
nothing goes right for them — todo les sale mal, nada les sale bien
to do right by somebody — portarse bien con alguien; serve I 2)
2)a) (all the way, completely)they kept hoping right up until the last moment — no perdieron las esperanzas hasta el último momento
b) ( directly)it's right in front of you — lo tienes allí delante or (fam) delante de las narices
he was right here/there — estaba aquí mismo/allí mismo
c) ( immediately)3) <turn/look> a la derecha
1)a) c u ( entitlement) derecho mright to something/+ INF — derecho a algo/+ inf
in her/his/its own right: she is Queen in her own right es Reina a título propio or por derecho propio; she is also a composer in her own right ella también es compositora; the title is his by right el título le corresponde a él; by what right? — ¿con qué derecho?
b) rights pl derechos mplto be within one's rights — estar* en su (or mi etc) derecho
2) u c ( what is correct)to know right from wrong — saber* distinguir entre el bien y el mal
to be in the right — tener* razón, llevar la razón, estar* en lo cierto
to put o set something to rights — (esp BrE) arreglar algo
3)a) u ( opposite the left) derecha fthe one on the right — el/la de la derecha
to drive on the right — manejar or (Esp) conducir* por la derecha
on o to my/your right — a mi/tu derecha
b) ( right turn)take the next right — tome or (esp Esp) coja la próxima a la derecha
to make o (BrE) take a right — girar or torcer* or doblar a la derecha
4) u ( Pol)
a) ( set upright) enderezar*b) ( redress) \<\<injustice\>\> reparar
interjection (colloq) bueno!, vale! (Esp fam) -
13 concern
1. transitive verb1) (affect) betreffenso far as... is concerned — was... betrifft
2) (interest)concern oneself with or about something — sich mit etwas befassen
3) (trouble)2. nounthe news/her health greatly concerns me — ich bin über diese Nachricht tief beunruhigt/ihre Gesundheit bereitet mir große Sorgen
1) (relation)3) (matter) Angelegenheit, diethat's no concern of mine — das geht mich nichts an
4) (firm) Unternehmen, das* * *[kən'sə:n] 1. verb1) (to have to do with: This order doesn't concern us; So far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like.) betreffen2) ((with for or about) to make (usually oneself) uneasy: Don't concern yourself about her.) beunruhigen3) ((with with or in) to interest (oneself) in: He doesn't concern himself with unimportant details.) sich beschäftigen2. noun1) (something that concerns or belongs to one: His problems are not my concern.) die Angelegenheit2) (anxiety: The condition of the patient is giving rise to concern.) die Sorge3) (a business: a shoe-manufacturing concern.) das Unternehmen•- academic.ru/15009/concerning">concerning* * *con·cern[kənˈsɜ:n, AM -ˈsɜ:rn]I. nthe company's sole \concern is to ensure the safety of its employees das Unternehmen ist einzig und allein um die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit seiner Mitarbeiter besorgthis \concern to appear sophisticated amused everyone sein [eifriges] Bemühen, kultiviert zu wirken, amüsierte allemajor \concern Hauptanliegen nt\concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing die Sorge um die beiden vermissten Teenager wächst beständigmy \concern is that you're not getting your work done ich mache mir Sorgen, dass du deine Arbeit nicht schaffstI have a matter of some \concern that I would like to talk to you about es gibt da ein Problem, über das ich gern mit Ihnen sprechen würdethere's no cause for \concern es besteht kein Grund zur Sorgeto give rise to \concern Besorgnis erregend seinit's no \concern of mine! das ist nicht meine Angelegenheit!that's none of your \concern das geht dich nichts anfinancial \concerns Finanzangelegenheitenpublic \concern öffentliche Angelegenheit▪ to be of \concern to sb für jdn von Bedeutung seina question of common \concern eine Frage von allgemeinem Interessedo you have any \concern with telecommunications? haben Sie etwas mit dem Fernmeldewesen zu tun?to have a \concern in a business an einem Geschäft beteiligt seinfamily \concern Familienunternehmen nta going \concern ein florierendes Unternehmenindustrial \concern Industriekonzern mII. vt1. (apply to)as far as I'm \concerned was mich anbelangt [o betrifft2. (be sb's business)▪ to \concern sb jdn angehento whom it may \concern (certificate) Bescheinigung; (reference) Zeugnis (formelhafte Anrede bei amtlichen Verlautbarungen, die keinen konkreten Adressaten haben)3. (take an interest in)you don't need to \concern yourself with this matter Sie brauchen sich um diese Angelegenheit nicht zu kümmern4. (be about)5. (worry)▪ to \concern sb jdn beunruhigen* * *[kən'sɜːn]1. n1)(= relation, connection)
do you have any concern with banking? — haben Sie etwas mit dem Bankwesen zu tun?2) (= business, affair) Angelegenheit(en pl) f; (= matter of interest and importance to sb) Anliegen ntSee:→ going4) (= share) Beteiligung f5) (= anxiety) Sorge f, Besorgnis fthe situation in the Middle East is causing concern — die Lage im Nahen Osten ist besorgniserregend
there's some/no cause for concern — es besteht Grund/kein Grund zur Sorge
to do sth out of concern for sb — etw aus Sorge um jdn tun
he showed great concern for your safety — er war or zeigte sich (geh)
don't you feel any concern for the starving millions? — berührt Sie die Tatsache, dass Millionen am Verhungern sind, überhaupt nicht?
6) (= importance) Bedeutung fissues of national concern — Fragen pl von nationalem Interesse
to be of little/great concern to sb — jdm nicht/sehr wichtig sein
2. vt1) (= be about) handeln vonthe last chapter is concerned with... — das letzte Kapitel behandelt...
2) (= be the business of, involve) angehen, betreffen; (= affect) betreffenthat doesn't concern you — das betrifft Sie nicht; (as snub) das geht Sie nichts an
to whom it may concern (on certificate) — Bestätigung f; (on reference) Zeugnis
the countries concerned with oil production — die Länder, die mit der Ölproduktion zu tun haben
where money/honour is concerned — wenn es um Geld/die Ehre geht
is it important? – not as far as I'm concerned — ist es denn wichtig? – was mich betrifft nicht
as far as he is concerned it's just another job, but... — für ihn ist es nur ein anderer Job, aber...
as far as I'm concerned you can do what you like — von mir aus kannst du tun und lassen, was du willst
where we are concerned — wo es um uns geht
who are the people concerned in this report? — wer sind die Leute, um die es in diesem Bericht geht?
the persons concerned —
my brother is the most closely concerned the men concerned in the robbery — mein Bruder ist am meisten davon betroffen die in den Überfall verwickelten Männer
3)(= interest)
he is only concerned with facts — ihn interessieren nur die FaktenI'm not concerned now or I don't want to concern myself now with the economic aspect of the problem — mir geht es jetzt nicht um den ökonomischen Aspekt des Problems
4)(= have at heart)
we should be concerned more with or about quality — Qualität sollte uns ein größeres Anliegen seina mother is naturally concerned about the wellbeing of her children — das Wohl ihrer Kinder ist einer Mutter natürlich ein Anliegen
he's not at all concerned with or about her well-being —
5)I was very concerned to hear about your illness — ich habe mir Sorgen gemacht, als ich von Ihrer Krankheit hörte
he was concerned by the news —
I am concerned to hear that... — es beunruhigt mich, dass...
* * *A v/t1. betreffen, angehen, sich beziehen auf (akk):it does not concern me es betrifft mich nicht, es geht mich nichts an;as far as I am concerned soweit es mich betrifft, was mich anbelangt;to whom it may concern an alle, die es angeht (Überschrift auf Attesten etc)this problem concerns us all dieses Problem geht uns alle an oder ist für uns alle wichtig;your reputation is concerned es geht um deinen Ruf3. beunruhigen:don’t let that concern you mache dir deswegen keine Sorgen;4. interessieren, beschäftigen:B s1. Angelegenheit f, Sache f:that is your concern das ist Ihre Sache;that is no concern of mine das geht mich nichts an;the concerns of the nation die Belange der Nation2. Geschäft n, Firma f, Unternehmen n:first concern Firma, die noch in den Händen der Gründer ist;a) ein gut gehendes Unternehmen,b) fig eine gut funktionierende Sache3. Unruhe f, Sorge f, Besorgnis f (at, about, for wegen, um):there is concern es herrscht Besorgnis;with deep concern tief beunruhigt4. Wichtigkeit f:be of no small concern nicht ganz unbedeutend sein, sehr wichtig sein;a matter of national concern ein nationales Anliegenhave no concern with a matter mit einer Sache nichts zu tun haben6. (at, about, for, in, with) Teilnahme f (an dat), Rücksicht f (auf akk), Anteil m (an dat), Interesse n (für):feel a concern for Teilnahme empfinden für, sich interessieren für7. umg Ding n, Sache f, Geschichte f* * *1. transitive verb1) (affect) betreffenso far as... is concerned — was... betrifft
‘to whom it may concern’ — ≈ "Bestätigung"; (on certificate, testimonial) ≈ "Zeugnis"
2) (interest)concern oneself with or about something — sich mit etwas befassen
3) (trouble)2. nounthe news/her health greatly concerns me — ich bin über diese Nachricht tief beunruhigt/ihre Gesundheit bereitet mir große Sorgen
1) (relation)3) (matter) Angelegenheit, die4) (firm) Unternehmen, das* * *(at, about, for) n.Sorge -n (wegen, um) f.Unruhe -n f. (with) n.Beziehung (zu) f. n.Angelegenheit f.Anteil -e m.Besorgnis f.Ding -e n.Firma Firmen f.Geschichte f.Geschäft -e n.Interesse n.Rücksicht f.Sache -n f.Teilnahme f.Unternehmen n.Wichtigkeit f. v.betreffen v.zustimmen v. -
14 concern
1. verb1) (to have to do with: This order doesn't concern us; So far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like.) concernir2) ((with for or about) to make (usually oneself) uneasy: Don't concern yourself about her.) preocuparse3) ((with with or in) to interest (oneself) in: He doesn't concern himself with unimportant details.) interesarse en
2. noun1) (something that concerns or belongs to one: His problems are not my concern.) asunto2) (anxiety: The condition of the patient is giving rise to concern.) preocupación, inquietud3) (a business: a shoe-manufacturing concern.) negocio•concern1 n preocupación / interésconcern2 vb1. tener que ver con / interesar / afectar2. importar3. tratar de / referirse a4. preocuparas far as I'm concerned por lo que a mí se refiere / en cuanto a mítr[kən'sɜːn]■ there's no cause for concern no hay motivo de preocupación, no hay motivo para preocuparse■ what concern is it of yours? ¿y a ti qué te importa?3 SMALLCOMMERCE/SMALL (company, business) negocio1 (affect, involve) afectar, concernir, importar; (interest) interesar2 (worry) preocupar3 (book, film, article, etc) tratar de\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto concern oneself (about something) preocuparse (por algo)to whom it may concern a quien correspondaconcern [kən'sərn] vt1) : tratarse de, tener que ver conthe novel concerns a sailor: la novela se trata de un marinero2) involve: concernir, incumbir a, afectarthat does not concern me: eso no me incumbeconcern n1) affair: asunto m2) worry: inquietud f, preocupación f3) business: negocio mn.• ansiedad s.f.• asunto importante s.m.• desvelo s.m.• empresa s.f.• entidad s.f.• firma s.f.• honrilla s.f.• interés s.m.• miradero s.m.• negocio s.m.• preocupación s.f.v.• atañer v.• concernir v.• corresponder v.• desasosegar v.• importar v.• interesar v.• pertenecer v.• preocupar v.• respectar v.• tocar v.kən'sɜːrn, kən'sɜːn
1) c (business, affair) asunto m2) ua) ( anxiety) preocupación f, inquietud fcause for concern — motivos mpl de preocupación or para preocuparse
b) ( interest)concern FOR somebody/something — interés m por alguien/algo
to be of concern to somebody — importarle or preocuparle a alguien
it's of no great concern to me what he does — no me importa or no me preocupa mucho lo que haga
1) (affect, involve) concernir*, incumbirwhere money is concerned... — en lo que respecta al dinero...
as far as I'm concerned — en lo que a mí respecta, por mi parte
to whom it may concern — (frml) a quien corresponda (frml)
2)a) ( interest) interesarb) (worry, bother) preocupar, inquietar3) ( relate to)my fears concerning her health were unfounded — mis temores en cuanto a or respecto a su salud eran infundados
v reflto concern oneself (ABOUT somebody/something) — preocuparse (por alguien/algo)
[kǝn'sɜːn]to concern oneself WITH something — ( be busy with something) ocuparse de algo; ( interest)
1. N1) (=business) asunto m•
it's no concern of yours — no es asunto tuyo•
technical aspects were the concern of the army — de los aspectos técnicos se encargaba el ejército, los aspectos técnicos eran asunto del ejército•
if they want to go ahead, that's their concern — si quieren seguir adelante, es asunto suyo•
what concern is it of yours? — ¿qué tiene que ver contigo?2) (=anxiety) preocupación f•
his health is giving cause for concern — su salud está dando motivo de preocupación•
to express concern about sth — expresar preocupación por algo•
it is a matter for concern that... — es motivo de preocupación el (hecho de) que...•
with an expression or a look of concern — con cara preocupada or de preocupación•
there is concern that... — preocupa que...3) (=interest, regard) interés m•
my main concern is the welfare of my children — mi interés principal or lo que más me preocupa es el bienestar de mis hijos•
it's of no concern to me — me tiene sin cuidado, a mí no me importa•
out of concern for her feelings, I didn't say anything — no dije nada por no herir sus sentimientos4) (=firm) negocio m, empresa f•
a family concern — un negocio familiar•
a going concern — un negocio próspero, una empresa próspera2. VT1) (=affect) afectar, concernirit concerns me directly — me afecta or concierne directamente
it doesn't concern you at all — no te afecta or concierne para nada
2) (=interest, involve)•
it is best for all concerned — es lo mejor para todas las partes interesadas•
as far as I am concerned — por or en lo que a mí se refiere, por or en lo que a mí respectashe can go to hell as far as I'm concerned — por mí se puede ir a la porra *, por or en lo que a mí respecta se puede ir a la porra *
to concern o.s. with sth, I didn't concern myself with politics — no me metí en políticadon't concern yourself with things you can do nothing about — no te preocupes por cosas que están fuera de tu alcance
those concerned — los interesados•
to whom it may concern — frm a quien corresponda•
to be concerned with sth, essential reading for anyone concerned with children — lecturas fundamentales para cualquiera al que le interesen los niñosthey are mainly concerned with maximizing profits — su interés principal es maximizar los beneficios
3) (=be about)4) (=worry) preocuparit concerns me that... — me preocupa el hecho de que...
* * *[kən'sɜːrn, kən'sɜːn]
1) c (business, affair) asunto m2) ua) ( anxiety) preocupación f, inquietud fcause for concern — motivos mpl de preocupación or para preocuparse
b) ( interest)concern FOR somebody/something — interés m por alguien/algo
to be of concern to somebody — importarle or preocuparle a alguien
it's of no great concern to me what he does — no me importa or no me preocupa mucho lo que haga
1) (affect, involve) concernir*, incumbirwhere money is concerned... — en lo que respecta al dinero...
as far as I'm concerned — en lo que a mí respecta, por mi parte
to whom it may concern — (frml) a quien corresponda (frml)
2)a) ( interest) interesarb) (worry, bother) preocupar, inquietar3) ( relate to)my fears concerning her health were unfounded — mis temores en cuanto a or respecto a su salud eran infundados
v reflto concern oneself (ABOUT somebody/something) — preocuparse (por alguien/algo)
to concern oneself WITH something — ( be busy with something) ocuparse de algo; ( interest)
15 well
I.1 ( in good health) to feel well se sentir bien ; are you well? vous allez bien?, tu vas bien? ; I'm very well, thank you je vais très bien, merci ; she's not well enough to travel elle n'est pas en état de voyager ; he's not a well man il a des problèmes de santé ; people who are well don't need doctors les gens qui se portent bien n'ont pas besoin de médecin ; she doesn't look at all well elle n'a pas l'air en forme du tout ; to get well se rétablir ; get well soon! rétablis-toi vite! ; ‘how is he?’-‘as well as can be expected’ ‘comment va-t-il?’-‘pas trop mal étant donné les circonstances’ ;2 (in satisfactory state, condition) bien ; all is well tout va bien ; she began to fear that all was not well elle commençait à craindre qu'il y eût un problème ; all is not well in their marriage il y a des problèmes dans leur mariage ; I hope all is well with you j'espère que tout va bien pour vous ; all being well, I'll be home before six si tout va bien, je serai à la maison avant six heures ; that's all very well, but tout ça c'est bien beau or joli, mais ; it's all very well to go on strike, but c'est bien beau or joli de faire la grève, mais ; it's all very well for you to laugh, but tu peux rire, mais ; that's all very well for him, but some of us have to work for a living tant mieux pour lui, mais certains d'entre nous doivent gagner leur vie ; if you think you can cope on your own, well and good si tu penses que tu peux te débrouiller tout seul, c'est très bien ;3 (advisable, prudent) it would be just as well to check il vaudrait mieux vérifier ; it would be as well for you not to get involved tu ferais mieux de ne pas t'en mêler ; it might be as well to telephone first il vaudrait mieux téléphoner d'abord, ce serait peut-être aussi bien de téléphoner d'abord ;4 ( fortunate) it was just as well for him that the shops were still open il a eu de la chance que les magasins étaient encore ouverts ; it's just as well you're not hungry, because I didn't buy any food c'est aussi bien que tu n'aies pas faim, parce que je n'ai rien acheté à manger ; the flight was delayed, which was just as well le vol a été retardé, ce qui n'était pas plus mal.1 ( satisfactorily) [treat, behave, feed, eat, sleep, perform etc] bien ; to work well [person] bien travailler, [system] bien marcher ; these scissors cut well ces ciseaux coupent bien ; he isn't eating very well il ne mange pas beaucoup ; she can play the piano as well as her sister elle joue du piano aussi bien que sa sœur ; that boy will do well ce garçon ira loin ; he hasn't done as well as he might il n'a pas réussi aussi bien qu'il aurait pu ; I did well in the general knowledge questions je me suis bien débrouillé pour les questions de culture générale ; to do well at school être bon/bonne élève ; mother and baby are both doing well la mère et l'enfant se portent bien ; the operation went well l'opération s'est bien passée ; you did well to tell me tu as bien fait de me le dire ; he would do well to remember that il ferait bien de se rappeler que ; we'll be doing well if we get there on time on aura de la chance si on arrive à l'heure ; if all goes well si tout va bien ; all went well until tout allait bien jusqu'à ce que ; well done! bravo! ; well played! bien joué! ; he has done very well for himself since he became self-employed il s'en tire très bien depuis qu'il travaille à son compte ; to do oneself well bien se soigner ; to do well by sb se montrer généreux/-euse avec qn ; they're doing quite well out of the mail-order business leur affaire de vente par correspondance marche très bien ; some businessmen did quite well out of the war certains hommes d'affaires se sont enrichis pendant la guerre ; she didn't come out of it very well ( of situation) elle ne s'en est pas très bien sortie ; (of article, programme etc) ce n'était pas très flatteur pour elle ; as I know only too well comme je ne le sais que trop bien ; he is well able to look after himself il est assez grand pour se débrouiller tout seul ;2 ( used with modal verbs) you may well be right il se pourrait bien que tu aies raison ; I might well go there il se pourrait bien que j'y aille, je pourrais bien y aller ; the concert might very well be cancelled il est bien possible que le concert soit annulé ; I can well believe it je veux bien le croire, je n'ai pas de mal à le croire ; it may well be that il se pourrait bien que (+ subj), il est bien possible que (+ subj) ; I couldn't very well say no je pouvais difficilement dire non ; you may well ask! je me le demande bien!, alors ça, si je le savais! ; we might just as well have stayed at home on aurait aussi bien fait de rester à la maison ; we may as well go home on ferait aussi bien de rentrer ; one might well ask why the police were not informed on est en droit de se demander pourquoi la police n'a pas été informée ; ‘shall I shut the door?’-‘you might as well’ ‘est-ce que je ferme la porte?’-‘pourquoi pas’ ; he offered to pay for the damage, as well he might! il a proposé de payer pour les dégâts, c'était la moindre des choses! ; she looked shocked, as well she might elle a eu l'air choquée, ce qui n'avait rien d'étonnant ; we didn't panic, as well we might (have done) nous n'avons pas paniqué, alors qu'il y avait de quoi ;3 ( intensifier) bien, largement ; to be well over the speed limit être bien au-dessus de la vitesse autorisée, avoir largement dépassé la vitesse autorisée ; she is well over 30 elle a bien plus de 30 ans ; she looks well over 30 elle fait largement 30 ans ; there were well over a hundred people il y avait largement plus de cent personnes ; the house is well over a hundred years old la maison a bien plus de cent ans ; the museum is well worth a visit le musée mérite vraiment la visite ; it was well worth waiting for ça valait vraiment la peine d'attendre ; the weather remained fine well into September le temps est resté au beau fixe pendant une bonne partie du mois de septembre ; she was active well into her eighties elle était toujours active même au-delà de ses quatre-vingts ans ; temperatures are well up in the twenties les températures dépassent largement vingt degrés ; profits are well above/below average les bénéfices sont nettement supérieurs/inférieurs à la moyenne ; stand well back from the kerb tenez-vous bien à l'écart du bord du trottoir ; the house is situated well back from the road la maison est située bien à l'écart de la route ; it was well after midnight il était bien après minuit ; it went on until well after midnight ça s'est prolongé bien au-delà de minuit ; the party went on well into the night la soirée a continué tard dans la nuit ;4 ( approvingly) to speak/think well of sb dire/penser du bien de qn ;5 to wish sb well souhaiter beaucoup de chance à qn ; I wish you well of it! iron je vous souhaite bien du plaisir! iron ;6 as well ( also) aussi ; as well as ( in addition to) aussi bien que ; is Tom coming as well? est-ce que Tom vient aussi? ; you know as well as I do why he left tu sais aussi bien que moi pourquoi il est parti ; he is studying Italian as well as French il étudie à la fois l'italien et le français ; I worked on Saturday as well as on Sunday j'ai travaillé samedi et dimanche ; they have a house in the country as well as an apartment in Paris ils ont une maison à la campagne ainsi qu'un appartement à Paris ; by day as well as by night de jour comme de nuit ;C excl1 ( expressing astonishment) eh bien! ; (expressing indignation, disgust) ça alors! ; ( expressing disappointment) tant pis! ; (after pause in conversation, account) bon ; ( qualifying statement) enfin ; well, who would have thought it! eh bien, qui aurait pu croire ça! ; well, I think so eh bien, je crois ; well, you may have a point, but bon or d'accord, ce que tu dis est peut-être vrai, mais ; well, you may be right après tout, tu as peut-être raison ; well, as I was saying bon, comme je disais ; well, that's too bad c'est vraiment dommage ; well then, what's the problem? alors, quel est le problème? ; they've gone already? oh well! ils sont déjà partis? tant pis! ; oh well, there's nothing I can do about it ma foi, je n'y peux rien ; well, well, well, if it isn't my aunt Violet! ma parole, c'est ma tante Violet! ; well, well, well, so you're off to America? alors comme ça, tu pars aux États-Unis! ; the weather was good, well, good for March il faisait beau, enfin beau pour un mois de mars ; ‘he said he'd kill himself’-‘well, did he?’ ‘il a dit qu'il se tuerait’-‘eh bien or et alors, est-ce qu'il l'a fait?’ ; very well then très bien.all's well that ends well Prov tout est bien qui finit bien ; to be well in with sb ○ être bien avec qn ○ ; to be well up in sth s'y connaître en qch ; to leave well alone GB ou well enough alone US ( not get involved) ne pas s'en mêler ; I would leave well alone if I were you moi à ta place je ne m'en mêlerais pas ; you're well out of it ○ ! heureusement que tu n'as plus rien à voir avec ça! ; well and truly bel et bien ; well and truly over/lost bel et bien fini/perdu.II.A n2 ( pool) source f ;■ well up monter ; tears welled up in my eyes les larmes me sont montées aux yeux ; anger welled up inside me j'ai senti la colère monter en moi. -
16 well
well [wel]1. noun(for water, oil) puits m3. adverba. ( = satisfactorily, skilfully) [behave, sleep, eat, treat, remember] bien• well done! bravo !• well played! bien joué !• you're well out of it! c'est une chance que tu n'aies plus rien à voir avec cela !b. (intensifying = very much, thoroughly) bien• well over 1,000 people bien plus de 1 000 personnesc. ( = with good reason, with equal reason) one might well ask why on pourrait à juste titre demander pourquoi• you might (just) as well say that... autant dire que...• and it rained as well! et par-dessus le marché il a plu !e. ( = positively) to think/speak well of penser/dire du bien de4. exclamation• he has won the election! -- well, well, well! il a été élu ! -- tiens, tiens !• well, what do you think of it? alors qu'en dites-vous ?• well, here we are at last! eh bien ! nous voilà enfin !• you know Paul? well, he's getting married vous connaissez Paul ? eh bien il se marie• are you coming? -- well... I've got a lot to do here vous venez ? -- c'est que... j'ai beaucoup à faire ici5. adjective(comparative, superlative best)a. bien, bon• that's all very well but... tout ça c'est bien joli mais... (PROV) all's well that ends well(PROV) tout est bien qui finit bienb. ( = healthy) how are you? -- very well, thank you comment allez-vous ? -- très bien, merci• get well soon! remets-toi vite !c. (cautious) it is as well to remember that... il ne faut pas oublier que...6. prefix• well-chosen/dressed bien choisi/habillé7. compounds• you would be well-advised to leave vous auriez (tout) intérêt à partir ► well-appointed adjective [house, room] bien aménagé► well-kept adjective [house, garden, hair] bien entretenu ; [hands, nails] soigné ; [secret] bien gardé► well-meaning adjective [person] bien intentionné ; [remark, action] fait avec les meilleures intentions• you don't know when you're well-off ( = fortunate) tu ne connais pas ton bonheur ► well-paid adjective bien payé• he got many letters from well-wishers il a reçu de nombreuses lettres d'encouragement ► well-woman clinic noun (British) centre prophylactique et thérapeutique pour femmes* * *I 1. [wel]1) ( in good health)are you well? — vous allez bien?, tu vas bien?
‘how is he?’ - ‘as well as can be expected’ — ‘comment va-t-il?’ - ‘pas trop mal étant donné les circonstances’
2) ( in satisfactory state) bienthat's all very well, but — tout ça c'est bien beau, mais
it's all very well for you to laugh, but — tu peux rire, mais
3) ( prudent)4) ( fortunate)it was just as well for him that the shops were still open — il a eu de la chance que les magasins aient été encore ouverts
2.the flight was delayed, which was just as well — le vol a été retardé, ce qui n'était pas plus mal
1) ( satisfactorily) bienI did well in the general knowledge questions — je me suis bien débrouillé pour les questions de culture générale
to do well at school — être bon/bonne élève
to do well by somebody — se montrer généreux/-euse avec quelqu'un
some businessmen did quite well out of the war — certains hommes d'affaires se sont enrichis pendant la guerre
she didn't come out of it very well — ( of situation) elle ne s'en est pas très bien sortie; (of article, programme etc) ce n'était pas très flatteur pour elle
2) ( used with modal verbs)I can well believe it — je veux bien le croire, je n'ai pas de mal à le croire
‘shall I shut the door?’ - ‘you might as well’ — ‘est-ce que je ferme la porte?’ - ‘pourquoi pas’
she looked shocked, as well she might — elle a eu l'air choquée, ce qui n'avait rien d'étonnant
3) ( intensifier) bien, largementthe weather remained fine well into September — le temps est resté au beau fixe pendant une bonne partie du mois de septembre
she was active well into her eighties — elle était toujours active même au-delà de ses quatre-vingts ans
4) ( approvingly)5)3.exclamation ( expressing astonishment) eh bien!; (expressing indignation, disgust) ça alors!; ( expressing disappointment) tant pis!; (after pause in conversation, account) bon; ( qualifying statement) enfinwell, you may be right — après tout, tu as peut-être raison
well, that's too bad — c'est vraiment dommage
well then, what's the problem? — alors, quel est le problème?
oh well, there's nothing I can do about it — ma foi, je n'y peux rien
4.well, well, well, so you're off to America? — alors comme ça, tu pars aux États-Unis!
as well adverbial phrase aussi5.as well as prepositional phrase aussi bien quethey have a house in the country as well as an apartment in Paris — ils ont à la fois une maison à la campagne et un appartement à Paris
••to be well in with somebody — (colloq) être bien avec quelqu'un (colloq)
to leave well alone GB ou well enough alone US — ne pas s'en mêler
II 1. [wel] 2.you're well out of it! — (colloq) heureusement que tu n'as plus rien à voir avec ça!
Phrasal Verbs:- well up -
17 do
1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?) 02) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; ðo sit down) 03) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.) 04) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.) 05) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) hacer6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) hacer7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) hacer8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) servir, ir bien, ser suficiente9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) hacer, dedicarse, estudiar10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) ir11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) arreglar12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) hacer, comportarse, actuar13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) hacer14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) causar, hacer15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) visitar
2. noun(an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) fiesta, evento- doer- doings
- done
- do-it-yourself
- to-do
- I
- he could be doing with / could do with
- do away with
- do for
- done for
- done in
- do out
- do out of
- do's and don'ts
- do without
- to do with
- what are you doing with
do vb hacerwhat are you doing? ¿qué haces?do as you are told! ¡haz lo que se te dice!how do you do? ¿cómo está usted?Con este saludo, la respuesta típica es también how do you do?to do you good sentarte bien / irte biento do well ir bien / tener éxitowhat do you do? ¿a qué te dedicas? / ¿cuál es tu trabajo?do también se emplea para formular las preguntas en presentedo you like dancing? ¿te gusta bailar?do elephants live in Asia? ¿viven los elefantes en Asia?
Multiple Entries: D.O. do do.
do sustantivo masculino ( nota) C; ( en solfeo) do, doh (BrE);
do sustantivo masculino Mús (de solfeo) doh, do (de escala diatónica) C
do bemol, C-flat
do de pecho, high C
do sostenido, C-sharp Locuciones: dar el do de pecho, to do one's very best 'do' also found in these entries: Spanish: abrochar - acomodada - acomodado - acompañar - anda - animarse - apetecer - apostarse - aprender - arte - así - atañer - atonía - atreverse - bajeza - bastar - bastante - bastarse - bien - bola - bordar - brazo - bricolaje - broma - caballo - cacharro - cada - calaña - campar - capaz - cara - cargar - cascabel - casual - cepillarse - cerrar - colada - coletilla - comer - comandita - comecome - como - componer - componenda - compromiso - común - con - contentarse - contrapelo - corpachón English: about-face - about-turn - actually - advance - again - agree - aim to - all - all-out - allow - any - approachable - approve of - as - ask - aspect - associate - attempt - attribute - authorize - bankrupt - begin - best - born - bunk - burden - business - busywork - by - C - call - can - carry-on - cast - cease - cheap - chief - choose - cleaning - clear - come through - command - commit - compel - compelling - complaint - compute - conception - condescend - conditiondotr[dʊː]■ do you smoke? ¿fumas?■ do you know Susan? ¿conoces a Susan?■ what do they want? ¿qué quieren?■ where does Neil live? ¿dónde vive Neil?■ what film did you see? ¿qué película viste?■ when did they leave? ¿cuándo se fueron?■ do come with us! ¡ánimo, vente con nosotros!■ I did post it, I swear! ¡sí que lo mandé, te lo juro!■ do you like basketball? - yes, I do ¿te gusta el baloncesto? - sí, me gusta■ did you see the film? - no, I didn't ¿viste la película? - no, no la vi■ who wears glasses? - Brian does ¿quién lleva gafas? - Brian■ who broke the vase? - I did ¿quién rompió el florero? - yo■ you don't smoke, do you? no fumas, ¿verdad?■ you like fish, don't you? a ti te gusta el pescado, ¿verdad?■ she lives in Madrid, doesn't she? vive en Madrid, ¿verdad?■ you went to their wedding, didn't you? tú fuiste a su boda, ¿verdad?■ they didn't believe you, did they? no te creyeron, ¿verdad?1 (gen) hacer■ what are you doing here? ¿qué haces aquí?■ what are you doing this weekend? ¿qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?■ whatever you do, don't drink alcohol hagas lo que hagas, no bebas alcohol■ what can I do about it? ¿qué quieres que haga yo?2 (as job) hacer, dedicarse■ what do you do (for a living)? ¿a qué te dedicas?■ what does he want to do when he leaves university? ¿a qué quiere dedicarse cuando deje la universidad?3 (carry out - job, task) hacer, realizar, llevar a cabo; (- duty) cumplir con■ I've got to do the cooking/cleaning tengo que cocinar/limpiar■ have you done your homework? ¿has hecho los deberes?4 (study) estudiar■ do you do biology at school? ¿estudias biología en el instituto?5 (solve - puzzle) solucionar; (- crossword, sum) hacer6 (produce, make - meal) preparar, hacer; (drawing, painting, translation, etc) hacer; (offer - service) servir, tener, hacer; (- discount) hacer■ does this pub do food? ¿sirven comidas en este pub?7 (attend to) atender, servir■ what can I do for you? ¿en qué le puedo servir?8 (put on, produce - play, opera, etc) presentar, dar, poner en escena; (play the part of) hacer el papel de9 (finish, complete) terminar■ have you done moaning? ¿has terminado de protestar?10 (achieve) lograr, conseguir■ he's done it! ¡lo ha conseguido!11 (travel over - distance) recorrer, hacer; (complete - journey) hacer, ir; (travel at - speed) ir a■ we did London to Nottingham in two and a half hours fuimos de Londres a Nottingham en dos horas y media12 (be sufficient for) ser suficiente; (be satisfactory for, acceptable to) ir bien a■ will 6 glasses do you? ¿será suficiente con seis vasos?■ yes, that will do me nicely sí, eso me irá perfectamente13 familiar (cheat, swindle) estafar, timar; (rob) robar; (arrest, convict) coger; (fine) encajar una multa; (serve time in prison) cumplir■ you've been done! ¡te han timado!1 (act, behave) hacer2 (progress) ir■ how are you doing? ¿qué tal vas?, ¿cómo te van las cosas?■ how are we doing for time? ¿cómo andamos de tiempo?3 (complete, finish) terminar■ have you done with the hairdryer? ¿has terminado con el secador?4 (be sufficient) bastar, ser suficiente, alcanzar■ will one slice do for you? ¿tendrás suficiente con una rebanada?■ that'll do! ¡basta!5 (be satisfactory, suitable) servir, estar bien■ well, I suppose it'll have to do bueno, supongo que tendrá que servir■ it (just/simply) won't do no puede ser■ this cushion will do as/for a pillow este cojín servirá de almohada\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLthat does it! ¡esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!, ¡ya está bien!to be/have to do with somebody/something tener que ver con alguien/algoto do business with somebody negociar con alguiento do drugs drogarse, consumir drogasto do one's best hacer lo mejor posibleto do one's hair peinarseto do one's military service hacer el servicio militarto do one's nails arreglarse las uñasto do something again volver a hacer algoto do something for somebody (help) hacer algo por alguien 2 (flatter, suit) favorecer a alguien, quedarle bien a alguien 3 (please) atraer a alguien, decirle algo a alguienwhat's done is done a lo hecho, pechoyou've done it now ahora sí que la has hecho buena1) carry out, perform: hacer, realizar, llevar a caboshe did her best: hizo todo lo posible2) prepare: preparar, hacerdo your homework: haz tu tarea3) arrange: arreglar, peinar (el pelo)4)to do in ruin: estropear, arruinar5)to do in kill: matar, liquidar famdo vi1) : haceryou did well: hiciste bien2) fare: estar, ir, andarhow are you doing?: ¿cómo estás?, ¿cómo te va?3) finish: terminarnow I'm done: ya terminé4) serve: servir, ser suficiente, alcanzarthis will do for now: esto servirá por el momento5)to do away with abolish: abolir, suprimir6)to do away with kill: eliminar, matar7)to do by treat: tratarhe does well by her: él la trata biendo v auxdo you know her?: ¿la conoces?I don't like that: a mí no me gusta esoI do hope you'll come: espero que vengasdo you speak English? yes, I do: ¿habla inglés? síexpr.• cargarse v.• eliminar v.• liquidar v.expr.• buscarle tres pies al gato expr.• encontrarle defectos a todo expr.v.(§ p.,p.p.: did, done) = arreglar v.• desempeñar v.• ejecutar v.• hacer v.(§pres: hago, haces...) pret: hic-pp: hechofut/c: har-•)• obrar v.• resolver v.
1. duː, weak form dʊ, də1) hacer*are you doing anything this evening? — ¿vas a hacer algo esta noche?
to have something/nothing to do — tener* algo/no tener* nada que hacer
can I do anything to help? — ¿puedo ayudar en algo?
what have you done to your hair? — ¿qué te has hecho en el pelo?
I don't know what I'm going to do with you! — no sé qué voy a hacer contigo!; see also do with
2) ( carry out) \<\<job/task\>\> hacer*to do one's homework — hacer* los deberes
3) ( as job)what do you do? — ¿usted qué hace or a qué se dedica?
what does he do for a living? — ¿en qué trabaja?
4) (achieve, bring about)she's done it: it's a new world record — lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial
he's late again: that does it! — vuelve a llegar tarde esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!
to do something for somebody/something: that mustache really does something for him la verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? — ¿en qué ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE?
5)a) (fix, arrange, repair)b) ( clean) \<\<dishes\>\> lavar; \<\<brass/windows\>\> limpiar6) (make, produce)a) \<\<meal\>\> preparar, hacer*would you do the carrots? — ¿me preparas (or pelas etc) las zanahorias?
b) \<\<drawinganslation\>\> hacer*7) (BrE) ( offer)they do a set meal for £12 — tienen un menú de 12 libras
8) (suffice for, suit)two shirts will do me — con dos camisas me alcanza or tengo suficiente
9) ( travel)the car has only done 4,000 miles — el coche sólo tiene 4.000 millas
10)a) ( study) estudiarb) ( visit) (colloq) \<\<sights/museum\>\> visitar11) ( Theat)a) ( play role of) hacer* el papel deb) ( take part in) \<\<play\>\> actuar* enc) ( impersonate) imitar12) (colloq) ( serve in prison) cumplir13) (BrE colloq)a) (catch, prosecute) agarrarb) ( cheat) estafar, timarI've been done! — me han estafado or timado!
14) ( use) (sl)to do drugs — drogarse*, consumir drogas
15) (colloq) ( finish) terminarare o (esp BrE) have you done complaining? — ¿has terminado de quejarte?
vi1) (act, behave) hacer*2) (get along, manage)how are you doing? — ¿qué tal estás or andas or te va?
how do you do? — ( as greeting) mucho gusto, encantado
how do? — (colloq & dial) ¿qué tal?
how are we doing for time/cash? — ¿cómo or qué tal vamos or andamos de tiempo/dinero?
she did well/badly in her exams — le fue bien/mal en los exámenes
to do well/badly out of something — salir* bien/mal parado de algo
3) (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form)nothing doing! — ni hablar!, ni lo sueñes!
4)a) (be suitable, acceptable)look, this won't do! — mira, esto no puede ser!
it's not ideal, but it'll do — no es lo ideal, pero sirve
I'm not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! — no pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso
b)to do for o as something: this box will do for o as a table — esta caja nos servirá de mesa
5) ( be enough) ser* suficiente, alcanzar*, bastarone bottle will do — con una botella basta or es suficiente
6) ( finish) (in past p) terminarI'm not o (BrE) I haven't done yet! — no he terminado todavía
1) Sense Iv aux [El verbo auxiliar do se usa para formar el negativo (I 1) y el interrogativo (I 2), para agregar énfasis (I 3) o para sustituir a un verbo usado anteriormente (II)]2)a) (used to form negative)I do not o don't know — no sé
I did not o didn't see her — no la vi
b) (with inversion after negative adv)3)a)Ex:does this belong to you? — ¿esto es tuyo?did I frighten you? — ¿te asusté?/Ex:b)Ex:boy, do you need a bath! — Dios mío! qué falta te hace un baño!/Ex:4)a)( emphasizing)Ex:you must admit, she did look ill — tienes que reconocer que tenía mala carado be quiet! — ¿te quieres callar?/Ex:b)Ex:I haven't decided, but if I do accept... — todavía no lo he decidido, pero si aceptara.../Ex:not only does it cost more, it also... — no sólo cuesta más, sino que también...
c) ( in legal formulae)5)Ex:do you live here? - yes, I do/no, I don't — ¿vives aquí? - sí/noshe wanted to come, but he didn't — ella quería venir, pero él noshe found it in your drawer - oh, did she? — lo encontró en tu cajón - ¿ah, sí?I don't need a haircut - yes, you do! — no necesito cortarme el pelo - cómo que no!she says she understands, but she doesn't — dice que comprende, pero no es así/Ex:6)Ex:you know Bob, don't you? — conoces a Bob, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?I told you, didn't I? — te lo dije ¿no? or ¿no es cierto?/Ex:I, Charles Brown, do solemnly swear that... — yo, Charles Brown, juro solemnemente que...
•Phrasal Verbs:- do down- do for- do in- do out- do over- do up- do with
II duː1) c (party, gathering) (colloq) fiesta f, reunión f2) ( state of affairs) (colloq) (no pl)fair dos — (BrE colloq)
fair dos all round — a partes iguales para todos; (as interj) seamos justos!
3)do's and don'ts — ( rules) normas fpl
III dəʊ
I [duː] ( 3rd pers sing present does) (pt did) (pp done)1. TRANSITIVE VERB1) hacerwhat are you doing tonight? — ¿qué haces esta noche?
what's this doing on my chair? — ¿qué hace esto en mi silla?
what's to be done? — ¿qué se puede hacer?
what's the weather doing? — ¿qué tal tiempo hace?
to do sth again — volver a hacer algo, hacer algo de nuevoit will have to be done again — habrá que volver a hacerlo, habrá que hacerlo de nuevo
what's he ever done for me? — ¿qué ha hecho él por mí?what can I do for you? — ¿en qué puedo servirle?, ¿qué se le ofrece? (LAm)
could you do something for me? — ¿me podrías hacer un favor?
what are we going to do for money? — ¿de dónde vamos a sacar dinero?
the new measures will do a lot for small businesses — las nuevas medidas serán de gran ayuda para las pequeñas empresas
after the accident she couldn't do much for herself — después del accidente casi no podía valerse por sí misma
if you do anything to him I'll kill you — si le haces algo te matowhat's he done to his hair? — ¿qué se ha hecho en el pelo?
what have you done with my slippers? — ¿dónde has puesto mis zapatillas?what am I going to do with you? — ¿qué voy a hacer contigo?
what are you doing with yourself these days? — ¿qué haces ahora?
what am I going to do with myself for the rest of the day? — ¿qué puedo hacer el resto del día?
living 2., 1)she didn't know what to do with herself once the children had left home — se encontró un poco perdida cuando sus hijos se fueron de casa
2) (=carry out) [+ work, essay] hacerSome [do] + noun combinations require a more specific Spanish verb:•
he did a drawing/ portrait of her — la dibujó/retrató, hizo un dibujo/retrato de ella•
to do one's duty (by sb) — cumplir con su deber (con algn)3) (=clean)4) (=arrange, prepare) [+ vegetables] preparar; [+ room] hacer, arreglarhair 1., 1)this room needs doing — hay que hacer or arreglar esta habitación
5) (=spend) pasar6) (=finish)now you've (gone and) done it! * — ¡ahora sí que la has hecho buena! *
that's done it! * we're stuck now — ¡la hemos fastidiado! * ahora no podemos salir de aquí
that does it! * that's the last time I lend him my car — ¡es el colmo! or ¡hasta aquí hemos llegado!, es la última vez que le dejo el coche
good 2., 2)have you done moaning? * — ¿has acabado de quejarte?
7) (=offer, make available)8) (=study) [+ university course, option] hacer, estudiarI want to do Physics at university — quiero hacer or estudiar física en la universidad
to do Italian — hacer or estudiar italiano
9) (Theat) [+ play] representar, poner; [+ part] hacer10) (=mimic) [+ person] imitar11) (Aut, Rail etc) (=travel at) [+ speed] ir a; (=cover) [+ distance] cubrir12) (=attend to)proud13) * (=visit) [+ city, museum] visitar, recorrer; [+ country] visitar, viajar por14) * (=be suitable, sufficient for)will a kilo do you? — ¿le va bien un kilo?
that'll do me nicely — (=be suitable) eso me vendrá muy bien; (=suffice) con eso me basta
15) * (=cheat) estafar, timar; (=rob) robarI've been done! — ¡me han estafado or timado!
16) * (=prosecute) procesar; (=fine) multar17) * (=beat up) dar una paliza aI'll do you if I get hold of you! — ¡te voy a dar una paliza como te pille!
2. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) (=act) hacer•
you would do better to accept — sería aconsejable que aceptaras•
do as you think best — haga lo que mejor le parezca•
do as you are told! — ¡haz lo que te digo!•
she was up and doing at 6 o'clock — a las 6 de la mañana ya estaba levantada y trajinando•
you would do well to take his advice — harías bien en seguir su consejowell I, 1., 1)•
you could do a lot worse than marry her — casarte con ella no es lo peor que podrías hacer2) (=get on)•
he did badly in the exam — le fue mal en el examen•
you can do better than that — (essay, drawing) puedes hacerlo mejor; iro (=find better excuse) ¡y qué más!•
how is your father doing? — ¿cómo está tu padre?, ¿cómo le va a tu padre?how are you doing? * — ¿qué tal?, ¿cómo te va?
how did you do in the audition? — ¿qué tal or cómo te fue en la audición?
how do you do? (greeting) ¿cómo está usted?, gusto en conocerlo (LAm); (as answer) ¡mucho gusto!, ¡encantado!•
he's doing well at school — le va bien en el colegio3) (=be suitable)•
it doesn't do to upset her — cuidado con ofenderla•
will this one do? — ¿te parece bien este?will it do if I come back at eight? — ¿va bien si vuelvo a las ocho?
will tomorrow do? — ¿iría bien mañana?
it's not exactly what I wanted, but it will or it'll do — no es exactamente lo que quería pero servirá
that won't do, you'll have to do it again — así no está bien, tendrás que volver a hacerlomake 1., 4)•
you can't go on your own, that would never do! — no podemos consentir que vayas sola, ¡eso no puede ser!4) (=be sufficient) bastar•
three bottles of wine should do — bastará con tres botellas de vino•
will £20 do? — ¿bastarán 20 libras?, ¿tendrás bastante con 20 libras?that will do! — ¡basta ya!
5) (=happen)"could you lend me £50?" - "nothing doing!" — -¿me podrías prestar 50 libras? -¡de ninguna manera! or -¡ni hablar!
have you done? — ¿ya has terminado or acabado?
don't take it away, I've not done yet — no te lo lleves, ¡aún no he terminado or acabado!
I haven't done telling you — ¡no he terminado de contarte!
I've done with travelling — ya no voy a viajar más, he renunciado a los viajesI've done with all that nonsense — ya no tengo nada que ver or ya he terminado con todas esas tonterías
have you done with that book? — ¿has terminado con este libro?
7) * (=clean) hacer la limpieza (en casa)3. AUXILIARY VERBThere is no equivalent in Spanish to the use of in questions, negative statements and negative commands.do you understand? — ¿comprendes?, ¿entiendes?
where does he live? — ¿dónde vive?
didn't you like it? — ¿no te gustó?
why didn't you come? — ¿por qué no viniste?
2) (negation)I don't understand — no entiendo or comprendo
don't worry! — ¡no te preocupes!
don't you tell me what to do! — ¡no me digas lo que tengo que hacer!
do tell me! — ¡dímelo, por favor!
do sit down — siéntese, por favor, tome asiento, por favor frm
I do wish I could come with you — ¡ojalá pudiera ir contigo!
but I do like it! — ¡sí que me gusta!, ¡por supuesto que me gusta!
so you do know him! — ¡así que sí lo conoces!
rarely does it happen that... — rara vez ocurre que...
a)"did you fix the car?" - "I did" — -¿arreglaste el coche? -sí
"I love it" - "so do I" — -me encanta -a mí también
"he borrowed the car" - "oh he did, did he?" — -pidió el coche prestado -¿ah sí? ¡no me digas!
I like this colour, don't you? — me gusta este color, ¿a ti no?
"do you speak English?" - "yes, I do/no I don't" — -¿habla usted inglés? -sí, hablo inglés/no, no hablo inglés
"may I come in?" - "(please) do!" — -¿se puede pasar? -¡pasa (por favor)!
"who made this mess?" - "I did" — -¿quién lo ha desordenado todo? -fui yo
"shall I ring her again?" - "no, don't!" — -¿la llamo otra vez? -¡no, no la llames!
he lives here, doesn't he? — vive aquí, ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no?
I don't know him, do I? — no lo conozco, ¿verdad?
it doesn't matter, does it? — no importa, ¿no?
she said that, did she? — ¿eso es lo que dijo?
4. NOUN1) (Brit) * (=party) fiesta f ; (=formal gathering) reunión fthey had a big do for their twenty-fifth anniversary — dieron una gran fiesta por su vigésimo quinto aniversario
2) (in phrases)•
the do's and don'ts of buying a house — lo que debe y lo que no debe hacerse al comprar una casa•
it's a poor do when... — es una vergüenza cuando...- do by- do down- do for- do in- do out- do over- do up- do with
[dǝʊ]N (Mus) do m* * *
1. [duː], weak form [dʊ, də]1) hacer*are you doing anything this evening? — ¿vas a hacer algo esta noche?
to have something/nothing to do — tener* algo/no tener* nada que hacer
can I do anything to help? — ¿puedo ayudar en algo?
what have you done to your hair? — ¿qué te has hecho en el pelo?
I don't know what I'm going to do with you! — no sé qué voy a hacer contigo!; see also do with
2) ( carry out) \<\<job/task\>\> hacer*to do one's homework — hacer* los deberes
3) ( as job)what do you do? — ¿usted qué hace or a qué se dedica?
what does he do for a living? — ¿en qué trabaja?
4) (achieve, bring about)she's done it: it's a new world record — lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial
he's late again: that does it! — vuelve a llegar tarde esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!
to do something for somebody/something: that mustache really does something for him la verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? — ¿en qué ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE?
5)a) (fix, arrange, repair)b) ( clean) \<\<dishes\>\> lavar; \<\<brass/windows\>\> limpiar6) (make, produce)a) \<\<meal\>\> preparar, hacer*would you do the carrots? — ¿me preparas (or pelas etc) las zanahorias?
b) \<\<drawing/translation\>\> hacer*7) (BrE) ( offer)they do a set meal for £12 — tienen un menú de 12 libras
8) (suffice for, suit)two shirts will do me — con dos camisas me alcanza or tengo suficiente
9) ( travel)the car has only done 4,000 miles — el coche sólo tiene 4.000 millas
10)a) ( study) estudiarb) ( visit) (colloq) \<\<sights/museum\>\> visitar11) ( Theat)a) ( play role of) hacer* el papel deb) ( take part in) \<\<play\>\> actuar* enc) ( impersonate) imitar12) (colloq) ( serve in prison) cumplir13) (BrE colloq)a) (catch, prosecute) agarrarb) ( cheat) estafar, timarI've been done! — me han estafado or timado!
14) ( use) (sl)to do drugs — drogarse*, consumir drogas
15) (colloq) ( finish) terminarare o (esp BrE) have you done complaining? — ¿has terminado de quejarte?
vi1) (act, behave) hacer*2) (get along, manage)how are you doing? — ¿qué tal estás or andas or te va?
how do you do? — ( as greeting) mucho gusto, encantado
how do? — (colloq & dial) ¿qué tal?
how are we doing for time/cash? — ¿cómo or qué tal vamos or andamos de tiempo/dinero?
she did well/badly in her exams — le fue bien/mal en los exámenes
to do well/badly out of something — salir* bien/mal parado de algo
3) (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form)nothing doing! — ni hablar!, ni lo sueñes!
4)a) (be suitable, acceptable)look, this won't do! — mira, esto no puede ser!
it's not ideal, but it'll do — no es lo ideal, pero sirve
I'm not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! — no pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso
b)to do for o as something: this box will do for o as a table — esta caja nos servirá de mesa
5) ( be enough) ser* suficiente, alcanzar*, bastarone bottle will do — con una botella basta or es suficiente
6) ( finish) (in past p) terminarI'm not o (BrE) I haven't done yet! — no he terminado todavía
1) Sense Iv aux [El verbo auxiliar do se usa para formar el negativo (I 1) y el interrogativo (I 2), para agregar énfasis (I 3) o para sustituir a un verbo usado anteriormente (II)]2)a) (used to form negative)I do not o don't know — no sé
I did not o didn't see her — no la vi
b) (with inversion after negative adv)3)a)Ex:does this belong to you? — ¿esto es tuyo?did I frighten you? — ¿te asusté?/Ex:b)Ex:boy, do you need a bath! — Dios mío! qué falta te hace un baño!/Ex:4)a)( emphasizing)Ex:you must admit, she did look ill — tienes que reconocer que tenía mala carado be quiet! — ¿te quieres callar?/Ex:b)Ex:I haven't decided, but if I do accept... — todavía no lo he decidido, pero si aceptara.../Ex:not only does it cost more, it also... — no sólo cuesta más, sino que también...
c) ( in legal formulae)5)Ex:do you live here? - yes, I do/no, I don't — ¿vives aquí? - sí/noshe wanted to come, but he didn't — ella quería venir, pero él noshe found it in your drawer - oh, did she? — lo encontró en tu cajón - ¿ah, sí?I don't need a haircut - yes, you do! — no necesito cortarme el pelo - cómo que no!she says she understands, but she doesn't — dice que comprende, pero no es así/Ex:6)Ex:you know Bob, don't you? — conoces a Bob, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?I told you, didn't I? — te lo dije ¿no? or ¿no es cierto?/Ex:I, Charles Brown, do solemnly swear that... — yo, Charles Brown, juro solemnemente que...
•Phrasal Verbs:- do down- do for- do in- do out- do over- do up- do with
II [duː]1) c (party, gathering) (colloq) fiesta f, reunión f2) ( state of affairs) (colloq) (no pl)fair dos — (BrE colloq)
fair dos all round — a partes iguales para todos; (as interj) seamos justos!
3)do's and don'ts — ( rules) normas fpl
III [dəʊ] -
18 do
I 1. transitive verb,neg. coll. don't, pres. t. he does, neg. (coll.) doesn't, p.t. did, neg. (coll.) didn't, pres. p. doing, p.p. done1) (perform) machen [Hausaufgaben, Hausarbeit, Examen, Handstand]; vollbringen [Tat]; tun, erfüllen [Pflicht]; tun, verrichten [Arbeit]; ausführen [Malerarbeiten]; vorführen [Trick, Striptease, Nummer, Tanz]; durchführen [Test]; aufführen [Stück]; singen [Lied]; mitmachen [Rennen, Wettbewerb]; spielen [Musikstück, Rolle]; tun [Buße]do the shopping/washing up/cleaning — einkaufen [gehen]/abwaschen/sauber machen
do a lot of reading/walking — etc. viel lesen/spazieren gehen usw.
do a dance/the foxtrot — tanzen/Foxtrott tanzen
do something to something/somebody — etwas mit etwas/jemandem machen
what can I do for you? — was kann ich für Sie tun?; (in shop) was darf's sein?
do something about something/somebody — etwas gegen etwas/jemanden unternehmen
not know what to do with oneself — nicht wissen, was man machen soll
that does it — jetzt reicht's (ugs.)
that's done it — (caused a change for the worse) das hat das Fass zum Überlaufen gebracht; (caused a change for the better) das hätten wir
do a Garbo — (coll.) es der Garbo (Dat.) gleichtun
the car does/was doing about 100 m.p.h./does 45 miles to the gallon — das Auto schafft/fuhr mit ungefähr 160 Stundenkilometer/frisst (ugs.) od. braucht sechs Liter pro 100 Kilometer
2) (spend)do a spell in the armed forces — eine Zeit lang bei der Armee sein
how much longer have you to do at college? — wie lange musst du noch aufs College gehen?
3) (produce) machen [Übersetzung, Kopie]; anfertigen [Bild, Skulptur]; herstellen [Artikel, Produkte]; schaffen [Pensum]5) (prepare) machen [Bett, Frühstück]; (work on) machen (ugs.), fertig machen [Garten, Hecke]; (clean) sauber machen; putzen [Schuhe, Fenster]; machen (ugs.) [Treppe]; (arrange) [zurecht]machen [Haare]; fertig machen [Korrespondenz, Zimmer]; (make up) schminken [Lippen, Augen, Gesicht]; machen (ugs.) [Nägel]; (cut) schneiden [Nägel]; schneiden [Gras, Hecke]; (paint) machen (ugs.) [Zimmer]; streichen [Haus, Möbel]; (attend to) sich kümmern um [Bücher, Rechnungen, Korrespondenz]; (repair) in Ordnung bringen6) (cook) bratenwell done — durch[gebraten]
7) (solve) lösen [Problem, Rätsel]; machen [Puzzle, Kreuzworträtsel]11) (traverse) schaffen [Entfernung]13) (coll.): (visit) besuchen2. intransitive verb, forms asdo Europe in three weeks — Europa in drei Wochen absolvieren od. abhaken (ugs.)
1.you can do just as you like — du kannst machen, was du willst
do as they do — mach es wie sie
2) (fare)3) (get on) vorankommen; (in exams) abschneidendo well/badly at school — gut/schlecht in der Schule sein
4)how do you do? — (formal) guten Tag/Morgen/Abend!
5) (coll.): (manage)how are we doing for time? — wie steht es mit der Zeit od. (ugs.) sieht es mit der Zeit aus?
7) (be usable)8) (happen)there's nothing doing on the job market — es tut sich nichts auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (ugs.)
3. verb substitute, forms asNothing doing. He's not interested — Nichts zu machen (ugs.). Er ist nicht interessiert. See also academic.ru/21693/doing">doing; done
1.1) replacing v.: usually not translatedyou mustn't act as he does — du darfst nicht so wie er handeln
2) replacing v. and obj. etche read the Bible every day as his father did before him — er las täglich in der Bibel, wie es schon sein Vater vor ihm getan hatte od. wie schon vor ihm sein Vater
as they did in the Middle Ages — wie sie es im Mittelalter taten
3) as ellipt. auxYou went to Paris, didn't you? - Yes, I did — Du warst doch in Paris, oder od. nicht wahr? - Ja[, stimmt od. war ich]
4) with ‘so’, ‘it’, etcI knew John Lennon. - So did I — Ich kannte John Lennon. - Ich auch
go ahead and do it — nur zu
4. auxiliary verbI know you from somewhere, don't I? — wir kennen uns doch irgendwoher, nicht?
+ inf. as pres. or past, forms as 1.you do look glum — du siehst ja so bedrückt aus
but I tell you, I did see him — aber ich sage dir doch, dass ich ihn gesehen habe
little did he know that... — er hatte keine Ahnung, dass...
3) in questions4) in negationI don't or do not wish to take part — ich möchte nicht teilnehmen
5) in neg. commandsdon't or do not expect to find him in a good mood — erwarten Sie nicht, dass Sie ihn in guter Stimmung antreffen
children, do not forget... — Kinder, vergesst [ja] nicht...
don't be so noisy! — seid [doch] nicht so laut!
don't! — tu's/tut's/tun Sie's nicht!
6) + inf. as imper. for emphasis etcdo sit down, won't you? — bitte setzen Sie sich doch!
do be quiet, Paul! — Paul, sei doch mal ruhig!
do hurry up! — beeil dich doch!
Phrasal Verbs:- do by- do down- do for- do in- do out- do up- do withII noun3) in pl.the dos and don'ts — die Ge- und Verbote (of Gen.)
* * *[du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?) Hilfsverb in Fragen und bei Verneinung2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down]) Hilfsverb zur Betonung3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.) statt Wiederholung des Verbs4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.) bei Inversion6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) schaffen7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) machen8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) genügen9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) sich beschäftigen mit11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) herrichten12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?)13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) erweisen15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) erledigen2. noun(an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) das Fest- doer- doings
- done
- do-it-yourself
- to-do
- I
- he could be doing with / could do with
- do away with
- do for
- done for
- done in
- do out
- do out of
- do's and don'ts
- do without
- to do with
- what are you doing with* * *do[du:]<does, did, done>1. (forming question)\do you like children? magst du Kinder?did he see you? hat er dich gesehen?what did you say? was hast du gesagt?\do you/ \does he/she indeed [or now]? tatsächlich?\do I like cheese? — I love cheese! ob ich Käse mag? — ich liebe Käse!Frida \doesn't like olives Frida mag keine OlivenI \don't want to go yet! ich will noch nicht gehen!I \don't smoke ich rauche nichtit \doesn't matter das macht nichts\don't [you] speak to me like that! sprich nicht so mit mir!\don't be silly sei nicht albern!\don't let's argue about it lasst uns deswegen nicht streiten\do come to our party ach komm doch zu unserer Partymay I join you? — please \do! kann ich mitkommen? — aber bitte!boy, did he yell! der hat vielleicht geschrieen! famso you \do like beer after all du magst also doch Bieryou \do look tired du siehst wirklich müde aus\do tell me! sag's mir doch!\do I/ \does he/she ever! und ob!not only did I speak to her, I even... ich habe nicht nur mit ihr gesprochen, sondern auch...never did I hear such a terrible noise noch nie habe ich so ein schreckliches Geräusch gehörtshe runs much faster than he \does sie läuft viel schneller als erhe said he wouldn't come, but fortunately he did er meinte, dass er nicht kommen würde, aber glücklicherweise tat er es dann doch\do you like Chopin? — yes, I \do/no, I \don't mögen Sie Chopin? — ja/neinwho ate the cake? — I did!/didn't! wer hat den Kuchen gegessen? — ich!/ich nicht!I don't like Chinese food — nor [or neither] \do I/I \do ich esse nicht gerne Chinesisch — ich auch nicht/ich schon... so \do I... ich auchso you don't like her — I \do! du magst sie also nicht — doch!6. (requesting affirmation)you don't understand the question, \do you? Sie verstehen die Frage nicht, stimmt's?you do understand what I mean, \don't you? du verstehst [doch], was ich meine, oder?7. (expressing surprise)so they really got married, did they? dann haben sie also wirklich geheiratet!II. TRANSITIVE VERB<does, did, done>1. (perform)▪ to \do sth etw tun [o machen]what shall I \do now? was soll ich jetzt machen?just \do it! mach's einfach!what are you \doing over the weekend? was machst du am Wochenende?haven't you got anything better to \do? hast du nichts Besseres zu tun?justice must be done Gerechtigkeit muss seinhe \does nothing but complain er beklagt sich echt den ganzen Tag lang famwhat have you done to her? was hast du mit ihr gemacht?what are these toys \doing here? was macht das [ganze] Spielzeug hier?what's the front door \doing open? warum steht die Haustür offen?what on earth are you \doing [there]! was um alles in der Welt machst du denn da?I'm sorry, it simply can't be done before next weekend tut mir leid, aber vor dem nächsten Wochenende geht es einfach nichtthat was a stupid thing to \do das war dumm!what have you done with my coat? wo hast du meinen Mantel hingetan?to \do one's best sein Bestes tun [o geben]to \do nothing of the sort nichts dergleichen tun2. (undertake)▪ to \do sth with sb/oneself etw mit jdm/sich anfangenwhat am I going to \do with myself while you are away? was soll ich nur die ganze Zeit machen, wenn du nicht da bist3. (help)▪ to \do sth for sb etw für jdn tunwhat can I \do for you? was kann ich für Sie tun?you never \do anything for me! du tust nie was für mich!can you \do anything for my bad back, doctor? können Sie was gegen meine Rückenbeschwerden tun, Herr Doktor?these pills have done nothing for me diese Pillen haben mir überhaupt nicht geholfen4. (use for)what are you going to \do with that hammer? was hast du mit dem Hammer vor?what should we \do with this box? was sollen wir mit dieser Kiste machen?5. (job)to \do sth for a living mit etw dat seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienenwhat \does your mother \do? was macht deine Mutter beruflich?6. (take action)I know I drink too much, but I can't \do anything about it ich weiß, dass ich zu viel trinke, aber ich kann nichts dagegen tunwhat is to be done about that? was kann man dagegen tun?\don't just stand there, \do something! stehen Sie doch nicht nur so rum, tun Sie was!7. (deal with)▪ to \do sth etw machen [o erledigen]if you \do the washing up,... wenn du abspülst,...let me \do the talking überlass mir das Redentoday we're going to \do Chapter 4 heute beschäftigen wir uns mit Kapitel 4I found someone to \do the garden wall ich habe jemanden gefunden, der die Gartenmauer bauen wirdto \do one's homework [seine] Hausaufgaben machento \do the shopping einkaufen8. (learn)▪ to \do sth:have you ever done any Chinese? hast du jemals Chinesisch gelernt?Diane did History at London University Diane hat an der London University Geschichte [im Hauptfach] studiert9. (solve)to \do a crossword ein Kreuzworträtsel lösen [o fam machen]can you \do this sum for me? kannst du das für mich zusammenrechnen?▪ to be done:are you done? bist du jetzt fertig? fam11. (produce)▪ to \do sth for sb [or sb sth] etw für jdn machencan you \do me 20 photocopies of this report? kannst du mir diesen Bericht 20-mal abziehen?12. (tidy)to \do the dishes das Geschirr abspülen [o SCHWEIZ abwaschen]to \do one's shoes seine Schuhe putzento \do one's teeth sich dat die Zähne putzen13. (arrange)to \do a bow tie eine Schleife bindento \do flowers Blumen arrangierento get one's hair done zum Friseur [o SCHWEIZ Coiffeur] gehenwhere \do you get your hair done? zu welchem Friseur gehst du?14. (visit)▪ to \do sth etw besichtigento \do India eine Indienreise machento \do Nice sich dat Nizza ansehen15. AUTOto \do 100 km/h 100 fahren fam16. (travel)to \do Paris to Bordeaux in five hours in fünf Stunden von Paris nach Bordeaux fahren17. (suffice)▪ to \do sb jdm genügenI only have diet cola — will that \do you? ich habe nur Diätcola — trinkst du die auch?18. (provide)▪ to \do sth:this pub only \does food at lunchtime in diesem Pub gibt es nur zur Mittagszeit etwas zu essen\do you \do travel insurance as well? bieten Sie auch Reiseversicherungen an?sorry, we \don't \do hot meals tut mir leid, bei uns gibt es nur kalte Küche19. (cook)to \do the cooking kochenhow long should the carrots be done for? wie lange müssen die Karotten kochen?could you \do me something without fish? könntest du mir etwas ohne Fisch kochen?20. (cause)▪ to \do sb sth jdm etw tunto \do sb a favour jdm einen Gefallen tunto \do sb good jdm gut tunit would \do you good to get some fresh air es würde dir gut tun, etwas frische Luft zu schnappen▪ to \do sb jdn drannehmenbut he said he'd \do me next aber er sagte, dass ich als Nächste drankäme!22. (treat well)to \do sb well jdn verwöhnento \do oneself well es sich dat gutgehen lassen23. (act)to \do a role eine Rolle spielenwho did James Bond before Roger Moore? wer hat James Bond vor Roger Moore gespielt?24. (impersonate)▪ to \do sb/sth jdn/etw nachmachenI hope she won't \do a Mary and get divorced six months after her wedding ich hoffe, sie macht es nicht wie Mary und lässt sich sechs Monate nach ihrer Hochzeit wieder scheidenhe did me for a thousand quid for that car er hat mir einen Tausender für das Auto abgeknöpftif you're not careful, you'll end up \doing time again wenn du nicht vorsichtig bist, musst du wieder sitzento get done for sth (by the police) wegen einer S. gen von der Polizei angehalten werden; (by a court) für etw akk verurteilt werden▪ to \do sth:how long have you been \doing heroin? wie lange nimmst du schon Heroin?30. (translate)to be done into French/German book ins Französische/Deutsche übersetzt worden seinto \do a translation übersetzen31. (exhaust)this last climb has really done me diese letzte Tour hat mir wirklich den Rest gegebensth \does nothing for sb etw reißt jdn nicht gerade vom Hocker famBach has never done anything for me Bach hat mich noch nie sonderlich vom Hocker gerissen famthat film really did something to me dieser Film hat mich wirklich beeindruckt; (excite sexually)you really \do something to me, you know du machst mich echt an, weißt du [das] famhow old were you when you first did it? wie alt warst du bei deinem ersten Mal?34. (don't mention)\don't good morning me! komm mir nicht mit guten Morgen!35.▶ that \does it! so, das war's jetzt!III. INTRANSITIVE VERB<does, did, done>1. (behave)to \do right [or the right thing] das Richtige tunto \do well to do sth gut daran tun, etw zu tunto \do as one pleases tun, was einem Spaß macht\do as I \do mach's wie ich fam\do as you're told tu, was man dir sagt2. (fare)mother and baby are \doing well Mutter und Kind sind wohlaufhow is your mother \doing? wie geht es deiner Mutter?how is Mary \doing in her new job? wie geht es Mary in ihrem neuen Job?you could \do better du könntest besser sein; (perform) du könntest es besser machenGeorge has done well for himself George hat es für seine Verhältnisse weit gebrachtour daughter is \doing well at school unsere Tochter ist gut in der Schulehave you done? bist du fertig?have you done with those scissors yet? brauchst du die Schere noch?I haven't done with you yet ich bin noch nicht fertig mit dir4. (be acceptable, suffice) passen, in Ordnung seinthat'll \do das ist o.k. sowill £10 \do? reichen 10 Pfund?this kind of behaviour just won't \do! so ein Verhalten geht einfach nicht an!do you think this will \do for a blanket? glaubst du, das können wir als Decke nehmen?that'll \do as a cushion das geht [erstmal] als Kissenthis will \do just fine as a table das wird einen guten Tisch abgebenthis will have to \do for a meal das muss als Essen genügenwill this room \do? ist dieses Zimmer o.k. für Sie?it doesn't \do to criticize your parents seine Eltern kritisiert man nichtwill it \do if I get those books to you by Friday? reicht es, wenn ich dir die Bücher bis Freitag bringe?we'll make \do with $100 100 Dollar müssen reichenthat will never \do das geht einfach nichtthis town is so boring — there's never anything \doing diese Stadt ist so langweilig — nie tut sich was6.▶ \do unto others as you would they should \do unto you ( prov) was du nicht willst, das man dir tut, das füg auch keinem andern zu prov▶ that will \do jetzt reicht's aber!IV. NOUNa big \do eine Riesenfete famfair \dos gleiches Recht für alle4. AM (sl)that's some \do you've got! das ist ja eine Frisur, die du da hast!dog \do Hundehäufchen nt6. (allowed, not allowed)the \dos and \don'ts was man tun und was man nicht tun sollte* * *I [dəʊ]n (MUS)Do nt II [duː] vb: pret did, ptp done1. AUXILIARY VERBThere is no equivalent in German to the use of do in questions, negative statements and negative commands.1)interrogative, negative
do you understand? — verstehen Sie?2) in question tags oderyou know him, don't you? — Sie kennen ihn doch?, Sie kennen ihn (doch), oder?
you don't know him, do you? — Sie kennen ihn also nicht, oder?
so you know them, do you? (in surprise) — Sie kennen sie also wirklich or tatsächlich!
he does understand, doesn't he? —
he didn't go, did he? — er ist (doch) nicht gegangen, oder?
3)you speak better German than I do — Sie sprechen besser Deutsch als ichhe doesn't like cheese and neither do I — er mag keinen Käse und ich auch nicht
I don't like cheese but he does — ich mag keinen Käse, aber er schon
they said he would go and he did — sie sagten, er würde gehen und das tat er (dann) auch
4)do you see them often? – yes, I do/no, I don't — sehen Sie sie oft? – ja/neindo you serve food? – yes, we do — gibts bei Ihnen Essen? – ja
you didn't go, did you? – yes, I did — Sie sind nicht gegangen, oder? – doch
they speak French – oh, do they? — sie sprechen Französisch – ja?, ach, wirklich or tatsächlich?
they speak German – do they really? — sie sprechen Deutsch – wirklich?
may I come in? – do! — darf ich hereinkommen? – ja, bitte
shall I open the window? – no, don't! — soll ich das Fenster öffnen? – nein, bitte nicht!
who broke the window? – I did — wer hat das Fenster eingeschlagen? – ich
5)DO shut up! (esp Brit) — (nun) sei doch (endlich) ruhig!
do tell him that... (esp Brit) —
well do I remember him! — und ob ich mich an ihn erinnere!
it's very expensive, but I DO like it — es ist zwar sehr teuer, aber es gefällt mir nun mal
2. TRANSITIVE VERB1) tun, machenI've done a stupid thing —
sorry, it's impossible, it can't be done — tut mir leid, (ist) ausgeschlossen, es lässt sich nicht machen
can you do it by yourself? —
to do the housework/one's homework —
who did the choreography/the cover design? we'll have to get someone to do the roof — wer hat die Choreografie/den Umschlagentwurf gemacht? wir müssen jemanden bestellen, der das Dach macht (inf)
to do one's hair — sich frisieren, sich (dat) die Haare (zurecht)machen (inf)
to do one's nails — sich (dat) die Nägel schneiden or (varnish) lackieren
to do one's teeth (Brit) — sich (dat) die Zähne putzen
to do the dishes — spülen, den Abwasch machen
he knows it's a mistake but he can't do anything about it — er weiß, dass es ein Fehler ist, aber er kann nichts dagegen machen or daran ändern
we'll have to do something about this/him — wir müssen da/wir müssen mit ihm etwas tun or unternehmen
Brecht doesn't do anything for me — Brecht lässt mich kalt (inf) or sagt mir nichts
I've done everything I can — ich habe alles getan, was ich kann
he does nothing but complain — er nörgelt immer nur, er tut nichts als nörgeln (inf)
well, do what you can — mach or tu (eben), was du kannst
what are you doing on Saturday? — was machen or tun Sie am Sonnabend?
what do I have to do to get through to him? — was muss ich tun, um zu ihm durchzukommen?
how do you do it? — wie macht man das?; (in amazement) wie machen Sie das bloß? __diams; that's done it (inf) so, da haben wirs!, da haben wir die Bescherung! (inf) __diams; that does it! jetzt reichts mir!
2)as job, profession
what does your father do? — was macht Ihr Vater (beruflich)?3)= provide service, product
what can I do for you? — was kann ich für Sie tun?; (by shop assistant) was darfs sein?sorry, we don't do lunches — wir haben leider keinen Mittagstisch
we do a wide range of herbal teas —
we only do one style of gloves (= sell) (= produce) — wir haben or führen nur eine Sorte Handschuhe wir stellen nur eine Sorte Handschuhe her
4)= complete, finish
in pret, ptp only the work's done now — die Arbeit ist gemacht or getan or fertigwhat's done cannot be undone — was geschehen ist, kann man nicht ungeschehen machen
are you done? (inf) — bist du endlich or schon (iro) fertig?
5) = study, cover durchnehmen, haben7) = solve lösen; sum, crossword, puzzle etc lösen, machen8) = take customer drannehmenthe barber said he'd do me next — der Friseur sagte, er würde mich als Nächsten drannehmen
9) Theat, Film part spielen10) = take off, mimic nachmachen11) = visit, see sights of city, country, museum besuchen, abhaken (inf)12) AUT ETC fahren, machen (inf)13)= treat (Brit inf)
they do you very well at that hotel — in dem Hotel ist man gut untergebracht or aufgehobenthey do you very well at that restaurant — in dem Restaurant isst man sehr gut __diams; to do oneself well es sich (dat) gut gehen lassen
that will do me nicely — das reicht dicke (inf) or allemal
I was done for £80 — mit £ 80 hat man mich ganz schön übers Ohr gehauen (inf)
the office was done last night — im Büro ist gestern Nacht ein Bruch gemacht worden (sl)
17)= hurt Brit inf
I'll do you! — dir besorg ichs noch! (inf)18)= tire out (inf)
I'm absolutely done (in)! — ich bin völlig geschafft or erledigt or fertig (all inf)21)3. INTRANSITIVE VERB1)= act
do as I do — mach es wie ichhe did well to take advice — er tat gut daran, sich beraten zu lassen
he did right — er hat richtig gehandelt, es war richtig von ihm
he did right/well to go — es war richtig/gut, dass er gegangen ist
2)= get on, fare
how are you doing? — wie gehts (Ihnen)?I'm not doing so badly — es geht mir gar nicht so schlecht
when my uncle died I did quite well — als mein Onkel starb, bin ich ganz gut dabei weggekommen __diams; how do you do? (on introduction) guten Tag/Abend!, angenehm! (form) __diams; what's doing? (inf) was ist los?
3) = be suitable gehenthis room will do — das Zimmer geht (inf) or ist in Ordnung
will it do if I come back at 8? — geht es, wenn ich um 8 Uhr zurück bin?
it doesn't do to keep a lady waiting —
will she/it do? — geht sie/das?
4) = be sufficient reichencan you lend me some money? – will £10 do? —
yes, that'll do — ja, das reicht
you'll have to make do with £10 — £ 10 müssen Ihnen reichen, Sie werden mit £ 10 auskommen müssen __diams; that'll do! jetzt reichts aber!
4. NOUN (Brit inf)she had a big do for her eighteenth birthday — an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag stieg bei ihr eine Riesenfete (inf)
the whole thing was a do from start to finish — die ganze Sache war von vorne bis hinten ein Schwindel
5. dosPLURAL NOUN* * *A v/t1. tun, machen:what can I do (for you)? was kann ich (für Sie) tun?, womit kann ich (Ihnen) dienen?;do sth for sb etwas für jemanden erledigen;what does he do? was macht er beruflich?, was ist er von Beruf?;are you doing anything tonight? hast du heute Abend (schon) etwas vor?;do sth about etwas tun gegen;if it were to do again wenn es noch einmal getan werden müsste;you can’t do this to me! das kannst du nicht mit mir machen!;you couldn’t do that to me! das kannst du mir (doch) nicht antun!;what have you done to my suit? was haben Sie mit meinem Anzug gemacht?;he promised to do sth er versprach, etwas zu unternehmen;she did no more than look at him sie sah ihn nur an;he does not know what to do with his time er weiß nicht, was er mit seiner Zeit anfangen soll;do sth together etwas gemeinsam oder zusammen unternehmen;do one’s lessons SCHULE seine (Haus)Aufgaben machen;he did all the writing er hat alles allein geschrieben;he did all the talking er führte die Unterhaltung ganz allein, auch ich bin überhaupt nicht zu Wort gekommen;let me do the talking lass mich sprechen;it can’t be done es geht nicht, es ist undurchführbar;the machine does the rest die Maschine erledigt den Rest;the storm did a lot of material damage der Sturm richtete großen Sachschaden an;4. tun, leisten, vollbringen:do one’s best sein Bestes tun, sich alle Mühe geben5. anfertigen, herstellen, ein Kunstwerk etc auch schaffen:do a portrait ein Porträt malen;do a translation eine Übersetzung machen oder anfertigen8. erzielen, erreichen:I did it! ich habe es geschafft!;now you have done it! iron nun hast du es glücklich geschafft!9. sich beschäftigen mit, arbeiten an (dat)11. in Ordnung bringen, z. B.12. herrichten, dekorieren, schmücken13. (her)richten:she is having her nails done sie lässt sich maniküren;14. a) eine Fremdsprache etc lernenb) einen Autor etc durchnehmen, behandeln15. eine Aufgabe löseninto German ins Deutsche)do Othello den Othello spielen;do the polite den höflichen Mann spielen oder markieren;do the host den Gastgeber spielenb) nachahmen:18. zurücklegen, machen, schaffen umg:they did 20 miles sie legten 20 Meilen zurück;the car does 100 m.p.h. der Wagen fährt 160 km/h19. umg besichtigen, die Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen von (oder gen):do Rome in three days Rom in drei Tagen besichtigen oder umg machen20. umg genügen (dat):21. umg erschöpfen, erledigen umg:they were pretty well done sie waren am Ende (ihrer Kräfte)22. umga) jemanden erledigen, fertigmachen:I’ll do him in three roundsb) drannehmen (Friseur etc):I’ll do you next, sir23. sl reinlegen, übers Ohr hauen, anschmieren:24. sl eine Strafe abbrummen:he did two years in prison er hat zwei Jahre abgerissen;he did three months for theft er saß drei Monate wegen Diebstahls25. umga) bewirtenb) unterbringen:they do you very well here hier werden Sie gut bewirtet; hier sind Sie gut untergebracht27. bringen (obs außer in):do to death töten, umbringen28. sl einen Bruch machen in (dat), einbrechen in (akk oder dat), ein Auto etc aufbrechenB v/i1. handeln, vorgehen, tun, sich verhalten:the premier would do wisely to resign der Premier würde klug handeln oder wäre gut beraten, wenn er zurückträte; → well1 A 1, A 22. (tätig) handeln, wirken:do or die kämpfen od untergehen;it’s do or die now! jetzt gehts ums Ganze!3. weiter-, vorankommen:a) vorwärtskommen, Erfolge haben ( beide:b) gut gedeihen (Getreide etc)( → B 4, B 5);do better sich verbessern4. Leistungen vollbringen:a) seine Sache gut machen,b) viel Geld verdienen ( → B 3, B 5);he did better than expected er schnitt besser als erwartet ab;his son is doing well at school seinem Sohn geht es in der Schule gut5. sich befinden:a) gesund sein,b) in guten Verhältnissen leben,c) sich gut erholen ( → B 3, B 4);how do you do? guten Tag! (bei der Vorstellung)6. auskommen, zurande kommenthat will (not) do das genügt oder reicht (nicht);it will do tomorrow es hat Zeit bis morgen;we’ll make it do wir werden schon damit auskommen8. angehen, recht sein, sich schicken, passen:that won’t do!a) das geht nicht (an)!,b) das wird nicht gehen!;it won’t do to be rude mit Grobheit kommt man nicht weit(er), man darf nicht unhöflich sein9. (im pprerfect) aufhören:have done! hör auf!, genug (davon)!;he treats his children as I do my dogs er behandelt seine Kinder wie ich meine Hunde;you know it as well as I do du weißt es so gut wie ich;he sang better than he had ever done before er sang besser, als (er) je zuvor (gesungen hatte);she likes cats. so do I ich auch;he does not work hard, does he? er arbeitet nicht viel, nicht wahr?;he works hard, doesn’t he? er arbeitet viel, nicht wahr?;did he buy it? he did ja(wohl);do you understand? I don’t nein;he sold his car. did he? wirklich?, so?;I wanted to go there, and I did so ich wollte hingehen und tat es auchdo you know him? kennen Sie ihn?I do not believe it ich glaube es nicht;do not go there gehen Sie nicht hin!;don’t tun Sie es nicht!, lassen Sie das!3. zur Verstärkung:I do apologize tut mir wirklich leid;you do ask questions du stellst vielleicht Fragen;do sit down nehmen Sie doch bitte Platz;I do like it mir gefällt es wirklich;but I do see it! aber ich sehe es doch!;I did see it, but ich sah es wohl oder zwar, aber;do try to understand it versteh das doch;be quiet, do sei doch still!rarely does one see such things solche Dinge sieht man (nur) seltendo2 [duː] pl dos, do’s [duːz] s1. sl Schwindel m, Gaunerei f2. besonders Br umg Fete f, Feier f3. fair do’s!a) sei nicht unfair!,b) gleiches Recht für alle!4. pl umg Gebote pl:do’s and don’ts Gebote und Verbote, (Spiel)Regelndo3 [dəʊ] s MUS do n (Solmisationssilbe)* * *I 1. transitive verb,neg. coll. don't, pres. t. he does, neg. (coll.) doesn't, p.t. did, neg. (coll.) didn't, pres. p. doing, p.p. done1) (perform) machen [Hausaufgaben, Hausarbeit, Examen, Handstand]; vollbringen [Tat]; tun, erfüllen [Pflicht]; tun, verrichten [Arbeit]; ausführen [Malerarbeiten]; vorführen [Trick, Striptease, Nummer, Tanz]; durchführen [Test]; aufführen [Stück]; singen [Lied]; mitmachen [Rennen, Wettbewerb]; spielen [Musikstück, Rolle]; tun [Buße]do the shopping/washing up/cleaning — einkaufen [gehen]/abwaschen/sauber machen
do a lot of reading/walking — etc. viel lesen/spazieren gehen usw.
do a dance/the foxtrot — tanzen/Foxtrott tanzen
do something to something/somebody — etwas mit etwas/jemandem machen
what can I do for you? — was kann ich für Sie tun?; (in shop) was darf's sein?
do something about something/somebody — etwas gegen etwas/jemanden unternehmen
not know what to do with oneself — nicht wissen, was man machen soll
that does it — jetzt reicht's (ugs.)
that's done it — (caused a change for the worse) das hat das Fass zum Überlaufen gebracht; (caused a change for the better) das hätten wir
that will/should do it — so müsste es gehen; (is enough) das müsste genügen
do a Garbo — (coll.) es der Garbo (Dat.) gleichtun
the car does/was doing about 100 m.p.h./does 45 miles to the gallon — das Auto schafft/fuhr mit ungefähr 160 Stundenkilometer/frisst (ugs.) od. braucht sechs Liter pro 100 Kilometer
2) (spend)3) (produce) machen [Übersetzung, Kopie]; anfertigen [Bild, Skulptur]; herstellen [Artikel, Produkte]; schaffen [Pensum]5) (prepare) machen [Bett, Frühstück]; (work on) machen (ugs.), fertig machen [Garten, Hecke]; (clean) sauber machen; putzen [Schuhe, Fenster]; machen (ugs.) [Treppe]; (arrange) [zurecht]machen [Haare]; fertig machen [Korrespondenz, Zimmer]; (make up) schminken [Lippen, Augen, Gesicht]; machen (ugs.) [Nägel]; (cut) schneiden [Nägel]; schneiden [Gras, Hecke]; (paint) machen (ugs.) [Zimmer]; streichen [Haus, Möbel]; (attend to) sich kümmern um [Bücher, Rechnungen, Korrespondenz]; (repair) in Ordnung bringen6) (cook) bratenwell done — durch[gebraten]
7) (solve) lösen [Problem, Rätsel]; machen [Puzzle, Kreuzworträtsel]8) (study, work at) machen; haben [Abiturfach]10) (sl.): (defeat, kill) fertig machen (ugs.)11) (traverse) schaffen [Entfernung]13) (coll.): (visit) besuchendo Europe in three weeks — Europa in drei Wochen absolvieren od. abhaken (ugs.)
14) (satisfy) zusagen (+ Dat.); (suffice for, last) reichen (+ Dat.)2. intransitive verb, forms as1.you can do just as you like — du kannst machen, was du willst
2) (fare)3) (get on) vorankommen; (in exams) abschneidendo well/badly at school — gut/schlecht in der Schule sein
4)how do you do? — (formal) guten Tag/Morgen/Abend!
5) (coll.): (manage)how are we doing for time? — wie steht es mit der Zeit od. (ugs.) sieht es mit der Zeit aus?
7) (be usable)do for or as something — als etwas benutzt werden können
8) (happen)3. verb substitute, forms asNothing doing. He's not interested — Nichts zu machen (ugs.). Er ist nicht interessiert. See also doing; done
1.1) replacing v.: usually not translated2) replacing v. and obj. etche read the Bible every day as his father did before him — er las täglich in der Bibel, wie es schon sein Vater vor ihm getan hatte od. wie schon vor ihm sein Vater
3) as ellipt. auxYou went to Paris, didn't you? - Yes, I did — Du warst doch in Paris, oder od. nicht wahr? - Ja[, stimmt od. war ich]
4) with ‘so’, ‘it’, etcI knew John Lennon. - So did I — Ich kannte John Lennon. - Ich auch
4. auxiliary verbI know you from somewhere, don't I? — wir kennen uns doch irgendwoher, nicht?
+ inf. as pres. or past, forms as 1.but I tell you, I did see him — aber ich sage dir doch, dass ich ihn gesehen habe
little did he know that... — er hatte keine Ahnung, dass...
3) in questions4) in negationI don't or do not wish to take part — ich möchte nicht teilnehmen
5) in neg. commandsdon't or do not expect to find him in a good mood — erwarten Sie nicht, dass Sie ihn in guter Stimmung antreffen
children, do not forget... — Kinder, vergesst [ja] nicht...
don't be so noisy! — seid [doch] nicht so laut!
don't! — tu's/tut's/tun Sie's nicht!
6) + inf. as imper. for emphasis etcdo sit down, won't you? — bitte setzen Sie sich doch!
do be quiet, Paul! — Paul, sei doch mal ruhig!
Phrasal Verbs:- do by- do down- do for- do in- do out- do up- do withII noun3) in pl.the dos and don'ts — die Ge- und Verbote (of Gen.)
* * *v.(§ p.,p.p.: did, done)= ausführen v.tun v.(§ p.,pp.: tat, getan) -
19 way
way [weɪ]chemin ⇒ 1A (a)-(c) voie ⇒ 1A (a) route ⇒ 1A (a), 1A (c) direction ⇒ 1A (d) sens ⇒ 1A (d), 1A (e) parages ⇒ 1A (f) moyen ⇒ 1B (a) méthode ⇒ 1B (a) façon ⇒ 1B (b) manière ⇒ 1B (b), 1B (c) coutume ⇒ 1B (c) habitude ⇒ 1B (c) égard ⇒ 1B (f) rapport ⇒ 1B (f)1 nounA.∎ we took the way through the woods nous avons pris le chemin qui traverse le bois;∎ they're building a way across the desert ils ouvrent une route à travers le désert;∎ they live across or over the way from the school ils habitent en face de l'école;∎ the house/the people over or across the way la maison/les gens d'en face;∎ pedestrian way voie f ou rue f piétonne;∎ private/public way voie f privée/publique;∎ Religion the Way of the Cross le chemin de Croix(b) (route leading to a specified place) chemin m;∎ this is the way to the library la bibliothèque est par là;∎ could you tell me the way to the library? pouvez-vous me dire comment aller à la bibliothèque?;∎ what's the shortest or quickest way to town? quel est le chemin le plus court pour aller en ville?;∎ that's the way to ruin c'est le chemin de la ruine;∎ we took the long way (round) nous avons pris le chemin le plus long;∎ which way does this bus go? par où passe ce bus?;∎ I had to ask the or my way il a fallu que je demande mon chemin;∎ she knows the way to school elle connaît le chemin de l'école;∎ to know one's way about a place connaître un endroit;∎ you'll soon find your way about tu trouveras bientôt ton chemin tout seul;∎ they went the wrong way ils se sont trompés de chemin, ils ont pris le mauvais chemin;∎ to lose one's way s'égarer, perdre son chemin; figurative s'égarer, se fourvoyer;∎ to know one's way around savoir s'orienter; figurative savoir se débrouiller;∎ the way to a man's heart is through his stomach = pour conquérir le cœur d'un homme, il faut lui faire de bons petits plats(c) (route leading in a specified direction) chemin m, route f;∎ the way back le chemin ou la route du retour;∎ I got lost on the way back home je me suis perdu sur le chemin du retour;∎ he couldn't find the way back home il n'a pas trouvé le chemin pour rentrer (à la maison);∎ on our way back we stopped for dinner au retour ou sur le chemin du retour, nous nous sommes arrêtés pour dîner;∎ she showed us the easiest way down/up elle nous a montré le chemin le plus facile pour descendre/monter;∎ the way up is difficult but the way down will be easier la montée est difficile mais la descente sera plus facile;∎ do you know the way down/up? savez-vous par où on descend/on monte?;∎ the way in l'entrée f;∎ the way out la sortie;∎ we looked for a way in/out nous cherchions un moyen d'entrer/de sortir;∎ I took the back way out je suis sorti par derrière;∎ can you find your way out? vous connaissez le chemin pour sortir?;∎ I can find my own way out je trouverai mon chemin;∎ figurative miniskirts are on the way back in la minijupe est de retour;∎ miniskirts are on the way out la minijupe n'est plus tellement à la mode;∎ the director is on the way out le directeur ne sera plus là très longtemps;∎ they found a way out of the deadlock ils ont trouvé une solution pour sortir de l'impasse;∎ is there no way out of this nightmare? n'y a-t-il pas moyen de mettre fin à ce cauchemar?;∎ their decision left her no way out leur décision l'a mise dans une impasse;∎ he left himself a way out il s'est ménagé une porte de sortie(d) (direction) direction f, sens m;∎ come this way venez par ici;∎ he went that way il est allé par là;∎ is this the way? c'est par ici?;∎ this way to the chapel (sign) vers la chapelle;∎ this way and that de-ci de-là, par-ci par-là;∎ look this way regarde par ici;∎ I never looked their way je n'ai jamais regardé dans leur direction;∎ to look the other way détourner les yeux; figurative fermer les yeux;∎ he didn't know which way to look (embarrassed) il ne savait plus où se mettre;∎ which way is the library from here? par où faut-il passer pour aller à la bibliothèque?;∎ which way did you come? par où êtes-vous venu?;∎ which way did she go? par où est-elle passée?;∎ which way is the wind blowing? d'où vient le vent?;∎ figurative I could tell which way the wind was blowing je voyais très bien ce qui allait se passer;∎ which way does the tap turn? dans quel sens faut-il tourner le robinet?;∎ which way do I go from here? où est-ce que je vais maintenant?; figurative qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant?;∎ get in, I'm going your way montez, je vais dans la même direction que vous;∎ they set off, each going his own way ils sont partis chacun de leur côté;∎ to go one's own way (follow own wishes) faire à sa guise; (differ from others) faire bande à part, suivre son chemin;∎ we each went our separate ways (on road) nous sommes partis chacun de notre côté; (in life) chacun de nous a suivi son propre chemin;∎ he went the wrong way il a pris la mauvaise direction; (down one-way street) il a pris la rue en sens interdit;∎ to come one's way se présenter;∎ any job that comes my way n'importe quel travail qui se présente;∎ if ever the opportunity comes your way si jamais l'occasion se présente;∎ familiar everything's going my way tout marche comme je veux en ce moment;∎ the vote went our way le vote nous a été favorable;∎ the vote couldn't have gone any other way les résultats du vote étaient donnés d'avance;∎ to go one's own way n'en faire qu'à sa tête, vivre à sa guise;∎ to go the way of all flesh or of all things mourir∎ stand the box the other way up posez le carton dans l'autre sens;∎ this way up (on packaging) haut;∎ hold the picture the right way up tenez le tableau dans le bon sens;∎ is it the right way round? est-ce qu'il est à l'endroit?;∎ it's the wrong way up c'est dans le mauvais sens;∎ it's the wrong way round c'est dans le mauvais sens;∎ the curtains are the wrong way round les rideaux sont à l'envers ou dans le mauvais sens;∎ your sweater is the right/wrong way out votre pull est à l'endroit/à l'envers;∎ try it the other way round essayez dans l'autre sens;∎ cats hate having their fur brushed the wrong way les chats détestent qu'on les caresse à rebrousse-poil;∎ SHE insulted him? you've got it the wrong way round elle, elle l'a insulté? mais c'est le contraire;∎ he invited her tonight, last time it was the other way round ce soir c'est lui qui l'a invitée, la dernière fois c'était l'inverse(f) (area, vicinity) parages mpl;∎ call in when you're up our way passez nous voir quand vous êtes dans le coin ou dans les parages;∎ I was out or over your way yesterday j'étais près de ou du côté de chez vous hier;∎ the next time you're that way la prochaine fois que vous passerez par là;∎ the blast came from Chicago way l'explosion venait du côté de Chicago;∎ the village is rather out of the way le village est un peu isolé∎ we came part of the way by foot nous avons fait une partie de la route à pied;∎ to go part of the way with sb faire un bout de chemin avec qn;∎ they were one-third of the way through their trip ils avaient fait un tiers de leur voyage;∎ we've come most of the way nous avons fait la plus grande partie du chemin;∎ he talked the entire or whole way il a parlé pendant tout le trajet;∎ he can swim quite a way il peut nager assez longtemps;∎ a long way off or away loin;∎ a little or short way off pas très loin, à courte distance;∎ Susan sat a little way off Susan était assise un peu plus loin;∎ I saw him from a long way off je l'ai aperçu de loin;∎ it's a long way to Berlin Berlin est loin;∎ it's a long way from Paris to Berlin la route est longue de Paris à Berlin;∎ we're a long way from home nous sommes loin de chez nous;∎ we've come a long way (from far away) nous venons de loin; (made progress) nous avons fait du chemin;∎ we've a long way to go (far to travel) il nous reste beaucoup de route à faire; (a lot to do) nous avons encore beaucoup à faire; (a lot to collect, pay) nous sommes encore loin du compte;∎ he has a long way to go to be ready for the exam il est loin d'être prêt pour l'examen∎ it's a long way to Christmas Noël est encore loin;∎ you have to go back a long way il faut remonter loin;∎ figurative I'm a long way from trusting him je suis loin de lui faire confiance;∎ you're a long way off or out (in guessing) vous n'y êtes pas du tout;∎ that's a long way from what we thought ce n'est pas du tout ce qu'on croyait;∎ she'll go a long way elle ira loin;∎ the scholarship will go a long way towards helping with expenses la bourse va beaucoup aider à faire face aux dépenses;∎ a little goodwill goes a long way un peu de bonne volonté facilite bien les choses;∎ you can make a little meat go a long way by doing this utilisez au mieux un petit morceau de viande en faisant ceci;∎ she makes her money go a long way elle sait ménager son argent;∎ a little bit goes a long way il en faut très peu;∎ humorous a little of him goes a long way il est sympa, mais à petites doses(i) (space in front of person, object)∎ a tree was in the way un arbre bloquait ou barrait le passage;∎ a car was in his way une voiture lui barrait le passage ou l'empêchait de passer;∎ I can't see, the cat is in the way je ne vois pas, le chat me gêne;∎ is the lamp in your way? la lampe vous gêne-t-elle?;∎ put the suitcases under the bed out of the way rangez les valises sous le lit pour qu'elles ne gênent pas;∎ to get out of the way s'écarter (du chemin);∎ we got out of his way nous l'avons laissé passer;∎ out of my way! pousse-toi!, laisse-moi passer!;∎ the cars got out of the ambulance's way les voitures ont laissé passer l'ambulance;∎ to get sb out of the way se débarrasser de qn, écarter ou éloigner qn;∎ to get sth out of the way enlever ou pousser qch;∎ figurative let's get the subject of holidays out of the way first réglons d'abord la question des vacances;∎ keep out of the way! ne reste pas là!;∎ make way! écartez-vous!;∎ make way for the parade! laissez passer le défilé!;∎ make way for the President! faites place au Président!;∎ to get in one another's way se gêner (les uns les autres);∎ figurative her social life got in the way of her studies ses sorties l'empêchaient d'étudier;∎ I don't want to get in the way of your happiness je ne veux pas entraver votre bonheur;∎ I kept out of the boss's way j'ai évité le patron;∎ familiar he wants his boss out of the way il veut se débarrasser de son patron□ ;∎ familiar once the meeting is out of the way dès que nous serons débarrassés de la réunion;∎ he is retiring to make way for a younger man il prend sa retraite pour céder la place à un plus jeune;∎ they tore down the slums to make way for blocks of flats ils ont démoli les taudis pour pouvoir construire des immeubles;∎ to clear or prepare the way for sth préparer la voie à qch;∎ to put difficulties in sb's way créer des difficultés à qn;∎ couldn't you see your way (clear) to doing it? ne trouveriez-vous pas moyen de le faire?∎ the acid ate its way through the metal l'acide est passé à travers le métal;∎ I fought or pushed my way through the crowd je me suis frayé un chemin à travers la foule;∎ we made our way towards the train nous nous sommes dirigés vers le train;∎ to make one's way home rentrer;∎ I made my way back to my seat je suis retourné à ma place;∎ they made their way across the desert ils ont traversé le désert;∎ they made their way down/up the hill ils ont descendu/monté la colline;∎ she made her way up through the hierarchy elle a gravi les échelons de la hiérarchie un par un;∎ she had to make her own way in the world elle a dû faire son chemin toute seule;∎ she talked her way out of it elle s'en est sortie avec de belles paroles;∎ he worked or made his way through the pile of newspapers il a lu les journaux un par un;∎ I worked my way through college j'ai travaillé pour payer mes études;∎ however did it find its way into print? comment en est-on venu à l'imprimer?B.(a) (means, method) moyen m, méthode f;∎ in what way can I help you? comment ou en quoi puis-je vous être utile?;∎ there are several ways to go or of going about it il y a plusieurs façons ou plusieurs moyens de s'y prendre;∎ I do it this way voilà comment je fais;∎ in one way or another d'une façon ou d'une autre;∎ they thought they would win that way ils pensaient pouvoir gagner comme ça;∎ he's going to handle it his way il va faire ça à sa façon;∎ she has her own way of cooking fish elle a sa façon à elle de cuisiner le poisson;∎ the right/wrong way to do it la bonne/mauvaise façon de le faire;∎ you're doing it the right/wrong way c'est comme ça/ce n'est pas comme ça qu'il faut (le) faire;∎ do it the usual way faites comme d'habitude;∎ there's no way or I can't see any way we'll finish on time nous ne finirons jamais ou nous n'avons aucune chance de finir à temps;∎ Politics ways and means financement m;∎ there are ways and means il y a des moyens;∎ to find a way of doing sth trouver (le) moyen de faire qch;∎ humorous love will find a way l'amour finit toujours par triompher;∎ that's the way to do it! c'est comme ça qu'il faut faire!, voilà comment il faut faire!;(b) (particular manner, fashion) façon f, manière f;∎ in this way de cette façon;∎ in a friendly way gentiment;∎ he spoke in a general way about the economy il a parlé de l'économie d'une façon générale;∎ she doesn't like the way he is dressed elle n'aime pas la façon dont il est habillé;∎ he doesn't speak the way his family does il ne parle pas comme sa famille;∎ they see things in the same way ils voient les choses de la même façon;∎ in their own (small) way they fight racism à leur façon ou dans la limite de leurs moyens, ils luttent contre le racisme;∎ in the same way, we note that… de même, on notera que…;∎ that's one way to look at it or of looking at it c'est une façon ou manière de voir les choses;∎ my way of looking at it mon point de vue sur la question;∎ that's not my way (of doing things) ce n'est pas mon genre, ce n'est pas ma façon de faire;∎ try to see it my way mettez-vous à ma place;∎ way of speaking/writing façon de parler/d'écrire;∎ to her way of thinking à son avis;∎ the way she feels about him les sentiments qu'elle éprouve à son égard;∎ I didn't think you would take it this way je ne pensais pas que vous le prendriez comme ça;∎ if that's the way you feel about it! si c'est comme ça que vous le prenez!;∎ the American way of life la manière de vivre des Américains, le mode de vie américain;∎ being on the move is a way of life for the gypsy le voyage est un mode de vie pour les gitans;∎ dieting has become a way of life with some people certaines personnes passent leur vie à faire des régimes;∎ yearly strikes have become a way of life les grèves annuelles sont devenues une habitude∎ we soon got used to her ways nous nous sommes vite habitués à ses manières;∎ I know his little ways je connais ses petites manies;∎ the ways of God and men les voies de Dieu et de l'homme;∎ he knows nothing of their ways il les connaît très mal, il ne les comprend pas du tout;∎ she has a way of tossing her head when she laughs elle a une façon ou manière de rejeter la tête en arrière quand elle rit;∎ they're happy in their own way ils sont heureux à leur manière;∎ he's a genius in his way c'est un génie dans son genre;∎ it's not my way to criticize ce n'est pas mon genre ou ce n'est pas dans mes habitudes de critiquer;∎ he's not in a bad mood, it's just his way il n'est pas de mauvaise humeur, c'est sa façon d'être habituelle;∎ she got into/out of the way of rising early elle a pris/perdu l'habitude de se lever tôt;∎ you'll get into the way of it vous vous y ferez(d) (facility, knack)∎ she has a (certain) way with her elle a le chic;∎ he has a way with children il sait (comment) s'y prendre ou il a le chic avec les enfants;∎ she has a way with words elle a le chic pour s'exprimer;∎ trouble has a way of showing up when least expected les ennuis ont le chic pour se manifester quand on ne s'y attend pas(e) (indicating a condition, state of affairs)∎ let me tell you the way it was laisse-moi te raconter comment ça s'est passé;∎ we can't invite him given the way things are on ne peut pas l'inviter étant donné la situation;∎ we left the flat the way it was nous avons laissé l'appartement tel qu'il était ou comme il était;∎ is he going to be staying here? - it looks that way est-ce qu'il va loger ici? - on dirait (bien);∎ it's not the way it looks! ce n'est pas ce que vous pensez!;∎ it's not the way it used to be ce n'est pas comme avant;∎ that's the way things are c'est comme ça;∎ that's the way of the world ainsi va le monde;∎ business is good and we're trying to keep it that way les affaires vont bien et nous faisons en sorte que ça dure;∎ the train is late - that's always the way le train est en retard - c'est toujours comme ça ou pareil;∎ that's always the way with him il est toujours comme ça, c'est toujours comme ça avec lui;∎ life goes on (in) the same old way la vie va son train ou suit son cours;∎ I don't like the way things are going je n'aime pas la tournure que prennent les choses;∎ we'll never finish the way things are going au train où vont les choses, on n'aura jamais fini;∎ to be in a bad way être en mauvais état;∎ he's in a bad way il est dans un triste état;∎ their business is in a bad/good way leurs affaires marchent mal/bien;∎ she's in a fair way to succeed/to becoming president elle est bien partie pour réussir/pour devenir président(f) (respect, detail) égard m, rapport m;∎ in what way? à quel égard?, sous quel rapport?;∎ in this way à cet égard, sous ce rapport;∎ it's important in many ways c'est important à bien des égards;∎ in some ways à certains égards, par certains côtés;∎ the job suits her in every way le poste lui convient à tous égards ou à tous points de vue;∎ I'll help you in every possible way je ferai tout ce que je peux pour vous aider;∎ she studied the problem in every way possible elle a examiné le problème sous tous les angles possibles;∎ useful in more ways than one utile à plus d'un égard;∎ these two books, each interesting in its (own) way ces deux livres, qui sont intéressants chacun dans son genre;∎ he's clever that way sur ce plan-là, il est malin;∎ in one way d'un certain point de vue;∎ in a way you're right en un sens vous avez raison;∎ I see what you mean in a way d'un certain point de vue ou d'une certaine manière, je vois ce que tu veux dire;∎ I am in no way responsible je ne suis absolument pas ou aucunement responsable;∎ this in no way changes your situation ceci ne change en rien votre situation;∎ without wanting in any way to criticize sans vouloir le moins du monde critiquer∎ to do things in a big way faire les choses en grand;∎ she went into politics in a big way elle s'est lancée à fond dans la politique;∎ they're in the arms business in a big way ils font de grosses affaires dans l'armement;∎ they helped out in a big way ils ont beaucoup aidé;∎ a grocer in a big/small way un gros/petit épicier;∎ we live in a small way nous vivons modestement;∎ the restaurant is doing quite well in a small way le restaurant marche bien à son échelle;∎ it does change the situation in a small way ça change quand même un peu la situation∎ the committee was split three ways le comité était divisé en trois groupes∎ we're gathering/losing way nous prenons/perdons de la vitesse;∎ the ship has way on le navire a de l'erre∎ she always gets or has her (own) way elle arrive toujours à ses fins;∎ he only wants it his way il n'en fait qu'à sa tête;∎ I'm not going to let you have it all your (own) way je refuse de te céder en tout;∎ if I had my way, he'd be in prison si cela ne tenait qu'à moi, il serait en prison;∎ I refuse to go - have it your (own) way je refuse d'y aller - fais ce que ou comme tu veux;∎ no, it was 1789 - have it your (own) way non, c'était en 1789 - soit;∎ you can't have it both ways il faut choisir;∎ I can stop too, it works both ways je peux m'arrêter aussi, ça marche dans les deux sens;∎ there are no two ways about it il n'y a pas le choix;∎ no two ways about it, he was rude il n'y a pas à dire, il a été grossier;∎ humorous to have one's (wicked) way with sb coucher avec qn(a) (far → in space, time) très loin□ ;∎ they live way over yonder ils habitent très loin par là-bas;∎ way up the mountain très haut dans la montagne□ ;∎ way down south là-bas dans le sud□ ;∎ way back in the distance au loin derrière□ ;∎ way back in the 1930s déjà dans les années 30□∎ we know each other from way back, we go way back nous sommes amis depuis très longtemps□ ;∎ you're way below the standard tu es bien en-dessous du niveau voulu□ ;∎ he's way over forty il a largement dépassé la quarantaine□ ;∎ she's way ahead of her class elle est très en avance sur sa classe□ ;∎ he's way off or out in his guess il est loin d'avoir deviné□∎ he is way crazy il est vachement atteintNautical (in shipbuilding) cale f∎ the baby cried all the way le bébé a pleuré tout le long du chemin;∎ don't close the curtains all the way ne fermez pas complètement les rideaux;∎ prices go all the way from 200 to 1,000 dollars les prix vont de 200 à 1000 dollars;∎ figurative I'm with you all the way je vous suis ou je vous soutiens jusqu'au bout;∎ familiar to go all the way (with sb) aller jusqu'au bout (avec qn)en route;∎ I stopped several times along the way je me suis arrêté plusieurs fois en (cours de) route;∎ figurative their project had some problems along the way leur projet a connu quelques problèmes en cours de route∎ I prefer chess by a long way je préfère de loin ou de beaucoup les échecs;∎ this is bigger by a long way c'est nettement ou beaucoup plus grand;∎ he's not as capable as you are by a long way il est loin d'être aussi compétent que toi;∎ is your project ready? - not by a long way! ton projet est-il prêt? - loin de là!1 adverb(incidentally) à propos;∎ by the way, where did he go? à propos, où est-il allé?;∎ by the way, her brother sings much better soit dit en passant, son frère chante beaucoup mieux;∎ I bring up this point by the way je signale ce point au passage ou en passant(incidental) secondaire;∎ that point is quite by the way ce détail est tout à fait secondaire∎ to go by way of Brussels passer par Bruxelles∎ by way of illustration à titre d'exemple;∎ she outlined the situation by way of introduction elle a présenté un aperçu de la situation en guise d'introduction;∎ by way of introducing himself, he gave us his card en guise de présentation, il nous a donné sa carte;∎ they receive money by way of grants ils reçoivent de l'argent sous forme de bourses(a) (in either case) dans les deux cas;∎ either way I lose dans les deux cas, je suis perdant;∎ shall we take the car or the bus? - it's fine by me or I don't mind either way tu préfères prendre la voiture ou le bus? - n'importe, ça m'est égal(b) (more or less) en plus ou en moins;∎ a few days either way could make all the difference quelques jours en plus ou en moins pourraient tout changer∎ the match could have gone either way le match était ouvert;∎ there's nothing in it either way c'est pareilde façon à ce que;∎ she answered in such a way as to make me understand elle a répondu de façon à ce que je comprennede telle façon ou manière que∎ she receives little in the way of salary son salaire n'est pas bien gros;∎ what is there in the way of food? qu'est-ce qu'il y a à manger?;∎ do you need anything in the way of paper? avez-vous besoin de papier?;∎ he doesn't have much in the way of brains il n'a rien dans la tête∎ we met in the way of business nous nous sommes rencontrés dans le cadre du travail;∎ they put me in the way of making some money ils m'ont indiqué un moyen de gagner de l'argentfamiliar pas question;∎ will you do it for me? - no way! tu feras ça pour moi? - pas question!;∎ no way am I going to tell him! (il n'est) pas question que je le lui dise!;∎ there's no way that's Jeanne Moreau! tu rigoles?, ce n'est pas Jeanne Moreau!∎ it's on my way c'est sur mon chemin;∎ you pass it on your way to the office vous passez devant en allant au bureau;∎ I'll catch up with you on the way je te rattraperai en chemin ou en route;∎ to stop on the way s'arrêter en chemin;∎ on the way to work en allant au bureau;∎ I'm on my way! j'y vais!;∎ she's on her way home elle rentre chez elle;∎ he's on his way to Paris il est en route pour Paris;∎ on his way to town he met his father en allant en ville, il a rencontré son père;∎ we must be on our way il faut que nous y allions;∎ to go one's way repartir, reprendre son chemin∎ she has a baby on the way elle attend un bébé;∎ her second book is on the way (being written) elle a presque fini d'écrire son deuxième livre; (being published) son deuxième livre est sur le point de paraître;∎ she's on the way to success elle est sur le chemin de la réussite;∎ the patient is on the way to recovery le malade est en voie de guérison;∎ she's (well) on the way to becoming president elle est en bonne voie de devenir président;∎ the new school is well on the way to being finished la nouvelle école est presque terminéeen fin de compte;∎ I've done quite well for myself one way and another je me suis plutôt bien débrouillé en fin de compte(a) (by whatever means) d'une façon ou d'une autre;∎ one way or the other I'm going to get that job! d'une façon ou d'une autre, j'aurai ce boulot!∎ I've nothing to say one way or the other je n'ai rien à dire, ni pour ni contre;∎ it doesn't matter to them one way or another ça leur est égal∎ a month one way or the other un mois de plus ou de moins∎ to go out of one's way s'écarter de son chemin, dévier de sa route, faire un détour;∎ I don't want to take you out of your way je ne veux pas vous faire faire un détour;∎ figurative don't go out of your way for me! ne vous dérangez pas pour moi!;∎ figurative she went out of her way to find me a job elle s'est donné du mal pour me trouver du travail18 under way∎ to be under way (person, vehicle) être en route; figurative (meeting, talks) être en cours; (plans, project) être en train;∎ the meeting was already under way la réunion avait déjà commencé;∎ the project is well under way le projet est en bonne voie de réalisation;∎ Nautical the ship is under way le navire est en route2 adverb∎ to get under way (person, train) se mettre en route, partir; (car) se mettre en route, démarrer; figurative (meeting, plans, talks) démarrer;∎ they got the plans under way ils ont mis le projet en route;∎ the captain got (the ship) under way le capitaine a appareillé;∎ the ship got under way le navire a appareillé ou a levé l'ancre►► American way station Railways petite gare f; figurative étape f;∎ a way station on the road to success une étape sur la route du succèsⓘ We have ways of making you talk Il s'agit de la formule prononcée par les membres de la Gestapo dans les films de guerre anglais des années 50 et 60 lorsqu'ils interrogent des prisonniers de guerre britanniques. Aujourd'hui, on emploie cette expression ("nous avons les moyens de vous faire parler") pour plaisanter en prenant l'accent allemand lorsqu'on veut obtenir une information de quelqu'un. -
20 talk
1. verb1) (to speak; to have a conversation or discussion: We talked about it for hours; My parrot can talk (= imitate human speech).) hablar2) (to gossip: You can't stay here - people will talk!) hablar, chismorrear3) (to talk about: They spent the whole time talking philosophy.) hablar (de/sobre)
2. noun1) ((sometimes in plural) a conversation or discussion: We had a long talk about it; The Prime Ministers met for talks on their countries' economic problems.) conversación2) (a lecture: The doctor gave us a talk on family health.) conferencia3) (gossip: Her behaviour causes a lot of talk among the neighbours.) comentario, chismorreo, cotilleo4) (useless discussion; statements of things a person says he will do but which will never actually be done: There's too much talk and not enough action.) palabra(s), palabreo, palabrería, charlatanería•- talking book
- talking head
- talking-point
- talk show
- talking-to
- talk back
- talk big
- talk down to
- talk someone into / out of doing
- talk into / out of doing
- talk someone into / out of
- talk into / out of
- talk over
- talk round
- talk sense/nonsense
- talk shop
talk1 n conversación / charlatalk2 vb hablartr[tɔːk]1 (gen) hablar (to, con/a)■ what were you talking about? ¿de qué hablabais?2 (negotiate) negociar3 (gossip) hablar, chismorrear1 hablar (about/of, de)1 (conversation) conversación nombre femenino2 (lecture) charla, conferencia1 negociaciones nombre femenino plural■ the management and the unions met for talks el patronal y los sindicatos se reuniron para negociar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLit's just talk son cosas que se dicen, son rumoreslook who's talking quién lo dice, mira quién hablanot to have a clue what one is talking about no tener la menor idea de qué hablanow you're talking eso sí que me interesatalk about luck! ¡vaya suerte!talk of the devil hablando del rey de Roma, (por la puerta asoma)to be all talk (and no action) no hacer nada más que hablarto be the talk of the town ser la comidilla de todosto know what one is talking about hablar con conocimiento de causato talk big fanfarronear, farolear, presumir, exagerarto talk somebody into something convencer a alguien para que haga algoto talk somebody out of something disuadir a alguien de hacer algoto talk sense hablar con sentido comúnto talk shop hablar del trabajoto talk through one's hat decir tonterías, hablar sin pies ni cabezato talk turkey hablar a las claras, hablar con franquezayou can talk y tú que lo digaspillow talk conversación nombre femenino íntima (en la cama)talk show programa nombre masculino de entrevistastalk ['tɔk] vi1) : hablarhe talks for hours: se pasa horas hablando2) chat: charlar, platicartalk vt1) speak: hablarto talk French: hablar francésto talk business: hablar de negocios2) persuade: influenciar, convencershe talked me out of it: me convenció que no lo hiciera3)to talk over discuss: hablar de, discutirtalk n1) conversation: charla f, plática f, conversación f2) gossip, rumor: chisme m, rumores mpln.• charla s.f.• conferencia s.f.• habla s.f.• palabras s.f.pl.• parlatorio s.m.• plático s.m.v.• charlar v.• hablar v.• parlar v.• platicar v.
1. [tɔːk] intransitive verb1)stop talking! — ¡silencio!
he never stops talking — no para de hablar, habla hasta por los codos (fam)
you ate it all? talk about greedy! — (colloq) ¿te lo comiste todo? ¡hay que ser glotón!
for a basic kit you're talking about $900 — (colloq) para un equipo básico hay que pensar en unos 900 dólares
talking of which, how was your exam? — a propósito, ¿cómo te fue el examen?
you can talk! o you can't talk! o look who's talking! — (colloq) ¡mira quién habla!
- to talk OF something -INGnow you're talking! — (colloq) ¡así se habla!
- to talk TO somebody
- to talk WITH somebody
2)a) ( have discussion) hablaris there somewhere we can talk? — ¿podemos hablar en privado?b) ( give talk)c) ( gossip) hablar
2. vt1) ( speak) (colloq):to talk golf/economics — hablar de golf/economía
don't talk nonsense! — ¡no digas tonterías!
2) (argue, persuade)- to talk one's way out of/into something
- to talk oneself out of/into something
Phrasal Verbs:- talk through
II1) ca) ( conversation) conversación fI had a long talk with him — estuve hablando or (AmC, Méx tb) platicando un rato largo con él
b) ( lecture) charla fto give a talk about o on something — dar* una charla sobre algo
c) talks pl ( negotiations) conversaciones fpl, negociaciones fplto have o hold talks — mantener* or sostener* conversaciones
2) ua) (suggestion, rumor)there is talk of his retiring — se habla de que or corre la voz de que se va a jubilar
it was the talk of the town — (set phrase) era la comidilla del lugar
b) ( words) (colloq & pej) palabrería f (fam & pey), palabras fplit's just talk! — es pura palabrería (fam & pey), no son más que palabras
[tɔːk]to be all talk (and no action) — hablar mucho y no hacer* nada
1. N1) (=conversation) conversación f, charla f, plática f (Mex)•
to have a talk (with sb) — hablar (con algn), tener una conversación (con algn)•
we had a long talk over supper — hablamos largo y tendido durante la cena2) (=lecture) charla f•
to give a talk (on sth) — dar una charla (sobre algo)3) talks (=negotiations) (gen) conversaciones fpl, pláticas fpl (Mex); (with defined aim) negociaciones fplthe foreign secretary will be holding talks with his French counterpart — el ministro de asuntos exteriores mantendrá conversaciones con su homólogo francés
4) (=rumours) rumores mplthere is some talk of his resigning — se habla de or corren rumores sobre su posible dimisión
there's been a lot of talk about you two — se ha hablado mucho de vosotros dos, están circulando muchos rumores acerca de vosotros dos
any talk of divorce is just wild speculation — cualquier rumor acerca de un divorcio no es más que pura especulación
- be the talk of the town5) (=remarks)small 4.6) (=speech, language) lenguaje mchildren's talk — lenguaje m infantil or de niños
7) (=hot air) pej palabrería f, cuento mit's just talk — es pura palabrería, es todo cuento
he'll never give up smoking, he's all talk — nunca va a dejar de fumar, mucho hablar pero luego nada or no es más que un cuentista
he's all talk and no action — ¿ése? ¡mucho ruido y pocas nueces!, habla mucho pero no hace nada
2. VI1) (=speak) hablarcan you talk a little more slowly? — ¿podría hablar un poquito más despacio?
she never stops talking — no deja or para de hablar
I wasn't talking about you — no hablaba de tiwe're talking about a potentially enormous loss here — estamos hablando de una pérdida potencialmente enorme
talk about rich! he's absolutely loaded * — ¡vaya que si es rico! ¡está forrado! *
talk about a stroke of luck! * — ¡qué suerte!
to talk big — (fig) darse importancia, fanfarronear•
"and she's so untidy around the house" - "you can talk! or look who's talking!" — -y además, es tan desordenada en casa -¡mira quién habla! or -¡mira quién fue a hablar!•
now you're talking! — ¡así se habla!•
talking of films, have you seen...? — hablando de películas, ¿has visto...?•
don't talk to your mother like that! — ¡no le hables así a tu madre!•
the way you talk you'd think this was all my fault! — ¡oyéndote hablar cualquiera diría que toda la culpa es mía!- talk through one's hatdirty 2., 2)2) (=converse) hablar, platicar (Mex) (to con)stop talking! — ¡callaos!, ¡dejad de hablar!
who were you talking to on the phone just now? — ¿con quién hablabas (por teléfono) ahora mismo?
were you talking to me? — ¿me hablas a mí?
to talk to o.s. — hablar solo
to talk about sth/sb — hablar de algo/algn•
the sort of person who talks at you rather than to you — el tipo de persona que habla mucho pero no escucha nada•
to get talking — ponerse a hablar, entablar conversación•
to keep sb talking — dar charla a algn para entretenerlo, entretener a algn hablando•
it was easy to talk with her — era fácil hablar con ella3) (=have discussion) hablar, hablar seriamentethe two sides need to sit down and talk — las dos partes necesitan reunirse para hablar (seriamente)
the two companies are talking about a possible merger — las dos empresas están discutiendo or negociando una posible fusión
4) (=gossip) hablar ( about de)people will talk — la gente hablará or murmurará
5) (=lecture) dar una charla, hablar (about, on de, sobre)he'll be talking on his life in India — dará una charla sobre su vida en la India, hablará de or sobre su vida en la India
6) (=reveal information) hablar3. VT1) (=speak) hablar- talk the hind legs off a donkey2) (=discuss) hablar dewe were talking politics/business — hablábamos de política/negocios
- talk shop3) (=persuade)•
to talk sb into doing sth — convencer a algn de que haga algook! you've talked me into it — ¡vale! me has convencido
to talk sb out of doing sth — convencer a algn de que no haga algo, disuadir a algn de que haga algowe managed to talk him out of it — conseguimos convencerle de que no lo hiciera, conseguimos disuadirle de que lo hiciera
he performed so badly in the interview he talked himself out of the job — habló tan mal en la entrevista que consiguió que no le dieran el puesto
he managed to talk his way out of a prison sentence — habló de tal manera que no le condenaron a pena de cárcel4.CPDtalk radio N — radio f hablada
talk show N — (Rad, TV) programa m de entrevistas
talk time N — (on mobile phone) tiempo m de conversación
- talk on- talk out- talk up* * *
1. [tɔːk] intransitive verb1)stop talking! — ¡silencio!
he never stops talking — no para de hablar, habla hasta por los codos (fam)
you ate it all? talk about greedy! — (colloq) ¿te lo comiste todo? ¡hay que ser glotón!
for a basic kit you're talking about $900 — (colloq) para un equipo básico hay que pensar en unos 900 dólares
talking of which, how was your exam? — a propósito, ¿cómo te fue el examen?
you can talk! o you can't talk! o look who's talking! — (colloq) ¡mira quién habla!
- to talk OF something -INGnow you're talking! — (colloq) ¡así se habla!
- to talk TO somebody
- to talk WITH somebody
2)a) ( have discussion) hablaris there somewhere we can talk? — ¿podemos hablar en privado?b) ( give talk)c) ( gossip) hablar
2. vt1) ( speak) (colloq):to talk golf/economics — hablar de golf/economía
don't talk nonsense! — ¡no digas tonterías!
2) (argue, persuade)- to talk one's way out of/into something
- to talk oneself out of/into something
Phrasal Verbs:- talk through
II1) ca) ( conversation) conversación fI had a long talk with him — estuve hablando or (AmC, Méx tb) platicando un rato largo con él
b) ( lecture) charla fto give a talk about o on something — dar* una charla sobre algo
c) talks pl ( negotiations) conversaciones fpl, negociaciones fplto have o hold talks — mantener* or sostener* conversaciones
2) ua) (suggestion, rumor)there is talk of his retiring — se habla de que or corre la voz de que se va a jubilar
it was the talk of the town — (set phrase) era la comidilla del lugar
b) ( words) (colloq & pej) palabrería f (fam & pey), palabras fplit's just talk! — es pura palabrería (fam & pey), no son más que palabras
to be all talk (and no action) — hablar mucho y no hacer* nada
См. также в других словарях:
look oneself — {v. phr.} To appear self possessed and well; look or seem in full possession of your abilities and in good health; to appear all right or normal. * /Mary had had a long illness, but now she looked quite herself again./ * /It had been a big night … Dictionary of American idioms
look oneself — {v. phr.} To appear self possessed and well; look or seem in full possession of your abilities and in good health; to appear all right or normal. * /Mary had had a long illness, but now she looked quite herself again./ * /It had been a big night … Dictionary of American idioms
look\ oneself — v. phr. To appear self possessed and well; look or seem in full possession of your abilities and in good health; to appear all right or normal. Mary had had a long illness, but now she looked quite herself again. It had been a big night, and… … Словарь американских идиом
Look at Me (film) — Look at Me Look at Me film poster Directed by Agnès Jaoui Produced by … Wikipedia
look — look1 [ luk ] verb *** ▸ 1 direct eyes at someone/something ▸ 2 search for someone/something ▸ 3 have an appearance ▸ 4 seem ▸ 5 for saying how likely ▸ 6 making someone pay attention ▸ 7 face a direction ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive to direct… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
look */*/*/ — I UK [lʊk] / US verb Word forms look : present tense I/you/we/they look he/she/it looks present participle looking past tense looked past participle looked 1) [intransitive] to direct your eyes towards someone or something so that you can see… … English dictionary
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Look Who's Talking Now — Infobox Film name = Look Who s Talking Now caption = Theatrical release poster director = Tom Ropelewski producer = Leslie Dixon Amy Heckerling writer = Tom Ropelewski Amy Heckerling (characters) starring = John Travolta Kirstie Alley Olympia… … Wikipedia
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Wikipedia:Featured article candidates — Here, we determine which articles are to be featured articles (FAs). FAs exemplify Wikipedia s very best work and satisfy the FA criteria. All editors are welcome to review nominations; please see the review FAQ. Before nominating an article,… … Wikipedia
List of Deadliest Catch episodes — This is a list of Deadliest Catch episodes with original airdate on Discovery Channel. Airdates on Discovery Channel Canada generally differ. Contents 1 Pilot 2 Season 1 3 Season 2 4 Season 3 … Wikipedia